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Zuvan { California,Netch,Deseret }

A Natvie Human Ethnicity in the south western area of north America,  Followers of the Sun, known for growing crops, Adobe Buildings, great understanding of the weather, and use of elemental magic.   Unlike a lot of neighboring Ethnicty gender/sex Matters a lot to Zuvan Culture. Your gender leads to what spells your allowed to cast, and learn. Men are only allowed to cast Fire or Air elmental magic, Evocation, and Enchantment.  While Women are only allowed to cast Earth or Water Elemental magic,  Divination, and Abjuration.  While Conjuration and Necromancy  is never allowed by any Zuvan, Unless they want to be outcasted.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Names Starting with Za, Ze, Zy, Zu, Ra, Re, Ry, Ru, Ta, Te, Ty, Tu Are Feminine.

Masculine names

Names starting with Ma, Me, My, Mu, Wa, We, Wy, Wu, Ga, Ge, Gy, Gu  Are Masculine.

Other names

Zuvan is the name of the sungodess and it is not allowed for anyone to have that name.


Gender Ideals

Women are seen as more holy then men, but that means that they are expected to keep holy, Women are very limeted to what they are allowed to do. Having kids is seen as the most holy thing a woman can do. Women must Take care of children, plan farm irrigation, Animal grazing areas, and bless people with safety. All of that with out being able to be 300 feet away from a building. As buildings are blessed and seen as holy, being away from one adds to how clean you become. The farther you are from a blessed home the more tantied they belive you become.   Men are expected to take on the ills that women can not. They are expcted to be able to work physically, protect people, Hunt, and farm. For men the longer that you stay outside the more holy you are seen. Men are expected to rest as little as possible, if the sun is up you too must be up. As they belive that the Sun is a women and men are expected to work and take care of there mother. And the sun is mother of all. So if the sun is up, your expected to work.    The Two genders that the Zuvan recognize are seen as equal, all though that outsiders do not seen as Zuvan women as having equal rights to men, The Women do most of the leadership and planing behind the scenes, where men are the ones who must follow what they say and do the physical work.    Other Genders: When there is a case of a intersex or trans person in the community a few thing are expect. Hide it or leave. Either you stay hinden and follow the rules or leave to a new Zuvan city, or leave Zuvan society as a whole.

Courtship Ideals

Courting someone is a big deal, as bringing a woman into your home as a spouse is a huge event. For her it full changes where the littarl center of her life is. For the man it means that someone seen as holyer then himself will be living side by side with him.  courting a Zuvan Woman is a lot of work, it takes a lot of proving that you can take care of her. A man must prove that he is holy enough to truly belive with a woman.  Psyhical intimacy between a man and woman are expected to only happen after a woman moves into a man's home. Before hand it is seen as taboo, extreamly so.    On the other hand, the Zuvan do not recognize same sex couples. They simply don't care, it dosent harm anyone.
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