Kostea: The Creation Story Myth in Kostea | World Anvil
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Kostea: The Creation Story

The Beginning

  Many years ago before the time most remember, there was a world. This world was created through unknown means, by unknown forces, and populated with strange creatures. After a few million years, some of these creatures gained sentience and self-awareness. These creatures,self-named humans, wandered around the world. They grew, they learned, but ultimately they fought. Rage, hate, and anger-fueled these fights, as well as greed and ego and even alternate beliefs. All over the world, as empires fell they fell as fast as they rose, humans slaughtering other humans.   Amid this fighting, a group of humans discovered two substances buried deep in the heart of their world. One of the substances pulsed a dark, sickening pulse, frightening most of the group, while the other unleashed warmth and happiness. The group decided to try and use these elements to end the wars raging around the world and bring peace. They mined and extracted these resources, paying no mind to the chaos they were causing on the planet itself. Volcanoes roared and earthquakes laid waste to cities, but still, they extracted them until they had decided they had enough. Occasionally they were warned by strangers to stop touching these items, always an Elden man or woman, but they ignored them each time, set in their goal to bring peace.   The group spent months working together on their plan, experimenting on these elements. Then, they spent years slowly drifting apart but still working on their plans, desperate to end the horror. They became obsessed to the point of becoming unaware of anything but their work. Not the outside world, and not even the fact that they had been working for hundreds of years while barely aging ten. The world outside burned, rebuilt and then burned again. The cause may never be known, be it their relentless experiments or the wars that raged. The Creation Some of this group were assigned to the darker material, aptly named Darkness, while the rest worked hard on their happier, easier material, Light. The main group finished their experiments, creating a new species, Lightlings. These creatures were born of the earth and of the Light, and the emotions that the Light expelled were expelled by them as well. Specs of Darkness were laid into their blood to help balance out the emotions, but this was kept in check in order for the dark emotions to not be expelled   They were meant to help calm the people of the world, and end the senseless wars. They sent out the Lightlings to all corners of the world, but they were not enough. Wars were still fought, and while more people slowly began to join with the Lightlings, calmer, even they fought and even started wars, in a misguided attempt to aid the creatures.  

The Mistake

  Throughout these wars, a few lightlings died, upsetting their creators and fueling their desire to end bring peace. However, One member of the group was angered more than the rest, and stole large batches of Darkness from their laboratories, trying to make their creations stronger, more resilient. Despite warnings from more mysterious elderlies and even their own group, the lone member used all of the Darkness at once, unleashing forces that were long kept reigned. The Light and Darkness exploded out of their laboratories, tearing across the land. The Creators, long ago changed by their exposure to both these elements, survived unharmed. However across the land, creatures died or changed, entire empires fell in a flash, leaving only rubble and the cries of the few survivors in their wake. The energy did not stay contained to the planet's surface however, it tore through the very planet itself, and through the sky and space. Stars flashed and died, entire continents were washed away by the sea and new ones rose. Entire chunks of other bodies in the cosmos shattered off, upsetting the careful balance that had been established. The elderlies soon disappeared, never bothering the group again, some with looks of knowing in their final appearances.   As the energy finally subsided, destruction in its wake, the Group discovered that in place of the stars that died, whole new dimensions had been opened to them. Realms made of the fundamentals of life itself. Only then did the Group realize how far they had been changed by their experiments, to the point of being more than human. Saddened by the events their experiments had ultimately wrought upon the world, They retreated to these new realms. Some fled to the realms of elements, others to less physical realms, those of dreams and wants and desires. One member fled to the realm of life and peace. Santhus, distraught by the misery they had unleashed, fled to the last realm discovered, that of death and darkness, where the spirits walked and horrors lurked.    

A New Beginning

  After becoming accustomed to their new homes, and now desperate to remedy their mistakes, the group once again came together and worked to fix the world. Much of the damage could be repaired, but humanity could not be saved, and the creatures the group had once created, Lightlings, had long been corrupted by their exposure to the Darkness, being mutated and changed until all that remained were Darklings, creatures of pure hate and malice bent on the destruction of any living thing.   While humanity, as it had been, could not be saved, the group worked together molding a new species of humans. They worked in their labs, crafting, engineering until they had a species they felt could thrive in the new world. Most of these humans had powers, abilities the older ones did not. The Group could not change their emotions, however, nor their wants and desires. They developed just as the first ones did, with war and bloodshed, but ultimately they came together for a common goal. They worked together to build great empires and fought against the Darklings for survival. The Group’s original goal of creating a world where humans worked together had finally been realized, but not without great cost. Occasionally members of this group would return to their new world, exploring and even sometimes helping their creations, but they vowed to never again directly influence events, fearful of what had happened before. Their world began to thrive, soon named by the inhabitants Kostea, after old broken transcripts left by the Group’s leader, Kostean.


The story of what happens when you play with the building blocks of the universe, and of a beginning

Historical Basis

An old tale found buried in the ruins of some mountains,believe to simply be a bedtime story used by ancient humans,now re-used for a similar use,with no real grasp of it being in reality.


Known all over, but simply known as a bedtime story.
Date of Setting
Before Kostea.
Related Species
A cave painting depicting the universe being torn apart by the cataclysmic maelstrom.

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