Opirian Laws/Fines
A list of all the Taxes and Fines Opirium has an how much they cost:
Abandonment Fine: Gotten if you abandon a creature, connected or not, child, family member, or someone else who is a dependant under your care without giving them support for them to make it on their own. This fine is worth 500 CC (~$1,000).
Bankrupt Fine: Gotten if you cannot pay your taxes and/or fines. Since you cannot pay you are required to do some community service for what you owe. This fine will be added onto the community service owed. This fine is worth 10 CC (~$20) every month it persists.
Blackmail Fine: Gotten if you try and/or succeed to blackmail someone. This fine is worth 25 CC (~$50).
Bully Fine: Given to all those rude jackasses and bullies out there. This fine is worth 10 CC (~$20), which can be multiplied by every week they are found bullying others.
Child Care Fine: Gotten if a child is not properly taken care of. This fine is worth 100 CC (~$200).
Discrimination Fine: Given to people who refuse service to others based on their skin color, gender, etc. This does not extend to religious or heath based issues. This fine is worth 50 CC (~$100) for each person.
DoP Fine: DoP stands for Destruction of Property. Gotten if you destroy someone else's belonging(s). This fine is worth equal to the amount destroyed. Sentimental value is also taken into consideration. If the item is priceless, a max fine of 25,000 CC (~$50,000) may be charged.
Escapee Fine: Given to those who try and escape jail or detainment. This fine is worth 250 CC (~$500). Increases to 500 CC (~$1,000) if the escape is successful.
False Report Fine: Gotten if you report someone to get them fined but it turns out you lied. This fine is worth 5 CC (~$10).
Fine Refusal Fine: Gotten if you refuse to pay a fine. This fine is worth 1 CC (~$2) for every refusal.
Harassment Fine: Gotten if you harass another individual. This fine is worth 100 CC (~$200).
House Care Fine: Gotten if you don't properly care for your house, inner or outer. This fine is worth 20 CC (~$40).
Improper Seclusion Fine: Gotten if someone can see into your private space and sees you being indecent. This fine is worth 10 CC (~$20).
Insolence Fine: Gotten if you know a rule and try to break or bend it anyways and act all insolent to people trying to help or teach you. AKA the Karen Fine. This fine is worth 200 Gold CC (~$400).
Irresponsible Drunk Fine: Given to someone who gets drunk in public and starts acting indecently. As long as you're decent you're ok to be drunk. This fine is worth 10 CC (~$20).
Litter Fine: You will be fined 170 CC (~$340) if you litter.
Litter Fine (Pet version): Gotten if a pet leaves droppings or makes a mess and you don't clean it up. This fine is worth 170 CC (~$340).
Mob Fine: Gathering a group of people for protests or and mob activity (Besides obvious festivals or fun lighthearted contests). This fine is worth 25 CC (~$50).
No Fine: Gotten if someone says no or tells you to stop and you continue anyways and try to pressure them. This fine is worth 2 CC (~$4).
Peeking Fine: Given to people who spy on others in their private spaces. This fine is worth 50 CC (~$100).
Pet Care Fine: Gotten if a pet is not well cared for. This fine is worth 10 CC (~$20).
Public Disturbance Fine: Given to people that scream or yell at each other in public and cause a disturbance. This fine is worth 50 CC (~$100).
Public Indecency Fine: Gotten if you're being indecent in public. This fine is worth 50 CC (~$100).
Scam Fine: Gotten if you scam another person. This fine is worth 100 CC (~$200).
Slavery Fine: Gotten if you are found to treat another as a slave. This fine is worth 750 CC (~$1,500) per slave one has and extends to connected beasts.
Suicide Fine: Gotten if someone tries to commit suicide. This fine is worth 5 CC (~$10). Others who caused the situation may also be fined upwards of 100 CC (~$200), especially if the attempt succeeds.
Thievery Fine: Unlike the crime of theft itself, the thievery fine is given to people who simply don't return something that was lent to them by someone else knowingly. This fine is worth 50 CC (~$100) for every item every day it's not returned after the fine is issued.
ToS Fine: ToS stands for Theft of Service; gotten if you receive something and don't pay for it afterwards. This fine is worth 50 CC (~$100) every day it's not paid after the fine is issued.
Trespassing Fine: In the case of private areas, you can be fined for trespassing. This fine is worth 100 CC (~$200).