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South Thorbardin / Daegar Kingdom

The Daegar, who have allied themselves with the Theiwar and the Dragonarmies, control the southern areas of Thorbardin. Their main city, Daebardin, is the only city in this section of the dwarven kingdom. The Daegar are dark seekers, so no sun tunnels exist in these areas, leaving everything blanketed in darkness.


Areas of Interest

South Hall of Justice

Similar to the North Hall of Justice, this block once served as a secondary line of defense in case the Southgate fell to enemies. This hall is but a single level, rather than two as the North Hall. It is dominated by a great hall, the Temple of the Stars, which in days long passed was one of the main temples of Reorx in the mountain nation.



A large prison complex that is guarded by the Daegar. The party released near 100 prisoners from here.


Temple of Stars

The Temple of the Stars was located in the dwarven kingdom of Thorbardin and was built inside the South Hall of Justice. The temple was a large square building that contained four entrances that symbolized the four compass points. The entrances led into wide hallways that ran straight to the inner chamber.

The inner chamber was circular in shape, had a domed roof and was the alter room. The altar in the room was carved in the shape of anvil out of red granite, and was on a platform. On the domed roof were large diamonds that duplicated the patterns of Krynn's constellations and glowed at night, creating the illusion that the temple was open to the sky.

This temple was the most holy site in all of Thorbardin because it contained a bottomless shaft that dwarves believed led to a city that Reorx lived in. The shaft was discovered during the construction of Thorbardin and was a natural phenomenon. Several attempts were made to determine how far the shaft went but none of the attempts ever produced any answers.


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