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Earth Plane

The Earth plane like all elemental planes only have things of it's element. There is no air in the earth plane. Mortals who try to travel here often dies imentally as they get crushed by all the stone. The closest thing to Air in the Earth plane is a cold, clear, Heavy, Lava. Called Mjrn A strage liquid that if taken to mortal plane truns into a glass like stone. And is not naturally found in the mortal plane. Those who are able to dig threw dirt and ground are able to dig into Mjrn like any other type of dirt.


Stones, Sands, and Muds of all kinds can be found here. Shaping the landecape in ways not found on the mortal plane. Gravity dosent really work the ways you would think, but rather the heavy stones sinks into the ground while the lighter ones float up. Sense Mjrn is the lightest meitral in the plane it coveres most of it. Much of the plane is covered in buildings built by Thera, Each Thera kingdom with in the Earth plane has a very driffrent style to each other. None of these buildings are anything like we've seen on the mortal plane. Thera also say they would not be able to build the way they do on the mortal plane, as the mortal plane has to be more worried about gravtiy.   Here is a list of the Seven Earth Thera Kingdoms
  • Sand Kingdom
  • Acid Kingdom 
  • Glass Kingdom
  • Stone Kingdom
  • Lava Kingdom 
  • Crystal Kingdom 
  • Mud Kingdom
Plane of Existence


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