Kodesos Organization in Koru | World Anvil
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The Empire of Kodesos is the newest major polity in Koru having recently conquered numerous surrounding kingdoms. It is an Ork-dominated empire supported by strong institutions that apply to all members of society.


The Empire is divided into three primary social classes, Sekallis, Hazdiata, and Agososta. Sekallis are the patrilineal descendents of the Sekallis tribe, although this status can be stripped through judicial action. Sekallis are the ruling class of the Empire. Hazdiata, or "assimilated", are the descendents of the other Kadamis ork tribes. Hazdiata have considerable power, but are still subservient to Sekallis. Finally, Agososta, or "conquered", are the lowest of the social classes. These conquered peoples are forbidden to own property and must work an allotment assigned to them by a Sekallis or Hazdiata. All the products of their labor go to their suzerain, but they are paid a wage for their service and enjoy certain legal protections. Slaves are not considered a social class, as they are property and are not required to be given wages or legal protection (although some owners choose to do so). Should a slave gain freedom, he or she is treated as a traveler until he or she finds a lord and becomes Agososta. It is possible for Agososta to rise to the Hazdiata class.

Public Agenda

Bring order to the world.


After centuries of conquest, the Orks of the Sekallis tribe defeated the last of the free orks of Kadamis and declared their Warlord, Durokos, Emperor. During the fifty-four year rule of Emperor Durokos, the orks of the Kodesos expanded their borders, conquering neighboring peoples, and at their height, invading the kingdoms of Laistemeni, south across the Slumbering Sea. They were eventually driven back to the Hará' river, but they remain in control of the three northernmost kingdoms (Nalrad, Hamru, and Doraiakh). In the aftermath of the recent death of Emperor Durokos, his son Kabradis has assumed the throne. Whether he will have the political acumen and military might to maintain his father's empire remains to be seen.


Kodesar society is strongly concerned with law and order. Both the Sovereign and Mauras are worshiped in Kodesos. Mauras, despite his estrangement from the Pantheon, is considered the new god of order and is the Empire's patron deity. Kodesar expansionism is justified by declaring that other peoples are lacking in order and will ultimately benefit by being incorporated into Kodesos.

Era Tokaratta Dun (the Law is Absolute)

Geopolitical, Empire
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Golden Sword, Silver Hammer, Copper Staff
Neighboring Nations

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