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Intro To Outsiders, Cyan And Fuchsia Blood

This is a quick intro to 'Demons', 'Angels', And 'Fey' in koroblin world. The Planes outside of the Mortal Plane have many creatures that live in it. Some creatures are only found in one plane, Some can be found in many planes, and even few can travel to and from the Mortal Plane.    There are two main groups of Outsiders, Cyan Blood and Fuchsia Blood. Mortals have a every different view and understanding about these blood types then the truth about them. Just like how Black and Red blood in the mortal plane are different, Cyan and Fuchsia blood have there own rules.   

Cyan Blood 

Cyan Blood is a misty Cyan color. These creatures can only be born on planes other then the mortal plane, And if for what ever reason a Cyan Blooded creature is born on the mortal plane, they lose the ability to travel to freely other planes. Cyan Blooded creatures are bounded to the plane they are born in, Not on in a way that they can't leave. But they are bounded to there home plane as a way of Duty and Rules, Being bounded to a plane can change the function of a creature fully. A 'Nobody' From the Plane of Judgment behaves very differently then a 'Nobody' From the Dream Plane. Creature's of Cyan Blood are bounded to the God that Rules that plane, And can be easily forced by there God To do there doing.  Cyan Blooded creature also have a hard time staying on the mortal plane, Often having to take other the soul/s of mortals in order to have enough power to stay on the plane for long. Other Cyan creatures Can only manifest  there physical form to only one person at a time, and not for very long. Because of this most Cyan Blooded creatures are seen a Demons. Creatures from other planes that only seem to do harm to mortals.  Cyan Creatures can not cast magic outside of there spell like ability's there species is born with.   

Fuchsia blood

Fuchsia Blood is Dusty and Shiny like glitter. Creatures with Fuchsia blood can be born on any plane, but they can only travel from the plane there born on to the mortal plane. They can not go from plane to plane like Cyan Creatures can. Fuchsia Blooded creatures are also not bounded to any one God, and allowed to do what ever they please. This lack of rules can make Fuchsia creatures act strangely with no rhyme or reason in the eyes of mortals. Some Fuchsia creatures follow other Fuchsia creatures, Make gangs or groups of Fuchsia beings that work together.  In rare cases some Fuchsia creatures will follow a god and do there will, but cases of that get rarer and rarer. Fuchsia creatures can spend as much time as they want on the mortal plane, some never leave the mortal plane. Mortals tend to call Fuchsia blooded creatures Fey, As there strange behavior baffles many.    The Term Angel Is given to any creature Cyan or Fuchsia blooded who Follows a god to do only good deeds for them.


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