Krea has a similar way of measuring things as irl, but not everything is the same.
You can calculate weight, length, and volume units using this generator.
You can calculate time and ages using this generator.
60 minutes in an hour.
20 hours in a day.
6 days in a week.
5 weeks in a month.
30 days in a month.
12 months in a year.
360 days in a year.
1 Unicro = ~.1 Pounds or ~1.5 Ounces or ~50 Grams
1 Unimin = ~.5 Pounds or ~8 Ounces or ~.25 Kilograms
1 Unit = ~1 Pound or ~.5 Kilograms
1 Unilux = ~125 Pounds or ~55 Kilograms or ~.05 Tons
1 Unimax = ~1,000 Pounds or ~.5 Tons
1 Unimeg = ~10,000 Pounds or ~5 Tons (50 Uninans in a Unicro, 5 Unicros in a Unimin, 2 Unimins in a Unit, 125 Units in a Unilux, 8 Unilux in a Unimax, 10 Unimax in a Unimeg)
1 Stecro = ~.1 Foot or ~1 Inch or ~3 Centimeters
1 Stemin = ~.5 Feet or ~5 Inches or ~.1 Meter or ~15 Centimeters
1 Step = ~1 Foot or ~.3 Meters
1 Stelux = ~100 Feet or ~30 Yards or ~30 Meters
1 Stemax = ~1,000 Feet or ~.1 Mile or ~.3 Kilometers
1 Stemeg = ~5,000 Feet or ~1 Mile or ~1.5 Kilometers (3 Stenans in a Stecro, 5 Stecros in a Stemin, 2 Stemins in a Step, 100 Steps in a Stelux, 10 Stelux in a Stemax, 5 Stemax in a Stemeg)
1 Percro = ~.125 Gallons or ~1 Pint or ~.5 Quarts or ~.5 Liters
1 Permin = ~.25 Gallons or ~1 Quart or ~1 Liter
1 Perse = ~1 Gallon or ~3.7 Liters
1 Perlux = ~10 Gallons or ~37.8 Liters
1 Permax = ~100 Gallons or ~378.5 Liters
1 Permeg = ~1,000 Gallons or ~3785.5 Liters (4 Pernans in a Percro, 2 Percros in a Permin, 4 Permins in a Perse, 10 Perse in a Perlux, 10 Perlux in a Permax, 10 Permax in a Permeg)
You can calculate weight, length, and volume units using this generator.
You can calculate time and ages using this generator.
Time is measured similar in Krea as IRL, using Seconds, Minutes, and Hours. 60 seconds in a minute.60 minutes in an hour.
20 hours in a day.
6 days in a week.
5 weeks in a month.
30 days in a month.
12 months in a year.
360 days in a year.
Weight is measured in a similar manner to both imperial and metric systems. They use the term 'Unit' to refer to weight. Below are the conversions. 1 Uninan = ~1 Gram1 Unicro = ~.1 Pounds or ~1.5 Ounces or ~50 Grams
1 Unimin = ~.5 Pounds or ~8 Ounces or ~.25 Kilograms
1 Unit = ~1 Pound or ~.5 Kilograms
1 Unilux = ~125 Pounds or ~55 Kilograms or ~.05 Tons
1 Unimax = ~1,000 Pounds or ~.5 Tons
1 Unimeg = ~10,000 Pounds or ~5 Tons (50 Uninans in a Unicro, 5 Unicros in a Unimin, 2 Unimins in a Unit, 125 Units in a Unilux, 8 Unilux in a Unimax, 10 Unimax in a Unimeg)
Length is treated somewhat similarly to weight. They use the term 'Step' to refer to length. Below are the conversions. 1 Stenan = ~.33 Inch or ~1 Centimeter1 Stecro = ~.1 Foot or ~1 Inch or ~3 Centimeters
1 Stemin = ~.5 Feet or ~5 Inches or ~.1 Meter or ~15 Centimeters
1 Step = ~1 Foot or ~.3 Meters
1 Stelux = ~100 Feet or ~30 Yards or ~30 Meters
1 Stemax = ~1,000 Feet or ~.1 Mile or ~.3 Kilometers
1 Stemeg = ~5,000 Feet or ~1 Mile or ~1.5 Kilometers (3 Stenans in a Stecro, 5 Stecros in a Stemin, 2 Stemins in a Step, 100 Steps in a Stelux, 10 Stelux in a Stemax, 5 Stemax in a Stemeg)
Volume is treated the same as the above as well. They use the term 'Perse' to refer to length. Below are the conversions. 1 Pernan = ~.5 Cups or ~4 Ounces or ~.25 Pints or ~120 Mililiters1 Percro = ~.125 Gallons or ~1 Pint or ~.5 Quarts or ~.5 Liters
1 Permin = ~.25 Gallons or ~1 Quart or ~1 Liter
1 Perse = ~1 Gallon or ~3.7 Liters
1 Perlux = ~10 Gallons or ~37.8 Liters
1 Permax = ~100 Gallons or ~378.5 Liters
1 Permeg = ~1,000 Gallons or ~3785.5 Liters (4 Pernans in a Percro, 2 Percros in a Permin, 4 Permins in a Perse, 10 Perse in a Perlux, 10 Perlux in a Permax, 10 Permax in a Permeg)