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Draconic Brood

A number of Dragon bloodlines exist in the vast interstellar empire known as the Draconic Brood. With an imperial system similar to a ruling nobility, the major families are separated into groups known as Houses. Each house governs independently and controls their own individual territories and systems, though the Titanic Council—made up of the heads of the major bloodlines—rules the whole of the Draconic empire as a single nation.   Though they are considered a single imperial entity to outsiders due to their significant populace mixing, internal trade, and the fact that they maintain a cohesive joint council and declare war as a single entity; on the inside, they have their own factions and alliances between houses, and will skirmish and build trade relationships among each other that sometimes never affects planetary systems outside draconic space.  

Houses, Bloodlines, & Titans

Each blood line of dragons is lead by a Dragon Titan, and in most cases all dragon-blood members of the family are direct descendants of the Titans—each Titan having been the first of their kind to emerge out of the primordial universe and begin siring their blood lines.   The bloodlines are further grouped into Houses. The major Houses are formed along consistent, clear blood lines in most cases, though smaller Houses and families may merge or join in a more mutable fashion.  

Major Houses

House Thunder
  • Oceanus, Patriarch of The Blue
  • Tethys, Matriarch of The Silver
  • House Flame
  • Hyperion, Patriarch of The Red
  • Theia, Matriarch of The Gold
  • House Decay
  • Phoebe, Matriarch of The Black
  • Coeus, Patriarch of The Copper
  • House Bane
  • Themis, Matriarch of The Green
  • Mnemosyne, Matriarch of The Bronze
  • House Glacier
  • Crius, Patriarch of The White
  • Iapetus, Patriarch of The Brass
  • In addition to the above Houses, two additional Dragon Titans existed.
    Their house, House Singularity, was a small one and mainly kept to itself and had significantly less family—Kronos and Rhea more focused on dedicating their resources and energies to magical research and diving into the physics behind reality.
    House Singularity fell out of favor after the Titanomachy and the following trial, imprisonment, and execution. What little remained of it was pounced upon by other, more powerful houses greedy to take what power they could. Nothing remains of Singularity today, even the name having been excised from myth and memory.  
    House Singularity (Extinct)
  • Kronos, The Time Dragon (Eternally Imprisoned)
  • Rhea, The Void Dragon (Deceased—Executed)


    In addition to controlling the largest territories in the galaxy, the Draconic Houses also field the largest and most powerful space-worthy ships: The Dreadnoughts. Each house has between 1 and 5 Dreadnoughts, and these massive capital ships are practically planets of their own. Most Dreadnoughts are a few hundred kilometers long, and have a crew of thirty to forty thousand and a occupancy of seventy-five to one-hundred thousand. The largest: House Flame’s Titanus Aurelia is almost two-thousand kilometers long and four-hundred kilometers at beam and hosts almost one-hundred thousand crew and another half a million non-combatants aside.   The Dreadnoughts are ancient and powerful combinations of magic and technology, and even the youngest of them, House Glacier’s Atlas Tyrannus is tens of millennia old and pre-dates the entire Ferro Dominion.   Usually held away from combat engagements due to their value and population, Dreadnoughts are still heavily armed and armored enough to provide a significant intimidating threat when they show up on battle lines that usually combat is avoided entirely. Only one Dreadnought, House Flame’s Titanus Ignis, has ever been destroyed in combat, falling to the Ferro Dominion at the Battle of Kronos.   Iapetonides- Atlas, Prometheus, Epimetheus, Menoetius   Progenitors- Uranus, Gaeia
    Geopolitical, Empire

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