Tue, Jan 16th 2024 03:31   Edited on Tue, Jan 16th 2024 03:33

These are the rules.

If you remain here, it is assumed you read these rules.
  1. Don't be a jerk. I decide what constitutes being a jerk, but it mainly has to do with following these rules. Jerks will get kicked.
  2. Sexual assault, abuse, and harassment are not acceptable.
  3. Clearly warn readers of NSFW subjects in the titles of posts
  4. This is a site dedicated to a fantasy world with fantasy tropes. Racism, slavery, and sexism will be discussed here. Be respectful in these discussions. Explicit and graphic detail are not necessary or acceptable. "He was a slave," is fine. Detailing what specific treatment the character endured may not be. Real human beings have been enslaved (and in some cases still are), and the scars left behind by those experiences are real, they are deep, and they can be multi-generational.
  5. More on racism: in-game and in-world racism can be discussed as outlined above. Racism to one another will not be tolerated. If you have to ask if something is racist, it is.
  6. Politics and culture wars. This is not the place to debate these topics. The guidelines and rules established here are not up for debate on that basis.
  7. This is an LGBTQIA+-friendly space. I'll be honest: I don't even fully understand what all those letters mean. But I'll tell you what I do understand: I can be kind and respectful to people who aren't like me without having to understand them. If you can't do that, this isn't the place for you.
  8. If you are confused about what is allowed, look at rule 1. If you have to wonder whether I am banning what you want to post, then I am. Just use that as a rule of thumb.

It is simple, really. Just be excellent to each other.