Session 57 - Old Paths, New Beginnings

General Summary

We go find the body of Phosidaeus, which is under the care of the philosopher Krendis, a theoretical necromancer. We meet with him at his home and he doesn’t want to let us in, and Ionessa & Neo get a weird vibe from him; he claims the autopsy has been completed and the body has been destroyed. He tries to get us to leave and he is able to physically stop Xanthos from entering his home, he shouts in Abyssal, “we’ve been made, evacuate the body!” He manages to slam the door on us so we burst through the window and rush in, following him downstairs to a cellar filled with medical diagrams, scrolls, jars. We see the corpse of Phosidaeus within a magical circle as well as a bunch of tall reptilian snake people and the real Krendis frozen in cursed gold.   As we enter combat Kestor is instantly turned to gold (it feels familiar, maybe this happened to one of the people in his head) and Neo turns too. Xanthos tries to surrender but the snake people say we’re going to their base as gold statues, we don’t want to TPK so Xanthos and Ionessa flee with Kestor (stuffed in a bag of holding) and Neo (zephyr strike escape). They take the statues to the temple of Pola and they are restored. Prytanis raises the alarm and goes to investigate but it’s probably too late, Kestor pens a letter to Parmenion giving him the lowdown on everything they just encountered seeing as he’s going to fight them in Limpani, Xanthos heals up.   We purchase a scroll of greater restoration for 800gp just in case we encounter these guys somewhere more remote where we can’t get easy cleric services. Neo casts Commune to ask whether consuming the marbles will perpetuate the play, if Phosidaeus encountered the play, and whether mortals can create and control dream amber. We receive the answers: No, indirectly, and “to do so would transcend mortality”. We cast Augury to know whether consuming a marble right now would be a good or bad idea and receive a Weal result, this would be a good thing!   We decide to head back to Sideris first and find a calm secluded place where Kestor can take a marble, and that place can double as the Kono meeting spot. We might be able to scry on those snake people, on the beholder corpse, or on the golden statue of Krendis if they took him. We go see Learchos and get teleported to Cherianto where we are received by Hedylus and King Bion. We give Bion the rundown of everything we’ve been up to since we last met, though we leave out Pairairi’s name and the news about the ember’s security being tested. He suggests that consuming many marbles might be dangerous for Kestor even if one is alright. He also says he plans to renegotiate his deal with Isadora and use Sideris’ new status to give Cherianto the same.   We purchase a carriage and draft horse called Skippy (he’s happy to leave the farm and see the world) and set off. On the way we detour to the beach so Ionessa can have her conversation with Kono, who bursts out of the ocean! He wants to observe the progress Kovu has been making. He has noticed a weapon of the enemy resurfacing, not the tadpoles but the cursed gold and the snake people we have encountered. He knows of a dragon who studied the rot who has been missing for some time, but her lair might have clues or information. It’s guarded by her daughter, but she can be reasoned with and might help us, and if she doesn’t Kono says we can take her out. The lair is northeast, in the mountains with a clear view of the stars. The dragon’s name is Vaorlurayrth, she liked to take on a mortal form so the lair should be well suited to us.   Kono goes on a fun flying trip with his son, though it is a terrifying sight for the rest of us. We meet back up and set off, when Kovu rejoins us, Ionessa she fills us in about her new mission and we all agree that will be our next quest. We get on the topic of Kestor’s writing, his manuscript of the team’s adventures is really big and the chapters are separated by his poems and stories. Ionessa recommends releasing it in sections rather than waiting for it all to be done. Kestor is also writing anthropology texts/knots and a bestiary; he'd like to have a book shop/publishing house/school in Sideris if he makes it to the end of his journey. Xanthos wants to restore Sideris to somewhere people want to live safe and happy. Neo wants a temple to Fytanke, but of course that means restoring Fytanke’s name. He has never seen a temple, only hidden shrines, but he knows that it would need a garden.   We arrive in Sideris and see Ardere sitting by the road, she was expecting us and thinks we should see something before we head into town. She leads us to the Sidero tree, which is HUGE now! A month of accelerated growth has brought it to its full height, its bark is silver and it has already begun spreading into new saplings growing all around it. This is the true work of Fytanke. Xanthos puts his hand on it and feels warmth from it. Ardere asks that we not chop it down for processing until it has had a chance to see its children grow, but she’s adamant that it should be chopped down eventually as all things must come to an end. When it is, she asks that Neo help her perform a rite where the stump is purified in Fytanke’s flame.   Xanthos thinks about having a sculpture made for Sideris’ town square, and Ionessa suggests having a seed contained within it. We head into town, it’s really coming along! Simple roads are being built, two fully constructed buildings (the big lodging building and the shipyard), and a whole bunch of people who have gotten more settled in. Lovely! Auge and Heromenes seem to be getting along better, even collaborating a little, but they really want that Sidero wood. Luckily they’re not clamouring for it just yet, they’re willing to wait for now.   Xanthos goes to talk to Arsenios, he’s super hyped and intense about the new tree. It’s as big as the ones from the tales, bigger than the ones that were around when Xanthos was a child. Xandra is walking now! Helia has been working with the trees. Xanthos asks if they should track down the devil that helped bring Sideris to ruin, Arsenios says that if Xanthos finds the devil then he will be there to face it at the end. In the meantime he gives him a small dark dagger, it was used to summon the devil (this must be the blade that killed Xanthos’ father). Maybe it can be used to help track the devil down.   Kestor talks to Rhene, he tells her about the kenku and Mourionoss and she begins crying without even noticing. He tells her that he plans to go to the Underworld and bring back Arachnos. She wants to see him again but knows “we are not supposed to go to the Underworld. Things change there under the hammer and forge.” Her father told her this, could it be that because of her immortal nature, going to the forge caused this to happen? Maybe when Ptourge remade her when she came to the Underworld, part of her was remade and part was cast off into the runoff, which turns into a demon, but her old form endured due to immortal nature. Arachnos said he would follow her to the Underworld, perhaps that’s what happened. His loyalty transcends generations. Rhene asks Kestor to keep an eye out for her daughter, “you’ll know her when you see her, she’s always with his son.”   Neo talks to Helia and asks about Acheric and his relationships. He was always making people feel loved and important until he changed, but he never had a partner. He tells her that Acheric speaks to him, and asks him “was it worth it?” She asks him if he’s tired of carrying his staff around, and if he’s tried getting it open. She tells him to burn the stick with the remains of the first Sidero tree when the time comes, and when it has burned he must find a piece of the greater whole, and it will lead him where he wants to go. He asks for her advice on building a temple, but she says she hasn’t been a fan of the old temples, and he should build something new.   Kestor gathers the others and travels out to a secluded spot near the town to consume a marble. He reaches into the bag (he has no choice what he touches, there’s just one when he reaches in) and pulls out an orangey-red cat’s eye marble that begins to melt once he pulls it out. He puts it in his mouth and swallows it as it melts and hears a voice speaking in his head and all around him, “so you wish to know the tale of the nightmares of Phosidaeus.”   Kestor finds himself floating in the central spire of the Panopticon, seeing from many eyes at once. Footsteps approach, “we have another one for you, sir.” It’s the simulacrum and a small figure, ragged, who Kestor recognizes as the Owlin, Nika. He brought her down to the lair beneath, others have been brought down as an audience, Nika is clutching scrawled notes covered in ink. SHE PERFORMED THE PLAY! Kestor sees flashes of the play, actors, masks, profane rites. Next, they’re all gone, Phosidaeus is creating the circular tunnel and carving rows and rows of text, stories and the play mixed together. He’s trying to write the play out of his mind. THE DOME ITSELF WAS THE TEXT OF THE PLAY? Phosidaeus falls asleep and dreams away the curse, separating it from himself.   Kestor comes to. He has taken one tale from the Bag of Tales, he can have up to his Charisma modifier tales, he can only take on one every full moon. For now he has:   “As an action, you can cast the Eyebite spell once per day but whenever you finish a long rest, you roll a d20 and on a 1 an aberration chosen by the GM manifests somewhere in the vicinity from your nightmares.”   The others saw Kestor drawing in the sand with a stick, but it’s illegible and always filling back in. One of his eyes had taken on an inky darkness that has now faded. We head back to town.   The end.


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Report Date
19 Feb 2024


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