The Shell Archipelago
The Shell Archpelago is a collection of islands central within the Sherware Sea and is a colonial poession of the Nefadric Empire. The Islands were a major discovery of the 16th century and have since then served as as a hub of exploration, source of a broad range of exotic goods and midway point across the Sheware Sea.
All islands of the Shell Archipelago are considered to be places of astounding natural beauty. Most islands are coated in thick lush jungle and have extensive beaches of soft white sand, bordering deep blue water of the central Sherware Sea instead of the pale washed out colour that is typical for the eastern Sherware Sea.
Fauna & Flora
Islands of the Shell Archipelago harbour a broad varrariety of spieces and are sprawling with life. A favorite of many are the tropical songbirds that entice with visitors to the island with beautiful songs.
Natural Resources
The Shell Archipelago is generally known for it's exotic foods, among wealthy also for it's gold and diamonds deposits that created thier jewlery or tropical hardwood of thier furniture.
Large diamond deposits are found nearly exclusivly on Bridon, which has earned it a reputation among artists, jewelers, the wealthy and nobility. On other islands, diamonds have only been found in small quanaties, if at all.
A great asset of basicly all islands is thier fertile land, which due to tropic climate and great soil enrichmend by vulcanic activity, reliabily produces sizeable harversts all year. These are shipped to all corners of the Nefadric Empire and are a highly profitable export good.
My submission to "Summercamp 2019 | Prompt 01"