Kozakura ("Little Cherry Blossom") is predominantly inhabited by Humans and small enclaves of Korobokuru. However, Kozakura is far from a unified state. For several centuries it has been the scene of incessant warfare between powerful daimyos, all struggling to gain the title of shogun. The island is divided into fiefs and estates, ruled by the daimyos. It is a very turbulent place—one where fortunes and might can be achieved by those of even the most common upbringing. As such, it is the perfect place for the adventurer seeking fame and fortune.
Currently, a struggle is raging between several powerful daimyos who support the emperor in his bid to regain his long-lost political power and the remains of the bakufu, or shogunal government. Each side is attempting to ally the remaining families on the island. Of these families, some are joining out of loyalty and others see the chance to amass more power themselves. Some families are even arranging to be allied to both sides so they cannot lose. Although the warrior is the most respected and powerful class, Kozakura lacks any rigid laws on social class and more than once a humble peasant has risen to powerful lord through his military skill.
Kozakura is a nation in eastern Kara-Tur. It is composed of four large islands and dozens of smaller ones, the largest of which stretches 1,400 miles (2,300,000 meters) from tip to tip. It is a land where constant political power struggles are fought, and the central government in the imperial capital only has power within its immediate reach. Political intrigue is common as the great families of Kozakura seek to outmaneuver each other in their bid for power and wealth.