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Lot of undead, vampires. All member of the Lapis Nomine


At the time there were the walls of the Orkish settlement, ruined, they were replaced by Rakri type barricade, enchanted traps and other undead and mage protections.


Before being trapped in eternal ice, it was a fully working Orkish city, with all it was supposed to have, from mills, wells, shipyard, A treant for shaman and even an agarthian hive. All of that has been destroyed. All that stood after that was a manor, in which Kenariah and the Lapis Nomine made their home. Of course, eventually, the Morningstar mercenaries came here and defeated the witch, Phyrios Onirem burned the manor himself, ensuring to avoid any comeback.


A lot of blood, enchanted weapons, undead army both active and stocked as corpses,


Before the fall it was a magnificent, yet icy city-state of the ork confederation. Then the Lapis Nomine, when escaping the hunt from their land of Rakrel, came here and purged the city, burning it down, keeping only a manor. Then kenariah herself came here, pursued by the Onirem family, and developed the Lapis Nomine to it's worst glory; until the Morningstar mercenaries came for her, and Aridia Arthima finally put an end to all of that.


As all important city-state of the coalition, it was mostly made of wood and stone, really solid and well-made, respecting the natural environment around it, until it got ruined by the arrival of the Lapis Nomine.


Coastal city of the far north, mostly snowy all year long, with ice covering the docks. Around it, a forest of pines, and an often frozen river.

ten years after the fall

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