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Theiwar Clan

The Theiwar (Thankless) are one of the Clans of Dwarves who live in the underground kingdom of Thorbardin. Their appearance is thin and undernourished, with unkempt black hair and their beards are usually scraggly. Their skin is white due to their aversion to the sun, and any bright light will blind them. They commonly wear heavy cloth and chainmail armor that hangs down to their knees.

The Daergar are the only dwarven race that socializes with the Theiwar. Theiwar hate all other races, particularly Humans and Elves. Though they can eat all types of food, Theiwar prefer to eat meat raw or cooked. Warrior Theiwar are rumored to eat humans during drunken festivals.


Habitat and Society

The Theiwar dwarves are one of the races of Dark Dwarves. Known for the conniving and scheming they are often plotting to overthrow the Hylar and rule Thorbardin themselves. Theiwar are always looking for ways to further their own self-interests. Living in their dark dwellings Theiwar form communities that are often unlighted. A Theiwar is easily distinguishable from other dwarves because of their paler complexions and larger eyes. The Theiwar are also a clan of dwarves who have come to use magic. While most dwarves mistrust or hate magic, the Theiwar have embraced the art.

They have small interest in building their holdings, but are more concerned with dark plots and schemes. They prefer to attack those that travel alone and are not armed. They are also known to be very superstitious and are self-serving, looking out only for themselves.



The Thane of the Theiwar is decided by combat, unanimous selection by the Theiwar or through a series of challenges. The winner or chosen one rules until death. Previous Theiwar Thanes:

  • Crouch Redfire (? - 2160 PC) was the first known Theiwar Thane and was assassinated by Glome the Assassin.
  • Twist Cutshanks (2160 PC - 2157 PC) followed the Theiwar Thane Crouch Redfire and led Theiwar when the Hylar first arrive at Kal-Thax. He was later killed by Olim.
  • Glome the Assassin (ca. 2157 PC - 2155 PC) seized power as thane following the death of Twist. He was later killed when he tried to take over all the dwarves and killed Colin Stonetooth.
  • Slide Tolec (ca. 2155 PC - ? PC) was given control of the Theiwar by his own clan after the apparent death of Glome the Assassin. He ruled as the most wise of all the Thiewar Thanes, and later stepped down in his old age.
  • Swing Basto (ca. ? - 2109 PC) was a ruler of the Theiwar during Wilderness Wars, and retired following those and was pardoned by Tap.
  • Tap Tolec (ca. 2109 PC - ? PC) was granted the title of Thane following the Wilderness Wars by his people. Unknown how long he ruled for.
  • Realgar (ca. 251 AC - 351 AC) was Thane before the War of the Lance came to the areas around Thorbardin. He was working with the Dragonarmies by supplying them. When Glade Hornfel Kytil found out, he challenged Realgar and killed him for betrayal.
  • Pounce Quickspring (351 AC - 383 AC) became Thane during the War of the Lance following the demise of Realgar.


One of the original clans of Kal-Thax, the Theiwar are a clan known for its treachery and underhanded dealings. The first known Theiwar Thane is Crouch Redfire who was slain by Glome the Assassin. Redfire's successor was Twist Cutshanks, who led the Theiwar at the time of the Hylar arrival. Twist Cutshanks conspired against the Daewar and attempted to have them destroyed by the Cobar during a raid. Olim Goldbuckle, thane of the Daewar, challenged Twist Cutshanks to duel in which Olim easily defeated Cutshanks. His co-conspirator Glome then succeeded Cutshanks.

Glome led his people during the founding of Thorbardin, anger, jealousy, and distrust of the Hylar led Glome to openly voice his disapproval of them. He was removed from being a thane and replaced by Slide Tolec. Glome though, angered at the Hylar and blaming them for all of the problems that the dwarves faced, launched an assassination attempt against the Hylar Thane, Colin Stonetooth. Colin Stonetooth and the Ten (his personal bodyguard, all but Willen Ironmaul were present during the attack) battled back but fell to Glome and his followers. Stonetooth's death sealed the covenant of the forge in which all thanes agreed to serve Thorbardin in their clan's interest. The thanes put Glome to death for his actions.

Centuries later the Theiwar would once again provide the key figures during the War of the Lance. Led by Thane Realgar the dark dwarves made a pact with the Red Dragonarmy to turn Thorbardin over to the Dragonarmies. Realgar's plans were futile as the Hylar thane, Hornfel, killed him. Pounce Quickspring replaced Realgar.

Geopolitical, Clan
Ruling Organization


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