Session 9 - More Money, More Problems

General Summary

We have spent the night in Istodraka and in the morning head out to the Audaxid manor. When we arrive there is a servant cleaning up some red paint graffiti that says “Diophenus,” The First Elf. An ancient figure, immortal and surrounded by myth, his most notable deed was when he had children and grew jealous that they inherited the same longevity as him. He locked them away but they were able to escape through the intervention of various Gods. Amelius has been accused of locking his daughter away, which is likely the inspiration for the graffiti. We talk to the servant, they seem very nervous about being addressed and appear used to being treated as lesser. We help him clean up the graffiti, his name is Argaeus and is very happy to have been helped! We are allowed to go knock on the manor door and meet Amelius. He doesn’t like Kovu, which is strange because his family history is one of friendship with dragons. We bring up Rhoecus’ story, but he claims that it’s all fake and Rhoecus is making it up. Ionessa presses him on it, but he slams the door; Neo recognizes that his behavior was weird and wild (maybe something is affecting him?)
  Kovu says there is something inside the manor that is calling to him, something that should belong to him. We decide we’ll break in for Kovu because he’s the best boy. We talk to Argaeus, he says Amelius has changed gradually but significantly over the last year, fired most of the staff and doesn’t let him inside the house. Neither Amelius nor his daughter (Amelia) leave the manor anymore. Argaeus tells us about a cellar we could use to get inside, sometimes he hears noises from down there. Kovu thinks his property is in that cellar.
  Argaeus points us to Amelia’s window, it’s got bars over it, not a good sign! Xanthos climbs up to speak with her. Apparently she has been advised to stay inside due to a plot to steal the family’s wealth; she hasn’t tried to leave and feels content inside, but thinks he would try to stop her if she did. Xanthos explains why he is here, and that he knows Rhoecus and asks if she can help let us in to find whatever is affecting his mind. She refuses to let us in but agrees to look around for it.
  We get inside the cellar, Kovu smells gold down there that he claims is part of his hoard. It’s unclear whether it ever actually belonged to him or if he just considers it his due to his draconic nature. We wait for Amelia to report back, she says there’s something wrong with him, he’s just counting his coin endlessly, convinced someone is here to steal from him. She is worried about what would happen if we broke in while her father is in this state, Xanthos hits on her.
  We decide to break in anyway, Kestor and Xanthos distract Amelius at the door while the others sneak in through the cellar. Unfortunately they make a lot of noise and the distraction doesn’t last and Amelius heads off. Kestor and Xanthos force a window, the others find a HUGE pile of gold that Kovu immediately dives into. Neo sees the gold is brimming with enchantment magic. They find an unhinged journal that descends into madness about thieves coming to rob him. K&X find Amelia and convince her they’re here to help, and promise not to hurt Amelius.
  The others barricade the vault door while Amelius tries to get inside, and then let him in. He declares us thieves and combat starts, his eyes turn to thin blue slits. Aga remembers his archaeologist friend, Lavrentios, telling him about “dragons gold” which can have all kinds of effects on those who hoard it, including becoming more draconic or paranoid. We could fix it by returning it or splitting up the gold such that it is no longer a hoard. We manage to subdue Amelius, he was spitting radiant dragonbreath!
  The hoard contains 3,400 gold, 310 platinum, a large cask full of clean drinking water, a tarnished brazier, 9 50gp gems, 2 25gp tapestries, 4 different potions, a container of ointment, a pouch full of dust, and a nice looking spear. We have to divide it up, we leave them 2,000gp, Kovu takes 50, 2,000gp is taken for Síderis, 3,000gp to be given to charitable organizations around Koss. Potion of healing, greater healing, hill giant’s strength, fire breath. We take the potions (healing, greater healing, hill’s giant strength, fire breath), ointment, and dust. Xanthos plans to come back and offer to pay for the spear. We donate 500gp to the kenku to help them achieve a new life in Rheo, which Aga thinks is a bad idea because Kenku can’t be trusted to spend money responsibly.
  We arrive in Korymour! It’s a small city, walled with guards and lots of pilgrims coming to this holy site. There are no obvious temples to the Gods here. Ionessa inquires about the oracle, and we learn we have to go see the Keepers of Korymour at the Administorium. Aga, Kestor, and Neo go to see the Keepers; there is a statue of several figures holding up their hands to a single figure striking a divine pose. There are a lot of wide steps with people waiting around the steps in a disorganized fashion.
  We head up the steps inside, it is opulent as all get out, there is immense wealth here. High ceilings, pillars, gold trim, exceptionally fine silk curtains and red carpet. We meet Keeper Glaukos, they act as an intermediary. We tell them who we are, and the oracle decides who should be called to see her at the temple. We have to make a donation to be added to the list. Korymour is independent of the rest of Vas, which means they can make use of the money. They are accepting a LOT of money, people are dropping hundreds of gold on average.
  Ionessa and Xanthos get a room at the Enlightened Path. Kestor goes to ask a minotaur, but he’s a student of the Kritharics that Kestor recognizes called Phales. He was not a particularly esteemed member of the Kritharics; he seems sorry for Kestor and considers him something of a lost lamb who should return to Rheo. He says that “Eustathius” and “Lambros” are not mad at him and that they would welcome him back, but Kestor is unconvinced believing they just want him back to laugh at him. Kestor is pretty mad, he insults the guy a lot and Phales mostly just seems to pity him in response. Phales is here to beseech the Oracle on behalf of the Kritharics to change the way things are done here, to let the Oracle bring the word of the Gods to whomever is called naturally as opposed to having people travel there. Kestor storms out.
  Neo goes after him and the two discuss what happened. Kestor explains Kritharicism is all about the status quo and that he rebelled against it when the voices in his head told him of the value of change. This resonates with Neo, the Fytanke cultist, and the two of them talk about the pros and cons of change, when it is necessary, when it is unnecessary. It seems like destiny that the two of them would end up traveling together. Neo agrees to share some materials with Kestor given the opportunity, and they return to the inn.
  A horn blows outside, a Vassic soldier has arrived. “Pilgrims and Keepers of Korymour, I am a forward scout of the Vassic people and I am here to inform you that Vasili Eurydia is going to honor you with her presence as she seeks council with the Oracle.”

Rewards Granted

2,000gp to Prodendros   Potions of healing, greater healing, hill giant strength, and fire breath.   Unidentified ointment and dust.

Missions/Quests Completed

Journey to Korymour

Character(s) interacted with

Amelius and Amelia (Rhoecus' family)   Keeper Glaukos (assistant to the Oracle)   Phales (student of Kritharicism)
Report Date
18 Jul 2022


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