Garrick Thornbridge

One could search the whole of Krynn and not find another entity so stubborn as Garrick Thornbridge once his mind is made up. Descendant of a long line of solamnic knights, Garrick was raised in the ways of The Oath and The Measure. Sadly for him, being stationed in Solanthus and therefore subject to its political machinations meant that he was invariably outmaneuvered by one of his contemporaries. Unwilling to break The Oath in order to unearth the evidence required for his exhoneration, Garrick lost his title as a Knight of the Sword. He ultimately found himself in Kalaman as a part of the Knights of the Tulip, hoping that he one day might prove himself worthy of once again becoming a solamnic knight based solely upon the strength of his character and the scope of his deeds.


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