
18th of Floralis, 1172 AD

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Editorial Team

Kryllos is a dark fantasy, sword-and-sorcery setting which mixes airship swashbuckling with lawless gold-rush style prospecting against the backdrop of a festering cold war between two nations while the religious authority sanctions an inquisition to purge heretics.

A meteor struck the planet in an apocalyptic event known as "Starfall", splitting time into two halves: Before Cataclysm (BC) and Astral Descent (AD) The comet delivered arcane magick to the world but fractured the landmasses - levitating entire continents into the air where they remain, hovering, to this day. The surface wasteland, far below, is cloaked in perpetual shadow and covered in ash. Home to undead beyond count.

Fragments of the meteor (known as "Witchrock") are the source of sourcery and high magick - a required component to cast arcane spells. Because these fragments enable powerful invocations and enchantments, they are priceless. Wars have been fought over Witchrock.