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Making a 2nd form

Second Form:

Koroblins enter a second form when they are about to die from violence. When a Koroblin is reduced below 0 hit points, they do not fall unconscious. They instead enter a second form that is unique to themselves, changing in appearance and gaining some new abilities. A Koroblin can be in their second form for a number of rounds equal to 3 + Constitution modifier. Once entering their second form, a Koroblin gains a number of temporary hit points equal to half their maximum hit points. Being reduced below 0 hit points second form causes a Koroblin to actually fall unconscious, or die if dealt enough damage. No two second forms are the same, however they do tend to share some similar traits. Choose one of the following compositions to determine what physical form your koroblin takes upon transforming.   Ooze: Your form becomes melted and indistinct. Some koroblins in this form retain a humanoid shape, however this is not always the case. You take a -4 to Dexterity, however you gain DR 5/Slashing. Whenever a creature deals damage to you with a natural or manufactured weapon, it’s wielder takes 1d8 + Constitution modifier damage.   Corrupted: Most common in Koroblin/human hybrids as much as your body tries to hold itself together, it begins to warp in impossible ways. Your broken mind takes a -4 to Wisdom, but your form frightens and unnerves others, giving you a +4 to Intimidate. Creatures that begin their turn adjacent to you must make a Will save DC of 10 + half your hit dice + Charisma modifier or be shaken until the start of their next turn.   Monstrous: Your body warps to become more bestial in certain aspects as your body in a final effort of self-preservation. Your primal mind takes a -4 penalty to Intelligence, however you gain scent and get a +4 bonus to Perception. You also gain a +2 natural armor bonus as you are covered in fur, scales, thicker skin, etc.   A koroblin gets a second form features at every odd level. Below are features ive already come up with, if you want to come up with another feature you would want talk to me :)   All koroblin second forms start with a primary slam attack of 1d6 B damage

Level 1 features

    Eyed:eyes from every witch way starts popping up on you every witch way. Gain All-Around Vision-The creature sees in all directions at once. It cannot be flanked.   Goopy form:Your body is soft a jello like gain Compression- The creature can move through an area as small as one-quarter its space without squeezing or one-eighth its space when squeezing.   Elemental: Whether your body is hot and steamy, icy and cold, shocking and electrical,toxic and acidic it is dangerous to the touch, and you’ve learned to use this to fight. Your natural melee attacks deal an extra 1d4 damage of your element of choice at level 1. 1d6 at level 3. 1d8 at level 5, 2d6 at 7 of a element type of your choice. (Fire, cold, electricity, or acid)   Blindsight:your body does not have eyes, but worry not you don't need them. *Blindsight never allows a creature to distinguish color or visual contrast. *A creature cannot read with blindsight. *Blindsight does not subject a creature to gaze attacks (even though darkvision does). *Blinding attacks do not penalize creatures that use blindsight. *Blindsight works underwater but not in a vacuum. *Blindsight negates displacement and blur effects.   Calm mind:Even near death your mind is in a place where you can still use your weapons and attacks that you can do in your normal form.   Fast acting.:Your a fast thinker you don’t have the time to think about what just happened, As once you have turned into your 2nd from you can do an attack on who took you down (if in range) or make one move action to get to them.   Clawed( corrupted and monstrous) From your arms grow long sharp claws. You gain two claw attacks that does 1d8 slashing damage.  

Level 3 features

  Unnatural Staggering: 3 times per day. May it be fear or sickness your body can give a trait the staggered condition A staggered creature may take a single move action or standard action each round (but not both, nor can he take full-round actions). A staggered creature can still take free, swift, and immediate actions. DC is 10+½ level+Con.   Improved Natural Armor (Monstrous) You skin thickens, your body hardens, your blood thickens what ever it may be You gain an additional +2 natural armor bonus.   Improved Acid Blood (Ooze) Your body sizzles and bubbles, becoming more toxic to the touch, Your acidic blood now does 2d8 + Constitution modifier damage.   True Ooze(ooze)Your body turns more liquid and soft, giving you DR 5 to S and P   Improved Fear Aura Your people find you wrong, something about you is so extremely unnatural that Creatures who begin their turn within 10 feet of you must make a save against your fear affect.   Death marker You learned a time old skill of death marking. Twice a day melee attack that dose 1d3 but! If it hits the target gets burned a death mark. For 1d6 rounds the target gets -3 to there ac   Healing burst Out blast of energy from your body release a healing energy in a 10 foot area around you. Dealing 1d8+level if someone is sick or poison it has a chance to deal then of it (roll a d10 is you roll a 1 it heals sickness or poison)   Bloody terrain Your toxic blood explodes from your body to cover the terrain. Roll 1d3 for each number you roll you make a 5 by 5 area of toxic blood, in anyone is in the bloody terrain they take 1d6 damage at the start of each round they stand in it, or whenever they exit the space.   Midnight Blooded Every night fall your body falls apart and slowly turns into your 2nd form.this only lasts the hour of midnight. After midnight you turn back to normal.  

Level 5 features

  Enlarge Your body has grown in size, you tower over others. You now are a large creature in your 2nd form. Gains the benefits of enlarge person.   Elemental spit (Prerequisite Elemental) Your body has become even more melded into your element. You gain a range attack (25 feet) 1d8 at level 5, 2d6 at 7 of an element type of the same element you choose last time.. (Fire, cold, electricity, or acid)   Blooded rage. Being so close to the brink you go into a rage. Now you can do two attacks per turn.   Sickened Bloody terrain (Prerequisite bloody terrain) Now Your blood is foul and even more unhealthy. Roll 1d3+1 for each number you roll you make a 5 by 5 area of toxic blood, in anyone is in the bloody terrain they take 1d6 damage at the start of each round they stand in it and they need to make a fort save dc 10+½ level+con mod if they fail they get sickened (The character takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.) for as long as there in the terrain.        

Level 7 features

  Clear minded (Prerequisite calm mind.)You’ve gotten to a place most never do. Your mind is so clear that you don’t even feel like your close to death. Using this feeling you get +3 for all attack rolls in this from and 3 times you can touch someone and they have to make a dc 16 will save. If they fail they forget the last 1d8 hours ( they would stop combat if done in combat)   Nightly blooden (prerequisite Midnight Blooden) As if there's darkness within you, your primal 2nd form forces itself out every night. From 9pm to 6am. If you take this you can not take “Clear Minded”  

Level 9 features

Unnatural Paralysis (Prerequisite Unnatural Staggering) 3 times a day, May it be your blood, or the fear you drive into others or your eyes (if your eyed) can give who your fighting a unnatural paralysis. Paralyzed creatures cannot move, speak, or take any physical actions. The creature is rooted to the spot, frozen and helpless. Unlike hold person and similar effects, a paralysis effect does not allow a new save each round. A winged creature flying in the air at the time that it is paralyzed cannot flap its wings and falls. A swimmer can’t swim and may drown. 1d4 rounds, fort DC 18   Death wish (Prerequisite death marker) 3 times per day. The darkness inside you starts to boil up inside you. You do a melee attack that does 1d6 damage if it hits target must do a fort save dc 18 if they fail they get -5 to ac. And the must also do a will save dc 17 if they fail they for the next 1d6 rounds will try to do anything in there power to harm themselves. Which may be doing things like attacking then self or getting closer to the line of Fire. Each round they can roll a will save dc 17 to try to get out of it.  

Level 11 features

  Liquid ooze (ooze)( Prerequisite true ooze)Your body becomes even more liquid. Barely being a solid you gain DR 10/ to BSP   Mind affecting Bloody terrain Now Your blood is foul and even more unhealthy. Roll 1d3+1 for each number you roll you make a 5 by 5 area of toxic blood, in anyone is in the bloody terrain they take 1d6 damage at the start of each round they stand in it and they need to make a fort save dc 10+½ level+con mod if they fail they get roll a 1d5 to see what happens to them 1. Paralyzed( A paralyzed character is frozen in place and unable to move or act. A paralyzed character has effective Dexterity and Strength scores of 0 and is helpless, but can take purely mental actions. A winged creature flying in the air at the time that it becomes paralyzed cannot flap its wings and falls. A paralyzed swimmer can’t swim and may drown. A creature can move through a space occupied by a paralyzed creature—ally or not. Each square occupied by a paralyzed creature, however, counts as 2 squares to move through.) for 1d5 arounds each round they get a will save10+½ level+wis mod each around to try to get out of it. 2. Cowering for 1d5 arounds The character is frozen in fear and can take no actions. A cowering character takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class and loses his Dexterity bonus (if any). will save10+½ level+wis mod each around to try to get out of it. 3. 50% chace of hitting your self for 1d5 rounds 4. 1d4 damge for 1d5 rounds 5. fight your parenter for 1d5 arounds (roll a will save dc 14 to snape out of it)      

Level 13 features

  Forced blooded(prerequisite Nightly blooden) When feeling like your normal body is not helpful enough for the task at hand. For 2 hours at any time you can painfully forced your body into your 2nd form. After the 2 hours are over, you fall prowen for 1d4 rounds.    

Level 15 features

  Dying touch (Prerequisite death wish) Your what people fear, your 2nd form chills others down to there core. Understanding the driffent of life and death you can Once a day you can touch /attack someone, if successful they have to do a dc 24 fort save if they fail they take 1d20+level damage after that they do a dc 24 will save, if failed, target sees their biggest fears for 2d12 months the target is haunted by nightmares, they may take risker action during those months.  

Level 17 features


Level 19 features

  Forever Blooden (prerequisite Forced blooden) As if a cruise or a blessing your body is forever in its 2nd form. Your body can never be normal again. Truly your a outsider, or a god among men.


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