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God: Korokoro

God Korokoro

KoroKoro Favs Creatures with Black blood. Believing that they are smarter and more clever then those with red blood. seeing that creatures with black blood cant fall back on magic. because of this love of the psyche KoroKoro made the dream plane, a mythic magical plane. a way to treat all creatures who sleep, a way to let any mind rest and Expand with new strange ideas.

Divine Domains

Mind, dreams, metal heath, koroblins, emotions, femininity, Knowledge, the soul.   Pathfinder Domains: Artifice Domain, Education, Knowledge Domain, Madness Domain, Purity, Water Domain

Holy Books & Codes

Animo's Tome

A book written in Koroblin, about how to use people's minds against them.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Gold,Clouds,and ashes

Tenets of Faith

korokoro's followers can be divide into two main groups. those who focus on the mind and those who focus on dreams.
But both groups core tenets of faith are about expanding the mind and getting new ideas

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Like all gods her Phyical look changes depending on those who look at her. Each person's Ideal of a god of the mind and dreams is what she looks like.  This tends to be a Koroblin woman.

Special abilities

using your mind agist yourself is what shes known for. making you a metal mess. from drowning in sadness, darkest of nightmares, and making you fear anything she pleases. but if your on her good side she'll unlock any knowledge you wish to have, gift you views of the most lovely dreams to some she even lets them enter the dream plain safely and see it in its truest way.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

KoroKoro Is unlike most of the gods around her age. Durring her mortal life a time before Humans and Koroblins walked the earth. She did her best to learn and understand the world, She was pretty good at learning how the world work before most creatures have even been able to question the world. The Elder god cared but about this strange knowable creature.    So used this creature's soul to make a new god, Korokoro then became the god who was in charage of the mind. Keep archive of what all livign creatures have had learn. KoroKoro often gift those who follow her knowlage that creatures before them have gained. All ways making sure to leave detailed out to ensure that those who got the gift of knowalge are willing to work hard to learn more.    When Koroblins finally became into being KoroKoro grew a great fondness for them. As many of them worshiped her, and strove to understand thow the world worked in a greater way then most.

Personality Characteristics


Evil timelines: she loves to torment humans and little mind. she hates them with a passion. she wants to make Koroblin raise up in world power, and one day hopefully making humans just a spices of the pass.   Good timelines: All tho she lacks the love for human kind and cares more for koroblins she tries to keep the dream plain safe.

Likes & Dislikes

Humans and magic as she sees humans as ones too never full understand the mind or the power of dreams. all tho rare she dose sometimes give a hand to the ones she sees as under her.
Divine Classification
Current Location
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Mind over body, and you humans have a useless mind"
Known Languages
Koroblin and Kacke The dream plane langeuage.


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