Vampiric Thoughts on Humanoids
Vampires are capricious in nature, ultimately self centered due to the seperation between themselves and the beings that they had sworn to serve. The Unworthy. So great is the difference between them, that many focus only the idea rather than the individual. Many vampires have focused too intently on the big picture, vengeace and expansion against their ancient enemies and the protection of holy relics, that they are willing to see their own people fall. It is the cruel irony, for the blood of the Vampire was the ultimate sacrifice of a few, for the many.
There are several tiers of these undead, which is a mixture of when they were turned, and the experiences they have since then. Vampires have have been turned within the last hundred years are often the kindest to mortals, for they still have many relations and honors tied to their past life. Those that have been turned between a hundred and five hundred years prior are more difficult to assume. Many are duty bound, but many more have begun looking into what they are truly capable of. The majority of the Vampire Princes are in this age. The Elders are six hundred at the youngest. Their courts are filled with humans, vampires, soothsayers and religious advisors. Their power is nigh absolute, and as such they are closely guarded both physically and spiritually. It is dangerous to petition these vampires without the aid from scholars, historians, and powerful mages.
Among these three main groupings are many smaller groups. Proud and honorable knights may be prone to honoring agreements and pacts far more than the brutal island ambushers and barbarians that are sometimes turned, though this is not always the case. Similarly, those that have been turned from other castes, like scholors and sages are stereotypically more ambitious magically, and envious of the progression of others. Their favor can be earned or lost by playing into their innate greed. While the vampires thoughts on humanoids may be unfavorable at times, it is not always a dead end.