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Solamnic Knights

Solamnic Knights The Solamnic Knights are a chivalric order, a "brotherhood forged when Krynn was young". The Solamnic Order is dedicated to the forces of light, and live by a strict code of honor.

The Knighthood requires the help of a conscripted army, footmen, usually local guards, militia and mercenaries, acting under the commands of a Knight. They are not part of the knighthood itself.


Candidates for Knighthood

To become a candidate for Knighthood, the man must:

  1. Be from Solamnia.
  2. Must serve as a squire to a Knight.
  3. Must be presented by a Knight in good standing.
  4. Must face any challenge put forth by any Knight.

Exceptions have been made in the past. Generally, squires are young lads, but there are no age restrictions. Some men remain squires all their life. One whose candidacy has not been approved must wait one year to re-enter his name to be submitted for Knighthood again. During this time he can provide any new evidence to refute any claim against him.


The Oath and the Measure

The Oath

The Solamnic Oath of the Knights of Solamnia was "Est Solarus oth Mithas" in the Solamnic Language. It means "My honor is my life". It was created by the knights' founder Vinas Solamnus. It was what the knights are supposed to live their lives by. It was also sometimes called the Code.

The Measure

The life of every Knight of Solamnia is governed by rules that most advocate strict adherence too, the violation of which can bring a knight to severe judgment. Originally written by the founder of the order - Vinas Solamnus – this codified doctrine has been added to many times over the years since the Cataclysm, now thirty-seven volumes of nearly three hundred pages each.

The full list of rules is not available, but a few examples of the contents of the Measure include:

• Formal address and courtly etiquette.

• Codifies the command structure for the greater whole and for separate circles in each township.

• Sets the rules for electing a Grand Master, and appointing a High Clerist.

• Strict codes for advancing both in rank and through the orders.

• Strict codes for a squire to become a knight.

• Forbade hindering the duties of a knight of any rank.

• On detached duty, the knight most informed on their environment always has command despite rank.

• Recommended justice be sough in peace, not war.

• No knight should purposefully insult another knight.

• Low morale is dishonorable, and should be dealt with quickly.

• Forbids a civilian touching the sword of a knight.

• Forbids a knight from questioning the reputation of a noble.

• Commands that a knight who returns a blow must see the battle through to the end.

• Commands knights to always support their superiors in words and deeds.

• Forbids knights from concealing their identity, except when engaged in a quest of honour.

• Stats that a knight should not kill an unaware enemy.

• A leader should never shout, nor lose their temper.

• In times of war, personal grievances must be set aside.

• Forbids long journeys without first being sanctioned by a superior.

• Forbids retreat from battle.

• Forbids actively starting a fight without provocation.

• Forbids enslavement.

• Seventy-five pages on properly saddling horses.

• Sets rules for tournaments and other festivals.

• Commands Knights to accept any challenge against the honour of their Order.

• Forbids interference in such challenges between other knights.

• Speaks of faith, and of knights worshipping the gods of their particular Order.

• Gives the Kingfisher a place of honour as the emblem of the knighthood.

In the modern era, some within the knighthood – most notably Lord Gunthar Uth Wistan – have advocated for revising the Measure to better reflect the times they live in and to streamline issues that the Measure has failed to address before. Some suggestions have been forward for revisions, so it is known that these are issues not currently covered by the Measure. A examples of these include:

• The blind, deaf, dumb and inform should be treated with respect and courtesy.

• No knight should be preoccupied with personal glory to the detriment of the causes the knighthood stands for.

• Those who make the supreme sacrifice for their people and lands should be rewarded in the afterlife.

• Any person with only partial human ancestry should be allowed membership.

• Retreat should be allowed when confronted with a powerful foe if it allows the knight to fight another day.

• No knight should have any dealings with one who has been outcast from the knighthood.

• A knight should perform a Quest of Virtue, and a deed or heroism in line with the Oath and the Measure should be witnessed in order for the knight to advance through the orders.

• Instructions should be given as to how to recognize a deserving ruler, their names kept on a List of Honour.

• The rules for advancing in rank within an order should be relaxed and codified to make it easier for commanders to promote those within their ranks.

• Disgraced and outcast knights should be given a path to redemption, offering them the opportunity to set out on a quest.

• Some acts listed as too heinous, and should allow for a knight to be immediately outcast without question, of given the opportunity to perform the ritual of the Honour of the Sword (ritual suicide) to maintain their personal and family honour.


Basic Structure The Knighthood is divided into three suborders of increasing rank: the Orders of the Crown, Sword, and Rose. A knight can also become a Lord Knight, thus dropping the title of 'sir' and replacing it with 'Lord'. Entry into the higher orders requires attainment of rank in the lower ones. Every order is based in a different set of concepts that the knight must understand.

The Knighthood is ruled by the Grandmaster of the Knights of Solamnia and a Conclave, formed by representatives of each order. This Conclave is reunited during certain times in a year to discuss matters concerning promotions, guidelines, information gathering, war councils, talk with allies, etc. The Conclave may have extraordinary sessions if the situation is exceptional.

When the Grandmaster dies, the new Grandmaster is chosen between the members of the Conclave. Although a Knight of the Rose is usually chosen due to his experience, there is no known rule stating that must be the case, and there have been known situations when the Knight of the Sword has been chosen instead.

Regarding Squires - During several centuries, the Knighthood only accepted squires coming from noble families located in Solamnia. As the empire of Istar grew stronger and their fight against evil became an obsession, the number of recruits diminished. This forced the Knighthood to send spies to different organizations, including the Thieves Guild in Palanthas, looking for people that, if not from nobility, held solid concepts of honor that may fit in their ranks.

In more recent times, squires can enter the order so long as they are honorable. A Knight already in the order must sponsor them. Once they have received sufficient training, the squire must be approved by a Council of Knights. If the Council has no valid reason to believe that the squire had performed a dishonorable action, they are accepted into the Knighthood. If their honor is questioned, the issue is worked out in the Council, until the time the squire is either approved or turned away.


Background Vinas Solamnus was a general of the army of the Empire of Ergoth, who fought for them until he was sent to subdue a rebellion in Solamnia, which was at the time eastern Ergoth. After months of fighting, winter bogged down the campaign. In the months of inactivity, Solamnus studied the cause of the rebels, and found it to be just. He marched to Daltigoth, capital of Ergoth, he led his army in the Rose Rebellion or the War of Ice Tears. After defeating the Empire, he spent some time alone meditating. The gods Paladine, Habbakuk, and Kiri-Jolith then sent Vinas a vision, in which he thought about an army divided in three orders, each of the three orders associated with a god. The Knighthood was born. They are dedicated to the protection of Solamnia and Ansalon, service to the gods of Good, and above all to the ideals of honor.

Vinas and the First Knights of Solamnia Originally there was around twelve Knights that joined up with Vinas when he formed the Knighthood. Most were from the great families that followed him following the breaking of the Empire of Ergoth. Some of the families were the Brightblade Family, Di Caela Family, MarKenin Family, Jeoffrey Family, Celestes Family, and the Uth Wistan Family to name a few. Only a few of the first Knight's names are known including Berthel Brightblade, Peradur Soth, Gabriel Di Caela, and Elias Solamnus. Originally there was around twelve Knights that joined up with Vinas when he formed the Knighthood. Most were from the great families that followed him following the breaking of the Empire of Ergoth. Some of the families were the Brightblade Family, Di Caela Family, MarKenin Family, Jeoffrey Family, Celestes Family, and the Uth Wistan Family to name a few. Only a few of the first Knight's names are known including Berthel Brightblade, Peradur Soth, Gabriel Di Caela, and Elias Solamnus. Originally there was around twelve Knights that joined up with Vinas when he formed the Knighthood. Most were from the great families that followed him following the breaking of the Empire of Ergoth. Some of the families were the Brightblade Family, Di Caela Family, MarKenin Family, Jeoffrey Family, Celestes Family, and the Uth Wistan Family to name a few. Only a few of the first Knight's names are known including Berthel Brightblade, Peradur Soth, Gabriel Di Caela, and Elias Solamnus.

Civilian, Knightly Order

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