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Daewar Clan

The Daewar Dwarves (Dearest) are one of the clans of Dwarves who live in the underground kingdom of Thorbardin. They are known to be fanatical in their chosen pursuits and have the best trained and dedicated army beneath the mountain. They believe that they are the beloved of Reorx and many have become Clerics dedicated to him. They built and maintained most of the Temples throughout Thorbardin, charging high fees for their services, filling these temples with rich furnishings and built even grander temples.


Habitat and Society

Daewar are the dwarven craftsman. They excel at battle and at metalworking and are considered to be 'good' dwarves as well. Daewar are almost as 'noble' as the Hylar, but they are more concerned with the acquisition of wealth and are usually the merchants of dwarvenkind.



The ruler-ship of the Daewar is passed onto the Dwarf with the best merchant skills in the time of Jeron Redleather, prior to and after, it was selected by the Daewar.

  • Prince Olim Goldbuckle (ca. 2165 PC - 1975 PC) was the first known Thane for the Daewar, and assisted in ratifying the Covenant of the Forge.
  • Jeron Redleather (ca. 2073 PC) was the ruler during the time of the War of the Mountain.
  • Gneiss Truesilver (ca. 350 AC - Now).


The Daewar were one of the original clans of Kal-Thax. It was under the leadership of the Prince Olim Goldbuckle that the Daewar discovered the cavern that would later become known as Thorbardin. The Daewar sent the explorer Urkhan into a cavern; there he discovered a place that could serve the needs of their entire clan. At first, the Daewar attempted to keep the cavern secret from the Theiwar, and to move into the cavern and hide from the rest of the dwarven clans. With the arrival of the Hylar, and the constant threat of outside attackers, the Daewar reluctantly opened their cavern to all the clans.

The Daewar were also the first clan to recognize the importance of the Hylar and the two clans often worked together on projects throughout the centuries. During the Wizard War the Daewar provided many troops to the effort, including the Golden Hammer squad, that was the elite Daewar fighting force.

When the Gods disappeared after the Cataclysm, the true clerics of the Daewar also disappeared. Those who were left could no longer heal the plagues that ravaged through Thorbardin, nor could they cast nurturing spells upon the crops. The other clans blamed their misery on the Daewar and attacked their temples and shrines, looting the treasures held within.

Some tried to keep up with their faith and temples, other’s tried to bring forth “miracles” to show that the gods were still here. Many of the clan turned to worshiping other things, such as albino rats to an unusual rock formation.

During the War of the Lance, Gneiss Truesilver ruled the Daewar. As he was too old to fight in the war, many of the Daewar served under Hylar captains, which led to much resentment between the two groups.

Geopolitical, Clan
Ruling Organization


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