BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


A Replicant is a 'humanoid' Built to Replicate Someone's life perfectly, until the moment the person they are a Replica of would of died in there original life. This is when for the first time the Replicant have full control of there mind and body. Before this moment all of there memories and actions are just a Replica. But there's a time in every Replicant's Life where they get to start making there own choices. You can make sure the person you are a Replica of get the life they wanted to live or You can finally live your own life.   Anatomy: On the outside a Replicant looks just like the person they where made to Replicate. But that is only skin deep. Under that skin is there true body, a mental robotic body that is near perfect. Blood is the only hint to Biology. In there mental Robotic body they have a heart that contains all there data, as long as this is not broken or missing a Replicant can be fixed and brought back to life.    Replicant's can be any species But with a few changes.    Constructed: For the purposes of effects targeting creatures by type (such as a ranger’s favored enemy and bane weapons), Replicants count as both humanoids and constructs. Replicant gain a +4 racial bonus on all saving throws against mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, and stun effects, are not subject to fatigue or exhaustion, and are immune to disease and sleep effects. Replicants are immune to fear effects and all emotion-based effects   Skin Deep: Magic can only heal a Replicant to Half of there health. as if they get any more damage there Robotic body will get damage. Robotic damage can only be healed by Mending or  Getting fixed. Robotic body damage dose not deal during rest.   Magic Memory:  If a Replicant is of a Species that can cast spells then they will have a 'magic memory'. Depending on your backstory chose the class of the person you are a Replica of. With the Gm talk about what level would of been the person your pre-Replicant would of been. Roll on the spell list for witch spells they would of known back then. (( or if you want to be lame you can chose them.)  Once you get to the level your pre-Replicant would need to be to be able to cast these spells, you can. You can cast them and prepare them according to how many of spells you can cast of your current class. If your Replicant is the same class as the pre-Replicant then treat these spells the same as your current class. If your Replicant is a class that dose not get spells then once you get to the level the pre-Replicant would of been able to cast spells. You'll add them to your spell list but will only be able to cast one spell of each level per day.    Koroblin Replicant: Koroblin Replicants still have a 2nd form, but if they reach this 2nd form they will need a full repair job afterwards as the 2nd forms break down the mental robotic body.


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