Saints of Fate arrive in Avul


The party arrives in Avul. They stay in the Council's Guesthouse, an upscale inn with a public taproom.

Irru ventures to a rowdy brothel known as Tirelva's Tits, where he passes the day and evening in a series of "friendly" fights for honor.


Rueben and Brocini visit another brothel called The Cambion's Corset, where they meet a retired old man named Gaius. He once was a prisoner on the Black Isle for four days until he escaped and swam the two miles back to Avul. He gives them a rough location of a hidden tunnel at the waterline that leads up onto the Isle. He also warns them that literal devils live on the Isle. While at the Cambion's Corset, Rueben avails himself of the place's services.

Lakri visits the library at the Lighthouse, where she learns about a former magically gifted priestess who traveled to the Isle and made a deal with Fiz' to help save Avul from a demonic incursion, but lost her soul in the process.

Omaran plants an acorn in the courtyard of the Lighthouse

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