Session 21 - The Real Treasure was the Ntropus We Freed Along the Way

General Summary

We’re off to find the dragon’s hoard! We know that they prefer arid landscapes, deserts are ideal but there aren’t any nearby so anything hewn into rock or stone is where they’re most likely to want to hide their hoard there. Ionessa asks how much Kestor knows about dragons, he knows the broad strokes such as the general differences between chromatic and metallic dragons. He’s a student of history! He asks what kind of dragon Kovu is and she stops talking because he’s definitely a chromatic dragon. We go looking for the cave where the dragon’s hoard might be!   Xanthos identifies a rock formation that might indicate a cave system, so we head stealthily in that direction but unfortunately we’re not really stealthy at all. We hear a rhythmic banging noise, tools, someone constructing something. Ionessa sneaks ahead to take a closer look and sees a large open courtyard with a white stone spire. Built into the spire is a manor house or temple under construction, with humanoid individuals on scaffolding carving into the stone and barking out orders to each other. There are two pools of crystal clear water in the courtyard. Someone is building something magnificent here! But is it the lair…?   We decide to say hello. There’s a guard on watch with a big bow. Kestor tries to deceive her and then intimidate her with the knowledge that they killed a dragon. She is Otonia, the eyes of the King of All Storms, Astrapyndircles, the grandfather of Aedoiphaecalus. This is the former residence of Entropus, the shame of Rheansdorth. So an even bigger older dragon is gonna come and kill us now. Uh oh.   Otonia became the Eyes many years ago when he granted her this power. She offers that we can become supplicants for him building his great works for a chance at his mercy, it sounds like everyone working in the temple are slaves of the dragon who are being kept there due to “transgressions”. She won’t let us talk to the supplicants, we’re pretty sure things aren’t good in there so we decide to get past her to talk to them. A fight breaks out!   The temple is grand! There’s an enormous pool, fountains with a dragon’s face, lines of statues that resemble Aedoiphaecalus in her Elven form, and a larger statue of her in her dragon form. The statues come to life to fight us! Kovu goes down during the fight and disappears! Ionessa thinks Kestor’s spell took him out, but it’s not true! Wow this fight is a real trial! Xanthos and Neo keep taking a beating, they go down multiple times, the dragon statue has an antimagic field, and the vice president’s authority is murky at best! At one point we roll 4 nat 1s in a row.   Eventually we get the better of Otonia and her statues. There are about a dozen supplicants who are grateful to be freed, including the lead builder, Heromenes, who has been imprisoned by the dragons for 57 years and is distraught that all of his statues have been destroyed. We offer to let him travel with us, he’s from Rheo so he might want to go back there. Maybe he would be a good candidate for helping us build the town? He seems down, he wants the Sideris trees.   Back when the King of All Storms was not so ancient, he had a son called Rianesdorth who was not quite the dragon that his father was. More content to travel and see the world and spent much time in his humanoid visage. It is said that after meeting his mate, appointed by his father, he eloped with a mortal and had a son, Ntropus, who was hidden away and imprisoned. There was a philosopher thrown out of Rheo for writing dragon-loving fanfiction about 60 years ago, they burned all of his work (no idea if this is important lol).   We go to speak to Ntropus. HE’S A HOT DRAGON-DROW WAIF BOY? He’s mourning his lost family and Kestor helps him play a song in her memory. He doesn’t know if he will come with us but he will think about it, until then all of his comforts are available to us. Heromenes leads us down to the treasure room! It’s under the pool in the main room where we were fighting. We decide ahead of time to split the hoard between us, Heromenes, the supplicants, and Ntropus.   While Heromenes is prepping the room, Neo pulls Xanthos aside, usurping his and Ionessa’s end-of-session heartfelt conversation! He asks how he’s doing. Xanthos is concerned that he could not control himself, and Neo tries to assure him that his actions were not entirely out of line and the fact that he’s not happy with himself is a good sign. Bad people don’t worry about whether they’re bad people. Don’t trust yourself, trust me who trusts you! Xanthos understands but he needs time. NEO TOTALLY INITIATES A ROMANTIC MOVE BUT XANTHOS DOESN’T BITE because he’s afraid of losing control or isn’t interested I’m not sure!?   HELP?   Okay the end.   Wait there’s a stinger. Ionessa hears a voice! “Ionessa! Sister! Hello! This spell should allow us to communicate. I received your message, and I know of someone who can help. Halina.”

Rewards Granted


Missions/Quests Completed

The Shame of Rianesdorth - Free the supplicants of Aedoiphaecalus and Astrapyndircles.

Character(s) interacted with

Ntropus   Otonia, Eyes of Astrapyndircles   Heromenes, Lord of the Plumbers


Report Date
12 Dec 2022


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