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The Feywild is an adjacent plane and one of the closest in proximity to the material world.
It is fairly easy to get into, as long as one possesses sufficient enough magic and the proper know-how. In fact, the Feywild is close enough to the material world that sometimes natural, spontaneous portals between the two will open—usually deep in the forest.
  While the Feywild is home to alien flora and fauna, many similarities exist with the natural world of the material. There are trees and mushrooms and squirrels and deer… Only they usually have some innate magical aura in them, and come in all various sizes.
Time and distance work a little differently in the Feywild, and it is said that careless travelers have fallen into the Feywild only to appear years later when they insist they had only been gone days. The truth of the matter is that the land is mutable, and often mirrors the desires and mood of the inhabitants.

The Fey

The Feywild, like most of the planes, was created in the first birthing spark of the universe, and with it were born the Fey people.
Most of the original Fey have grown powerful since the dawn of time and are referred to as Archfey, this includes the Fey monarchy over the Feywild,Titania Queen of the Fey and @Ober.
The Summer and Winter Courts were divided eons ago with the split of the king and queen, and a kind of cold war hostility has remained in place, splitting the Feywild down the middle.
Dimensional plane
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