The Book Club Meets Bater̂us Ibbus Bir̂ilr̂amus Cawulus, the Utepavir of Rozga on the Highway



The Book Club, journeying north on the Imperial Highway from Ceic to Rozga, encounters Bater̂us Ibbus Bir̂ilr̂amus Cawulus, the Utepavir of Rozga. He is at the helm of a retreat, leading two hundred legionnaires away from Rozga. He reveals that the Cult of Rogiq has mysteriously taken over the will of most Rego dragonborn, inciting a rebellion against the Empire. His group represents the last of the legions once stationed in Rozga. Recognizing the sigil of the Paladins of Acher on DeAth, he acknowledges their role in spearheading the scant resistance against the cult. He also discloses that Rogiq now personally governs Rozga.

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