Kas the Bloody-Handed Character in Korrisia | World Anvil
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Kas the Bloody-Handed

The Destoyer; The Betrayer; The Bloody-Handed; The Redeemer

Kas the Bloody-Handed, also known as Kas the Betrayer, Kas the Destroyer, and Kas the Redeemer, is a legendary figure of immense power and importance on the cosmic scale. Originally the right-hand man, best friend, and principal lieutenant of Vecna, Kas was originally thought destroyed when he betrayed his former master, cutting off his hand and eye before Vecna's tower exploded, seemingly vaporizing the two.   Kas, in fact, survived and was banished to the Astral Plane, where he lied near death until he was found by the shade of Myrddin, the most powerful wizard to ever exist in the history of the multiverse. Myrddin utilized what power remained to rejuvenate Kas. For hundreds of years the two developed from distrust, to friendship, to committed allies. Myrddin taught Kas the ways of patience, compassion, and honor. Knowing that Kas needed to rest, and would potentially be required to come to the defense of Myrddin, the two constructed a sarcophagus to hold Kas and heal him to his full power.   After Kas was entombed, Myrddin knew his role was nearly complete. Myrddin was pointed, subtly, to Kas when he was initially banished to the dead city of Eldor, by the Goddess Ioun. Myrddin knew that Kas had a much more important role to play, and would continue to be a figure of importance for thousands of years, and swore to aid Ioun in her quest to keep Kas alive until the Glade Guardians could return him to the Material Plane.   After hundreds of years of slumber, Kas was awakened by Azure, a member of the Glade Guardians. The two formed an unlikely alliance, Kas would protect Azure if the Air Genasi Rogue would help him escape to the Material Plane under the radar of his arch nemesis, Vecna. Eventually, the two formed a friendship, and, remembering the teachings of his friend and mentor, Kas knew he needed to play a more important role and should use the immense power he had to protect the multiverse. Kas stood with the Glade Guardians through many battles, and clashed blades with his former best friend several times. The conflict came to a climax atop the Silver Tower of Alithanar, where Kas joined the Glade Guardians in their battle against Imrys the Darkheart and Tulak'Drakal. The battle ended with Vecna entering the fray, killing or nearly killing all members of the Glade Guardians, taking the Sword of Kas, and retreating. After the Battle at the Silver Tower, the Glade Guardians separated and went on their own ways, Kas returned to work to reform Myrddin and continue his teachings, but also served as a guardian of the Multiverse, appearing when evil seemed that it would gain a foothold.   Kas has such joined the The Circle of Eight and serves as one of the members of the order, assisting his fellow circle members across the Multiverse to maintain the balance.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kas was once a valiant knight, highly skilled in martial combat. It was a common legend that Kas could enter a battle-field and leave victorious without a scratch upon his armor. It was his skill that drew Vecna's attention to him as a General for Vecna's army. Thirsty for battle, Kas agreed, on the condition that Vecna point him to the battle and issue no further orders until the battle was won. For his loyalty, Vecna bestowed Kas with a magical sword, "The Sword of Kas".   Vecna's influence turned the knight from an honorable and respected figure, to one of bloodshed and murder.   It was during the Battle of a Thousand Eyes that Kas was propositioned by Nerull to slay his master and halt the magical genocide with the reward being a godly Boon. Kas, hungry for power, obeyed Nerull and used the blade gifted to him by Vecna to make an attempt on his life.   It was during Vecna's near-victory after the Battle of a Thousand Eyes that Kas changed in his ways again, to defeat his master. Vecna had begun the Ritual of Seeding, slowly empowering himself with the Divine Spark. Some say that the Sword of Kas whispered to its master, luring Kas into wanting to kill Vecna and achieve godhood for himself, others say he simply wished to betray Vecna out of bloodthirst, a small group of scholars believe that Kas wished to redeem himself, and protect the world from Vecna's endless darkness.   Kas was able to remove Vecna's left eye and left hand before being struck down by Vecna. It is said that a voice called out to Kas, begging him to rise again, Kas arose, empowered anew from unknown sources, and continued the fight. Vecna lashed back out against his former friend, and while he still held the upper-hand, he lost concentration on the Ritual. The pure raw magic that Vecna had drawn backfired, vaporizing the tower and the two inside of it. Many believe they both died, the only pieces recovered was Kas' blade, and the Eye and Hand of Vecna. In fact, Kas was banished to the Astral Plane, while Vecna was banished to Mount Celestia. Kas disappeared from the sight of the Prime Deities, Vecna was immediately seized by the Solars of Bahamut and Helm, beaten, and dragged to Carceri to be held for all eternity.


Contacts & Relations


The Glade Guardians   Lyanna Ashglade   Council of Waterdeep  


Vecna   Betrayer Gods   Exile Gods

Family Ties

Unknown Child, born in 1104 DB
Lawful Neutral
Year of Birth
125 DB 3559 Years old
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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