Supply Wagon Vehicle in Kreworis | World Anvil
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Supply Wagon

The nefadric supply wagon is essantialy the backbone of the imperial army, as it used to transport the bulk of required supplies of the army. Thus releifing the troops of a great deal of weight they would have to carry while marching, making them able to either march longer or retain more stamina for potential fighting.   Since the introduction of the supply wagon, any imperial army that had access to a supply wagon, was found to have greatly reduced travel times, not only better survivability but even better comfort while marching and when facing troublesome conditions such as heavy storms and cold winters, which also greatly improved troop moral. Not only the ground that could be covered per day has increased also the size of the army that can be suppiled has increased since the introduction of the supply wagon, as it has a much larger transport capacitiy without the need of soldieres carrying the supplies in large backpacks.

Power Generation

A span of two horses attached by horse collars pull the supply wagon. Some varriants of the supply wagon have spans of four horses or use oxen should the load be especially heavy, such as when transporting siege cannons. Though this is at the cost of speed, however, this is a worthwhile sacrifice.


The nefadric supply wagon moves on four steel plateded sturdy hard wood wheels.These sturdy wheels can take a lot of abuse and rarely break, though there is only so much rough tarrain they can cross without getting stuck. While plains and light rolling hills, even with little to no path, usually is of littly concern, terrain such as swap or forrests are usually impassible without significant efforts by escorting pioniers.

Weapons & Armament

A supply wagon is unarmed and needs to be escorted by soldiers, to ensure that the valueable supplies are well guarded and don't fall in the hands of the enemy.
Owning Organization


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