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The Cancerous

Demons, Oni, Vampires, Pontianak, Jinn; they have many different names across many different cultures. They come in innumerable different shapes and sizes, each one bearing a unique personage and set of abilities forged over eons. There is very little that can be said on each of them without contradiction, save one thing.   Each and every one of them is a corruption of the natural order, feeding on the very essences of existence itself.     The following report was compiled by the Reigning Esotericist, Heikuji Ono, at the pleasure of Minister Itoshii in the 42nd year of Emperor Auryunaga [689, A.S.], in order to investigate the dearth of Cancer Cults across the breadth of His Great Empire. [The report was absconded during the Fall of Hachin, and has since become the scholarly consensus across Mainland Kosai, Bastion, and Daelin]

Basic Information


Cancers can come in myriad forms. Many Cancers blend in well among humans, though usually have some telltale sign of their supernatural origin. Though not settled, the current academic consensus is that a Cancer chooses their form upon reincarnation1, and is stuck with that physical form until their next reincarnation. There are also reports of Cancers with variable forms, as is found in Dragons, but this appears to be a quirk of certain individuals rather than a species-wide trait.     1see Biological Cycles

Genetics and Reproduction

Cancers come about in three ways: 1. Cancers travel from their native planes to the mundane world. Through some arcane manner, Cancers enter our world. This is typically done through individuals or Cancer Cults seeking otherworldly power.   2. A mortal mutates into a Cancer. Mortal beings can be infected by Cancers or their artifacts, and through chronic exposure, eventually become a Cancer themselves. Seemingly at random, the Cancer will have an essence chosen for it that it must consume. Should a Cancer then travel to some otherworldly plane, it may become affixed to that plane. As long as the Cancer feeds and is not slain in its own plane, it can sustain its cycle of reincarnation indefinitely.   3. A Cancer reproduces instead of feeding. When a Cancer consumes or bargains with a mortal for one of its essences, the Cancer may choose to generate that essence into a new Cancer instead of harvesting it. The new Cancer will start as merely one essence; a mind, a body, or a spirit; and will consume whatever essence it starts as. With time, the singular essence will beget the others, but another Cancer may aid the process by lending an essence it would otherwise feed on. This is rarely done by lone Cancers or nests, as the offspring will compete with its parent for the same type of essence.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The singular unifying trait of Cancers is their need to feed upon the essences of existence. According to the Yogozei Paradigm, the essence of living beings can be divided in Mind, Body, and Spirit. Cancers are known nest in groups of three, with each feeding on a different essence. Cancer who consume similar essences generally cannot exist in the same feeding ground as each other without conflict. A nest of three Cancers can divide a single victim into their three essences, so that each may feed on a single creature, but they prefer an intact victim.   A creature might also deal with Cancers to gain their otherworldly powers. A creature who entreats with Cancers may find an arm missing when their deal is done. In rare cases, the entire body may be consumed when a contract is satisfied, leaving a shade behind. Or they may have their mind and all their memories scooped form their heads. They may even have their spirit ripped form them, leaving their body a lifeless automata. Many Cancers only claim their prey upon their death, however. Mortals are very rarely willing to offer their mind, body, or soul while they still use it, but can expect great power and riches if they do.

Biological Cycle

It is believed that Cancers, upon being slain in the mundane world, return to a plane of their origin. The Cancer will struggle to remember its lived experiences after reincarnation, but some aspects of who they were will remain. If a Cancer originates from our world is killed before it can find others of its kind, it is slain permanently. On the rare occasions where a Cancer has shared knowledge of their home, they describe contradictory realms of constant warfare. Some speak of dread kingdoms fending off things worse then they, while others relay hunting grounds where lone Cancers feed upon each other.   Once in their original plane, Cancers naturally seek a way back to our plane in order to feed.
Scientific Name
Whether corrupted can be taxonomically classified is a heated academic debate
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