Fytanke (fee-TAHN-kay)

God of Wildfire

Fytanke is a deity of fire, but more specifically the cycle of death and rebirth brought about by wildfires. Philosophers believe that all life, including that of the gods, can be traced back to Fytanke, though their own origins are more hotly debated.   Though their importance to the Kossic pantheon are undeniable, Fytanke’s worship is all but forbidden since the invasion of Acheric the Fire-Eater, and surviving cults in Koss tend to practice in secret. This applies more to the active worship of Calamêtes than Efforos (who is often depicted as and argued to be an entirely separate entity to justify this difference).   Unlike the other Kossic cults, cultists of Fytanke prefer to burn their dead rather than bury them—committing their shades to the cycle of rebirth rather than to the afterlife. This, unsurprisingly, brings them into conflict over funeral rites during times of war.   Fytanke is less active than their contemporaries, and is less likely to respond directly to a prayer or sacrifice, as well as being generally less present in myth. But when Fytanke decides to back a person or cause, woe to those who would stand in their way.  

Fytanke Calamêtes

Pronunciation: ka-lah-MAY-tees   Calamêtes represents fire. Typically depicted as a human or more often elven man either made of flames or wearing a chiton made of fire, riding a chariot with wheels of fire and pulled by a Nightmare, Morimedes. His symbol is a flaming chariot wheel.   Before the time of mortals, in the Age of Wildfire, Calamêtes was said to ride his chariot endlessly around the globe, incinerating all life that had blossomed since his last passing in a cycle that was said to last either twenty or one-hundred years. Eventually, Calamêtes was repelled by the Theonínta, and the cycle ended and the world as we know it began to take shape.   Calamêtes is a god often associated with destruction, though often in the name of righteousness or the greater good. Followers of Calamêtes the undead and devils, believing they are abominations and that they represent the stagnation of life in the absence of ritual purification.  

Fytanke Efforos

Pronunciation: eh-FOR-ohs   Efforos represents rebirth. Often depicted as a human or elven woman (though sometimes a dryad) with vines for hair and surrounded by flowers and life, her symbol is a sprig poking up through a field of ash.   Following the passing of Calamêtes, Efforos brings new life from the remains of the inferno. Unlike her (literal) other half, Efforos is gentle and nurturing, often receiving prayers and sacrifice even from the most avid opponents of Calamêtes during times such as childbirth and by those wishing to conceive.   All life stems from Efforos, and though this typically means she is called upon by healers and farmers, more obscure cults sacrifice to her in the creation of all new life, leading to some monstrosities and abominations that were created by mortals devoting themselves to her. This association gained much traction during and after the Great Wildfire, as anti-Fytankaen sentiment was at an all-time high.  

Earning and Losing Piety

  You raise your Piety score with Fytanke by engaging with natural cycles through acts such as:
  • Destroying powerful undead or others who would disrupt their own natural cycle.
  • Assisting with childbirth.
  • Bringing new life to places wracked by calamity.
  • Ensuring the bodies of the faithful are burned to continue their cycle.
  Your Piety score with Fytanke decreases when you disrupt natural cycles through acts such as:
  • Creating or abiding the creation of undead.
  • Dousing flames that occured naturally or through the will of Fytanke.
  • Unnaturally extending your own or someone else's lifespan.

Fytanke’s Devotee

  Piety 3+ Fytanke trait   As a devotee of Fytanke, you can sense the presence of those who would defy natural cycles. You can cast detect evil and good with this trait a number of times equal to your spellcasting ability modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.  

Fytanke’s Votary

  Piety 10+ Fytanke trait   The fire of Calamêtes grows strong within you, while all around you spread the life of Efforos. You can cast Plant Growth once without using a spell slot. Once you cast the spell this way, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest.   In addition, you have resistance to fire damage.  

Fytanke’s Disciple

  Piety 25+ Fytanke trait    

Champion of Wildfire


Character Portrait image: by Cas


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