Session 6 - Thalassophobia

General Summary

We’re ready to set off on the ship. Before we leave, Xanthos purchases a cartographer’s kit and a map of central Vas, Ionessa purchases some rope, and Kestor grabs the metal box for storing coins. We set off on the boat and the sailors break into an ABSOLUTE JAM! We’re warned of an area that is known for pirates, but hopefully we’ll be fine. We make ourselves as useful as possible. A pod of dolphins swims along the boat, which Ionessa befriends! They travel with us. We’re approached by a traveling group of Triton merchants selling shipwreck loot. They’re led by Evros, Ionessa recognizes him. Kestor purchases some really fancy clothes inlaid with gold, and the team purchases an oil of etherealness and a scroll of divination for 1400gp (280gp each + 50 from Kestor for the clothes). Evros warns us about strange times at sea along the strait (UH OH IN RETROSPECT). He gives Ionessa something that belongs to her family as a gift - a necklace of coral and a pearl! He also relays that Ionessa’s sister, Halina, had sought to join the priesthood for Thalakyma.   Evros said he thought Ionessa was sick, she got into a mess with a dragon which wasn’t well looked upon. She misses home, but they had driven her out because of Kovu. They think he’s bad news for some religious reasons. Kestor thinks about it and surmises dragons have been around so long that they’re separated from godliness, with the marine deities there is a negative association between underwater dwellers and their more monstrous counterparts e.g. merrow, krakens (why’d you mention krakens, Keir?) They typically fall under the domain of Tygisa, one of Thalakyma’s children. Her worship is banned in all civilized underwater places, so her association with Kovu may be a religious taboo.   They were trying to do some ritual to get rid of whatever made Kovu, and it didn’t work. She and Kovu got stuck (but we’re not entirely clear how?) She seems a little unsure exactly what was happening, or maybe she’s being evasive, but it seems the people there REALLY did not like Kovu. Maybe there’s some sort of prophecy involved.   The next day we spot a very large shell of an oyster or clam floating on top of a piece of broken wood in a bunch of flotsam. Try as we might, we simply cannot get it open, even with the help of Thales and Ophia with a crowbar. It is magical, so Kestor talks to it to try and find a password that might open it up. That night we awake to find a shrouded figure looming over the oyster, reaching out for it. A fight breaks out! It’s some creepy old hag, she says the oyster belongs to her and that we’re thieves for taking it. She wants what is inside.   She’s a sea hag, a horrid creature that feeds on misery and pain. She taunts the party with seeming knowledge of their pasts. Ionessa “dances on strings”, strings controlled by the one who created Kovu. Xanthos is a monster who can only deny his nature for so long. Kestor is insane (true). Neo is a tool for gods that do not care for him. She tries to convince us that the oyster is dangerous but she’s lying. As she continues trying to corrupt the party, it is decided that she should be put down, though Ionessa is upset by the decision, believing all creatures to be worthy of second chances. The hag is killed. We comfort and support each other. Lots of feelings are shared. It’s tremendous RP but I can’t write it all down.   The following day’s travel goes swimmingly until we spot a Vassic military vessel on the horizon. Captain Eryxo warns us that these vessels have the right to search any ship they want, and if they spot that we’re carrying the dead body of King Bien we’re done for. We could outrun them, but we opt to try to trick them. We quickly disguise ourselves as horrifically afflicted, our cover being that we hired this crew of stone sailors because they cannot be infected by our disease. The plan goes really well, the military seem convinced but want to do a remote inspection of us to make sure we’re telling the truth.   Both vessels come to a stop for the inspection, but as we prepare a tentacle bursts out of the water and wraps around the military ship! It’s a fucking kraken! That should not be there! We lower the sails and book it, Neo takes a lightning bolt to the chest and almost drops as we narrowly escape, the kraken is too distracted destroying the other boat to pursue us fast enough. Nobody has any idea how or why a kraken would be there, but we decide we need to stop at the nearest port to warn people. We keep sailing and prepare to warn the coast of this threat.

Rewards Granted

A really tight-lipped clam.   Fancy clothes, scroll of divination, oil of etherealness (though we did buy these).

Character(s) interacted with

A very angry kraken.
Report Date
01 Jul 2022


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