BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Campaign traits


  Bullheaded: known to believe in something extremely strongly, they don't take kindly to people changing their mind about what they believe. Due to your brash nature you get +1 trait bonus to will saves.     Communicationist: your family taught you languages of new and old. Growing up you never heard or read something you didn't undertrain. As a trait you understand and can speak Koroblin and Common. And get a +2 to all linguistics check to reading old koroblin and old common.     Kurtal hearted: you seem to have a higher sense about other people. Your family tends to Understand others, to the point where you get +2 trait bonus to sense motive.   Melodious: Your Bloodline is known for there skill in singing and talking. Known for having a positive outlook on life. Having a unique charm you get +1 to perform and +1 to diplomacy   Passing: something about you is just oldly passing when trying to pass off as the other race. Maybe the way your nose is shaped looks more human, or your eyes just seemed more koroblin shaped. Whatever it is, it's much easier for you to pass as the other race. You get a +3 to Disguise when trying to appear like the opposite race to you,       Shenanigan: whether it be from good or bad intent, your bloodline is known to be on the sly side of life. Pranks and all kinds of Shenanigans are a part of your nature. Gain a +1 to sleight of hand and +1 Bluff as Trait bonus.     Strong-Blood: in your veins flow blood stronger than most. With this you have a deeper understanding of how blood works. You get a +2 Trait bonus Heal check on yourself, and a +3 trait bonus when using Heal on others.   Investigator: it's in your nature to want to understand the unknown. Your drive in life is to understand the other wordly, you gain a +2 to knowledge planes as a trait bonus.   Hometown: you and your family have been living in the same place for generations, the to point where the town may as well be in your blood. You get a +2 to Knowledge local as a trait bonus.   Fate Knowledge: with in your dreams you see Fates that could of been or be, every morning you may roll 1d100, the closer to 100 you get the more close to your Fate your dream will be.   Feat of strength: +2 trait bonus to grapple checks   Kurtal Minded: Understanding on tech flows in your Blood its 2nd nature to you +2(engine)+2craft repair   Lover not a fighter: if you are a koroblin you get +2 to sense motive checks to see if someone’s sexuallity. If your a human regardless of class, you get “Sense sexuality” for free. Half koroblins can pick ether version of the trait.   Stand Tall: Your stance is one of an oak tree, and your perception helps you find out what may be harmful to you when you walk in a room. +1 AC after good perception room check.  


  Duncan Coffee: your body always seem to have low energy you have to drink coffee or another energy drink in the morning, or be fatigued until you have a drink.   Awkward loner: -3 to diplomacy on living things or in person instead of online   Either or neither: doesn't matter if your Human or koroblin, something about you makes you look like both or neither. Strangers start at one less Starting attitude.


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