Uvinartian Insurrection

Civil action


A civil rebellion against the Biovbua and the Catbalus of Calpi that led to the formation of the Calpian Empire.

In early 1245 LE, some members of the populace were angry that Capibus Qulus Orquisus had not surrendered the title of Biovbua following the end of the Alsus Riots the year before. They armed themselves and stormed the Catbalus chamber, killing fiften Eitccatbalum before the remainder fled and their assailants barricaded themselves in the old building.

Biovbua Capibus reacted swiftly. He gathered all the legion and went from house to house to weed out every sympathizer (or suspected one) and summarily executed them in pubic. When that was complete, he encircled the Catbalus chamber, set it aligt and guarded the perimiter until every single one of the insurrectionists perished in the blaze.

He immediately ordered the construction of a new Hall of the Catbalus, to be made of stone and encircled with a fortified wall. He formed Catbalan Cohort, an elite military unit, to act as permanent security for the Catbalus, and he set the legion to helping with the construction of the new hall. With the aid of the legion and a pair of wizards, the Hall of the Catbalus was completed within a month.