Session 10 - Enter Eurydia

General Summary

Eurydia is on the way - she’s a relatively young leader because her parents were killed during the Great Wildfire. She was raised by Isadora of the Praxilid, which is far from tradition. There is a Council of Elders that typically act as a border between the two lines: Darid and Praxilid. She is a warrior, embodies a lot of Vassic ideals (great martial prowess, not hoarding wealth, golden child of Vas). But why is she coming to see the Oracle? It’s a mystery, we’ll look into it, but for now we head back to the Administorium. We can book as a group, and give them 500 gold for the audience with the Oracle. We head back to the inn and mostly relax. Xanthos starts hitting on people, Kestor opens the storytelling & foot massage emporium, while Ionessa sneaks out to see if there’s anything suspicious going on. Neo talks to Ophia about going to see the Oracle, he asks what her plan is if seeing her doesn’t reverse her transformation, what she fears most about becoming a tree etc. Ophia doesn’t want to become a tree and will do whatever the Oracle asks her, it’s that simple for her.   Ophia absolutely sabotages Xanthos’ chances of getting laid; she whispers something to his date and they throw wine in his face. Kestor cleans it up and tries to give him some romantic advice but he’s not receptive. Ionessa finds Xanthos, his week is up and he has to reveal his backstory now. He tells her that he nearly died, and afterwards he had his strange shadow. He believes it acts based on how he is feeling at certain times, it’s still a part of him but acts on its own, acting out desires that he would never do consciously. Ionessa is a little skeptical that he’s not fully responsible, but they agree they will find someone who knows about shadows and people who know about dragons.   The following dawn we arrive at the Administorium to hear who has been chosen to see the Oracle. The Keepers throw reagents into the flames to see if the Gods want to speak, but the flames are not changing color. Aga distracts everyone with an illusion while Ionessa uses thaumaturgy to change the color of the flames! Neo notices that the Keepers are surprised by this, it looks like they are gatekeeping access to the Oracle based on the amount of money being put forward.   Invisible Aga sneaks up and takes the scroll with the list of approved names on it. It’s a long list, Aga is on it but there are a lot of people between him and the top of the list. It’ll be at least another day before we can make it up. We decide to take matters into our own hands, Xanthos becomes a Karen to distract the guards while Aga & Kestor sneak past and up the mountain to see the Oracle. It goes really well until we get to the Oracle’s temple, Kestor turns visible and pretends to be the next pilgrim on the list, but they’re not buying it. A fight breaks out, Kestor magicks the guards into submission as Aga sneaks into the Oracular Chamber.   Aga passes out immediately, awakening in a strange stifling room with a balcony and a starlit sky. A figure stands on the balcony overlooking an enormous starlit cityscape in complete ruins. The figure is gaunt and pale covered with hooded robes, long, delicate fingernails. Aga recognizes this figure as Mourionoss! Sadness radiates from him. Aga asks where he is, “I’m afraid I am not here, nor are you. This place has been gone for a long time. I am not what I once was but I can at least make this dream peaceful for you. I am not me, not entirely. As we speak I am the part of me I gave to you in exchange for what I took, though I fear this was not a fair deal for you. I am gone, Aga, you know that.” Aga can’t believe it, he pleads to be with Mourionos who merely tells him to have faith, continue his work, and they will be reunited one day.   Aga asks if the other Gods did something to him, but Mourionoss shakes his head. He calls out that he loves Mourionos before awakening back in the Oracular Chamber. The Oracle asks what Aga saw. Aga explains, it seems the Oracle is actually surprised by his appearance here. Maybe Aga exists outside of destiny, but maybe not the rest of us because she talks like she already has answers for our questions. The Oracle also knows the Keepers are corrupt but thinks having them there provides order and so their big scam is actually fine. Not great.   We are escorted back down the mountain. Keeper Glaukos threatens us, claiming that things are very delicate and he will not take any further meddling lying down, but we are let go. Aga relays what he saw. We decide that we’re going to wait in line for the Oracle, but we’re not happy about how things are going. We’re going to see if we can convince the Oracle to take action against the corruption, or alternatively put social pressure on the Keepers, and if that doesn’t work we can think of other options.   We kill time by going to the bathhouse (Kovu loves it, Ionessa is not impressed by the shallows, Xanthos is disgusted by all of us), playing boardgames and cards. Aga reveals himself to be a cheater! Kestor wins at cards. Xanthos asks Kestor to be his wingman, Kestor briefly embarrasses him by asking if he’s sex-obsessed and pointing out he hits on lots of people (including Ionessa when they first met). Xanthos takes him aside and explains that he’s actually just really thirsty, he hasn’t had blood in a really long time. Kestor agrees to help after confirming that this won’t hurt the person Xanthos bites; despite Ophia’s attempted interference Xanthos finally gets laid.   Aga seeks out Ionessa and apologizes for his reaction to helping the Kenku. They have a nice conversation, Aga offers to introduce Ionessa to an archeology friend who might know about dragons. Ionessa is worried that she won’t be able to teach Kovu how to operate in society, and she mentions she doesn’t know if she’ll be around when he’s older. Aga offers words of encouragement, she will be remembered.   We head to the Administorium once more. Before the ceremony can begin, a mass of armed hoplites surges in and start shoving people aside to make way for Vasili Eurydia. Ionessa and Xanthos shove back and wind up RIGHT in Eurydia’s path. Ionessa stands her ground, taking offense that they should be so easily shoved aside for this person’s sake. She approaches them and asks if they’re here to see the Oracle, she’s ready with her donation. She gives a paltry sword as a donation, Keeper Glaukos is clearly not satisfied and had been greedily anticipating a great payment. Ionessa stirs up the crowd, announcing that this whole situation is unfair. She accuses Eurydia of throwing her weight around and outs Glaukos for being corrupt and greedy. Ionessa demands Eurydia apologize, Eurydia apologizes by throwing a spear straight through Glaukos’ chest (guess he did take it lying down in the end).

Character(s) interacted with

Vasili Eurydia
Report Date
25 Jul 2022


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