BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Aylin Stormlight


Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Very strong and muscular.

Facial Features

Freckles along cheekbones and atop nose.

Identifying Characteristics

Auburn hair, with one red eye and one green.


Contacts & Relations

Boreas, helped me escape from the carriage I was restrained in.

I remember nothing, I'm not even sure what I look like. There must be a mirror around here somewhere. Wait... How did I know what a mirror does?

View Character Profile
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
155 lbs
Known Languages
Common, elvish

Sunken Temple of Paladine

We must rest and recoup before we start our secret trek to Paladine's Temple. We wake up feeling much better and sneak towards the Temple. Now when I say sneak, half of the party including myself decide we want to just have conversations and we're not too worried about what happens. We notice the air patrols include us in their circles but do not appear to be alerting anyone of our presence. Wonder if that will change. We make it to the Temple and it appears etremely run down, covered in almost a black ick of darkness and corruption that skirts every surface. It also appears to be partially sunken in water. I don't remember Paladine Temples ever being this dark and dank. They are always light and silver shining not unlike Paladine himself.   We make are way though some trees that have sort of the same darkness and have purple leaves at their tops. As soon as we get in the middle of them, they attack. One is much larger than the other two but they can certainly do some damage. We battle them while Dell heads towards the alter inside to see what he can stop. Hopefully he gets to the bottom of this darkness. As we continue the battle, Dell diappears from view with a water elemental and then oozes out the side of the temple in the middle of said water elemental meanwhile, there appears to be a genie in the water beyond what I can see of the trees.   Dell just seems to be playing with the water elemental while I continue to work on these trees. Charity and Xanks have helped, Steve has floated off to take on the genie. Maybe some personal competition there, I'm not sure. Genies are weird. I really need Dell to focus so I use the world tree to pull him away from the elemental and genie. Why he is now by both of them I do not know. Kravlak went to help Dell and we have now dispatched every enemy. Dell and Kravlak are back by the alter as we finish the last of the trees so I run forward yelling at them to move as I lower the Dragon Lance and stab it into the alter. Please let it take away the corruption. They instantly dive to each edge of the temple to avoid my wrath and as the Lance pierces the alter things start to change. The corruption lifts around the entire Temple and it is once again returned to its former glory. Beautiful light and silver.   The Dragon Lance slowly loses it's own corruption and becomes fully funtioning again! It's stunning! I havent held one of these for years! On the alter is a Platinum scale that looks to be a gift from Paladine himself. I pocket it before anyone sees wondering what it is he would have me do with it. Gifts like these are very rare. Does he want me to resurrect his Cleric Boreas? Do I need to think bigger? The gift was given for a reason and I will figure it out. I must do it soon however because we are headed to stop this city from rising!

The City of Lost Names

The death of the brass dragon leaves us speechless as we walk up to Ness laying battered on the ground. This is absolutely devastating and leaves the future of Hearts Hollow in question. Is it indeed the mysterious cacti protecting this wonderful refugee town or was it Ness herself? We walk into Hearts Hollow and everyone is gathered where I'm sure they could see Ness fall. Confusion that she lived among them as dragon quickly morphs to almost this cloying depression and worry. It blankets the crowd, luckily Kravlak knows how to lift the spirits and settle the nerves.   Charity checked in with Darrett and got the location of the City of Lost Names. It was wise of him to come and ask me battle strategy on ow we should get in there. Naturally we want to speak with the Draconian fellow that's been with this army for an inside scoop. He has a solid plan but we have to get up there unoticed form the air as well as the ground. Somtimes it is so hard to keep this group on task. We must move as quickly as possible to try and find whatever will help us in the City of Lost Names.   We manage to get to the encampment around the entrance to The City. The have gaurds on reguar patrols on the ground as well as flying thorugh the air. We spy half way around the encampment to try and see if there is an easier entrance. We could certainly climb the mountain but I'm sure Charity would be like shiny beacon giving away our locationso tha doesn't seem to be our best option. Kravlak inspects things a little longer and notices a crack in the side of the rock if we go through the stables. We rest while we wait for the cover of darkness and before we go in I have a vision.   ...White robes, Blonde hair, She, definitely a female, creating acid into the time stream...   Kravlak is concerned with my pause so I explain the vision. This is definitely trouble some and will have to be dealt with soon before they can get too much stronger but right now the balance is so far off that we must focus on getting whatever we need. It stays on the backburner for now but is constantly niggling at my brain for I will need to travel to this person soon. I constatnly wonder how that encounter will end. Focus!   We make it into the crack and it appears to be underneath things. Lots of cave ins from above but still places to maneuver through. Green flames quickly iengulf the walls. Instantly something comes over me and I attack Kravlak but he also swings at me! Luckily we do not damage and can move on more cautiously. As we move we come to a room that contains a Golem, Kravlak sees it hidden under rubble. Once we start fighting it we realize that is is very similar to the one that was by the one stargate entrance. Could the same person be responsible for both? Something to come back to for sure! At least I didn't get a javelin in the back for this fight. We took it down very quickly and continue on our exploration. Soon we come across some bones that become a skeletal dragon! What on earth is that doing down here. We take this out fairly quickly as well and continue on. We come across some water that appears to be in an old bar area. There's a creature in here that sets the top of the water on fire. Likely I can hover so it's really fairly easy to get to and we take down said creature.   We enter a room that seems to be some sort of lounge area. There is a dragon skull on one wall that is hanging and then another wall has a stone dipiction of dragons paying homage to other dead dragons. This is a very interesting place.The next room we come to holds some sort of laboratory. There are fluids currrently cooking for lack of a better word. Kravlak found some magical scrolls in all the bookshelves. We head into the next room and find ourselves in a bedroom. While we are looking around a man comes through the door. He is wearing a white mask and red and gold robes that look very fancy. He is trapped down here and continues to try and find ways to break the spell for his release. He was an apprentice mage for this City back when it crashed 350 years ago. Hasn't been around as long as I but still nothing to scoff at. The energy of the dead dragons is what powers the city to make it fly and the mages in black robes, giants and a blue dragon in the middle of the city trying to get the city to take flight once again. Soth is towards the south of the city with an undead army as company. There is also a Temple of Paladine to the northwest.   Should we head to the temple and see if we can find something that may help us take on the dragon and mages? Do we go right after the mages? We were specifically told to stay away from Soth and I intend to do just that. But can we stop the flight of the city without alerting Soth and his army? I'm sure Charity will have an opinion. Hopefully the runemaster twins can help us figure out the runes the giants and mages are working with to make this city fly. A lot is going to depend on the next 24 hours. Hopefully we can get what we need accomplished and I don't have to wait another couple lifetimes for me to be back and fighting.

What Giants?

We are otside the Forge and it is quite a distance up! There appears to be tracks of the local wildlife all throughout this area but we don't see any actul signs of life. Kravlak investigates further and discovers that this is all illusion magic. They want to what make everyone think this area is just wildlife when smoke is coming off the plateau 200 feet up? I'm sure that brush rabbits are responsible for that. Idiots. Along the mesa there are what appears to be entrances cover by metal that's some how melded with the ground so there are no openings. We look around a little more and find tracks that are homanoid and larger than Kravlaks! True giants, must be. We follow these tracks and they lead us to a path up the side of the earth.   We get around half way and there a people ahead, very large people. I call out to them while the others deliberate on what we should do. We approach slowly just to be sure but they seem nervous and maybe a little scared but hiding it well. We find out that their job is to escort anyone that heads this way up to the giants at the top of the forge to die. They have no choice is this matter because of course they were taken from their family and the family is being threatened. I make sure that they know we are ok with the escort lile usual and that we would like to help them get away from the giants and help them get back to their family.   Once at the top of the plateau we can see the forge right in the middle of the circle of what appear to be small walls keeping things contained in a neat little square area. Obviously we get right down to business! Battle commences. The first giant in the middle goes down fairly quickly but they can drink the lava in the center of the forge to heal! The last giant of the 3 that holds a hammer can make us fly right off the edge when he hits the hammer against the earth! He is making the battle most challenging. I like a challenge! Charity quickly gets thrown about 20 feet off the ledge and it would have been a very hard fall for him, but what does "our leader" do? He throws a dan javelin in my back to save himself! The true leader is taking the damage and still pulling him up to continue with the battle. I quickly call upon the tree to get me back in this battle and it also brings Charity back to the ledge. Luckily the rope gets cut from a spell Gods know that I wouldn't want to be attached to the likes of Charity the entire battle! The Tree helps us on multiple occasions and we get the giants down. I'm really getting sick of every fight having javelins thrown in my back. This group...   They team looks around the area for anything usefull and I head back down towards the twins. They think I am the lone survivor! Ha! Right as I am about to tell them otherwise I hear the earth move above us. They must have found a way into the cave! Excellent! The twins come back up with me and decide they are going to stay with us and help us until we can figure out the best place for them to go or we find a way to get them back to their family. Through the large hole at the top, there are some sort of metal bars that are blocking our way. Steve manipulates the runes to get that bars gone. We find that there are about 20 sleeping bronze dragons in the hole. I quickly try to go down but there is some sort of block that we can see and hear through. We needed to have something holy that Boreas would have had. Of course. Now we have to find a different way in, something about a canary but it could also be a different shape. The twins tell us they saw the army traveling with a strange dog in a cage so that must be it. We must ocntinue to search through these wastes but now we are looking for an army as well. They will be quite sad when we find them! We must do so quickly though, I fear we have little time and those dragons must be awakened.   We long rest while the twins stand watch... Let's do some more traveling, If only we coud teleport to nerby locations.

Sand and Riches

We enter the Blue Pheonix Shrine at the bottom of one of the chasms brought there by the sea elves. The Shrine is beautiful tucked away down here where it can only be reached certain times. Brilliant really.   Habbakuk is there and assesses everyone present. She meets my eyes and instant recognition is there. I have not seen her for a very long time. We greet each other amicably. She takes a special interest in Dell and then gives him another chance. She clenses Del from his evil ties and ties him to her giving him the second chance I'm not sure yet if he deserves. Although listening to what he's been through, he very well might deserve it. When she does this a small spark in the balance of good happens, I will have to continue to feel if that keeps growing, it may be almost that the balance of evil has stopped growing? Extra attention will have to be paid to this or maybe even Dell.   We continue our exploration of the Northern Wastes, once we get over to a section that seems to have a ton of chasms criss crossing all over we find a large cave. In said cave there is a meager force defending what looks to be an old blue dragon lair. We have collected quite the wealth from this lair. Hopefully it will aid us in the upcoming battle. Get us better spells or weapons to fight what's coming, maybe we will have to trade these riches for the dragons we need to help us fight. Either way, I'm sure we can find a way for it to be helpful.   We decide to continue travel north towards a large rock ourcrappoing. Kravlak has amazing perception skills and can see great distances. He climbs the rock and we are evenly split bewteen what appears to be some sort of smithy, with smoke rising into the air to the west, and a very large crater to the east. The crater is weird though, almost moth eaten earth. I wonder if there are some weird worms that live here in the sands. Definitely something to investigate further. We decide to head towards the smithy, maybe there will be someone there that can help us with the Dragon Lance. I can't wait to see who's inside!

Haunting Memories

After the battle with the three dragons...   We have some downtime. I quickly busy myself with getting the keep up to par while I think about what we would like to add to make us stronger. It has to be a chapel to Paladine, Boreas's God. It will take many days to build so we get Cudgel's people started on it as soon as possible. Kravlak tries to speak with me about my feelings but I still need time to process. Maybe this isn't the group for me. I'm sure there are other adventuring parties out there that would enjoy my company. Potect me like I protect them. Xanks has approached me and ofered me his head. Bold and ridiculous. He must notunderstand that if I can't control mt rage I will take it. I walk away quickly because we don't need more death here when the dragon arm will come back.   After about a week with everything being about the same, I have a dream... Kraclak is there and hasn't noticed me yet. I'm in a large tree alomst touching the stars. It is beautiful here. Why is Kravlak with me? The Tree ha chosen me to be The Hero of Time. I am now to get all my memories back because The Tree has decided I'm strong enough. We move down to the trunk of the tree and Kravlak touches my shoulder. Everyting goes white!   We hear an axe grinding on stone and see 12 guards in a large chapel. I scream a warcry and kill all 12 guards easily. The King Priest sits in the thrown and he will be next. But next to him now stands The Arch Mage Sinclair, I alter my course. Multiple time spells are attempted but I brush them off, Thank you World Tree for making me the hero! I almost go down but portal myself with the tree back where I was. I almost have the mage when I get blasted into nothing. Everything goes white.   50 years later: It's raining heavily but I found him! I kick the door in and he stands over a crib of all things! I immediately sense his power has faded significantly and he begs for the baby's life. I raise my axe to kill them both. I can't do it. The baby has done nothing yet to time and may not develope any time magic herself. Arch Mage Sinclair is fading and won't be able to do anymore damage. I stay my hand and walk away briskly.   300 years later: I'm opening my store in Kalaman, 2 men try to rob the place and I pick up the nearest axe and throw it. It takes off an arm, that man won't be stealing anytime soon. The Raging Pheonix was born. Couple days go by and I'm on a ship heading to Lord Soth.   Flash again: I'm being pulled out of the river. A man that calls himself Jack takes care of me. I fall in love with him, he is such a wonderful nice man. We end up having 2 children. We named them Boudica and Zylah. I love my family fiercling and will protect them from anything. Flash forward, the town is being attacked, we wake up to screams and the smell of smoke. I grab every weapon I can and tell Bo and Zy to defend the village. I am fighting and it comes so easily. I look across the clearing and there is Takisis staring right at me! I run for her to kill her and she grabs my throat choking me. Zy tries to help and gets flung through our house. Hopefully that didn't kill her. Takisis chokes out my last breath. She only brings death.   I flash to being chained up in a carriage. This is where I meet Boreas. Everything flashes by so quickly I'm officially all caught up. I have had many live, some I get married and live happily until I die, never gainig my memories back because I don't get strong enough. Others I have fought and recieved my memories. I have been in 3 dragon wars. This will be the forth. We are back at The Tree and Zivilyn needs to give us more informaion before sending us back.   He tells us: There are 5 armies, one for each chromatic dragon. Red and Green are currently in the center of the continent. The White dragon army is currently at war with the elves.The Black and Blue armies are occupying territories in the east side of the continent. We must get dragons of our own to hel us fight these dragons. Paladine in his fit of rage, sealed off and hid where the metallic dragons are sleeping. There may be one a little north of us. He will contact us again when he has a better location update. Avoid Soth at all costs. Protect Kalaman at all costs. We have a little time. (6 months). A flying citadel is headed towards Kalaman we mut have this dragon before then.   We wake up to birds chirping outside. I know my children are still alive but my sole focus has to be the balance. Unfortunate they have a mother such as me.   Kravlak wants a meeting with our group. I come down ready to leave. We must make haste but I understand why he wants to get everyone else up to speed. The flying citdel will lay siege to Kalaman in 6 months. As we talk about it, a letter come from Derett. They need help to the east. Charity ust go and help, we all go with him. Any chance to help rid the world of some of the evil we should take. It is very off balance at this time. Evil is significantly higher then good. We rush east and as Brinkwater come into view we see Kalaman soldiers running from some of the dragon army on horseback. We rush in to help! The Kalaman troops were decimated. We move to head back towards Kalaman. I now have a horse, and I ride back with the other mounted solders. Bakaris took a small group to fight soldiers that broke off from the main army.   When we return to Kalaman we are told that 4 Knights of Salomnia came less than an hour ago. They're talking to the council. We quickly head to the council chambers where they have been slaughtered. We kill the knights and The Blue Elf comes running in. She says Soth is here and we need to get underground to protect what's down there! He cannot take it! We rush towards Soth, potentially our doom since the Zivilyn told us to stay away from Soth at all costs and we are doing the exact opposite. As we go through the rooms with purple fire images are playing out in the flame. I describe to the what is happening in each imagine as I remember it. Sir Jayden, the spirit in the 6th room tell us the flames are of the cataclysm and need to be kept down here. He says 1 has been breached and is now gone. Soth must have succeeded before we got down here. The spirits had no power to stop him.   In the lat room there's a sarcophogus. It of course flies open....

What are Friends?

Today we went against a group of 3 dragons and their riders. They were told to get my blood and get Xanks dead or alive. Battle commences and the rage takes over! I get to jump on one of the dragons and attack! Even though the rage consumes me I still notice that everyone of our party seems to protect Xanks knowing that he has the mark of the dark lady but steers clear of me. I know that I certainly can protect myself and I did but it feels like lines were drawn. Maybe I'm not made to be part of a party. We win the battle, they got my blood. They didn't get Xanks. We will see what happens with that.   I put my energy into getting the Keep up and running. Cleaning it from top to bottom and always being too busy to talk if approached. I would like to build the Alter that Boreas requested. He was clearly the one true friend I had. I know this is short but I have too many feelings to go through and much to figure out. Maybe I will just man the fort and find out what I can do on my own to help the cause. Maybe I'll find a different party to travel with. I need guidance and insight. If only I had my memories, maybe I would have a sense of purpose.   I must think....

The Keep is Mine

Our group goes together to speak with Cudgel to get her support to take the Wheelwatch Keep. She agrees to come with us and we head south athering what supplies we can beforehand. We arrive close to the keep and make our way around to the secret entrance about a mile south. Once we find the entrance we make camp, get a good nights rest and head into the entrance when we get up., early so it's before dawn and hopefully before the guards are ready for us. Dell enters the underground room through the back of a painting almost silently. The smells of death instantly fills our nostrils as the air gets sucked into our little entrance. When we all enter the room we can see the smell is coming from a pile of bodies, all wearing the Kalaman uniform. The stronghold has been completely taken over.   As we go to the next door they clearly tried to seal it from the other side. Char and I easily open pull the door open, not sure why everyone else was making such a big deal about it. Boreas does his little weird dance to let us know if there's anything magical ahead and he says there is. He chants some weird words and then it goes away. As we are moving forward in this dark place, we hear a door open somewhere ahead, then all this weird moaning starts with the shuffling of feet. Out come a Zombie hoard into the light. I would have loved to make them permanantly dead but Xanks decided to cast fireball hitting Boreas as he did so. Luckily Boreas is ok. Zombie hoard taken care of we continue to explore. Blood is tracked all through this basement. We explore an empty room and tehn we get to a room that is locked. Dell unlocks it. There's a weird glow to the floor in this room. Nothing to kill for me inside so I'm not really that interested. Xanks investigates and says the body in the middle of the floor exploded from using too muh magic at once. Yuck. Gland I don't have that kind of power.   We come to the stairs and head up. Once on the main floor Xanks goes invisible to try and get the handwheel turned that will open the inner gate without the guards noticing. So I head up the stairs to get to a better vantage point, Dell and Char right behind me. We very sneakily head up the stairs until Char trips me, my axe blade barely hits the wall but seems very loud so I say "Stupid ass stairs, I'm great at sneaking don't fuck this up for me." Even though I'm pretty sure it was Char tripping me on purpose. No way would somthing as simple as stairs get the best of me. Either way, the guards were alerted and came to us at once. They were fairly easy to dispatch even with Char stabbing me in the back to "help me".   Char lets one of the guards slip by and he sounds the alarm. Dell heads back down to Boreas and Xanks to see if they need help now that the guards have been alerted. It's easy enough for me to dispatch the final guard and take a look around. Killing I'm good at. Once at the top and looking ovefr the edge I can see some guards in the corner on the outer wall. I quickly jump the gap and head in to attack. Of course, Char and his misguided chivalry decides to come with me so "he can protect me". If I could eyeroll in a journal this would be the time. We dispatch the guards and while we're working on the last once the door opens below and Xanks stumbles out look a little worse for wear. Char instantly turns and goes to his rescue which makes sense. I don't need the help. We clar everyone out and head to open the main gate to let the backup come in.   Once we meet at the main gate and open it, the Dark Lady appears. She instantly talks to Xanks and says she wants him dead or alive and she also wants my blood. I can't focus on that second part right now because all I can see is that my friend Boreas is dead and the Dark Lady wants Xanks. Xanks who hit Boreas with a Fire Explosion earlier. Xanks who carries the Dark Lady's tattoo and gains magic from it. Xanks who is the traitor in our mist. My vision goes red and I instantly attack! Everyone is yelling but I hear nothing, I am consumed with my Rage. The only thing that pops me out of it are the 3 Dragons currently flying towards us with Riders on top. I must focus on them for the time being but this isn't over with Xanks, I will have justice. Killing I'm good at.  

Battles! My Favorite!

We are sent out on mission after mission and this is something I can get behind. I don't like to be idle. We first head Southeast where farms are being overrun by soldiers. We arrive on horseback but some of our party is sneaky and head around the side to get a better view and position. We run in on the horses and Boreas with his team have it well in hand. He's a very good friend to have around. Useful too. There is a beautifuly colored axe on one of the soldiers. It is now mine and I shall call it Gay Axe because it's happy and colorful when it attacks! It must be happy. This job was an easy one so back to Kalaman we go. The shop seems to be running smoothly so we leave for the next trip out, this time heading east.   When we arrive there are 2 overturned wagons and tracks leading into the forest that's close by. We follow those tracks and find a small clearing in the woods where some of those small dragon looking men have set up a camp. Again, Boreas and his sneaky friends head around to the other side of camp while we walk in the front. Both of my companians including the onw who likes to pretend he's the leader are wearing very noisy armor so there's no way we could sneak up. I instantly go in and Gay Axe is so happy that he spills all kinds of color into the clearing and obliterates my first opponent. We continue the battle and of course Sir Char thinks he's 'helping" by coming to aid me with killing the enemy I am fighting. He should look after his tiny firend Xanks. I need no help. We best this foe and see that there are many rations piled around the camp. I fix up one of the wagons and we hook our horses to it and head back to Kalaman. The rations we bring to the Vogler refugees that are doing the best they can to help.   Another couple days goes by and we are sent out again, this fast paced hunting of our enemies is fun. Also something the I'm good at. Right in my wheelhouse if you will. This time we head Northeast, as we follow some tracks we hear the sounds of whimpering and someone being whipped. There's one of the dragon things up in the trees and 2 of the fat ones that are doing the whipping. We of course kill htem all and rescue the scout. He tells us some of the army has broken off and headed away from the main army. The location we were sent are clearly trying to cut off any information and supplies gettinginto Kalaman. Siege strategy something I understand well. Good for me. We head back to Kalaman and speak to the Marshall as soon as we can. They also recognize what is happening. She is goig to take half of the army of Kalaman and try and defeat the force that has broken off. We must protect Kalaman at all costs.   Tatiana has been keeping herself very busy and I hope that she can protect this city from what's coming. Cudgel made it out of Vogler! We are to take her and what force is with her to the stronghold south of the city. It will be our stronghold to run goig forward. I am very good at runing things. I will build a shrine for my friend Boreas there and I'm already picking out colors for the different rooms. I can't wait. There's an entrance to the south of the stronghold that is secret and underground. Boreas and his sneaky frienda will like this. I;m just excited to hunt! and decorate! Who knew?

The Prisoner and the Eccentric Gnome

I awake in my room at the Inn to Dell and Xanks telling me we need to head to the keep. I would like to stop by the shop so they agree to stop by there on our way. Once in my shop we quickly find Palmer and I break off to instantly start helping to get thigs ready for the day while Dell and Xanks go talk with Palmer. I'm not really paying attention to the conversation when Palmer all of a sudden faints. That warmth starts spreading through me while I make sure he is ok. He responds to me and says he's ok so the warmth dissapates. I'm not sure Xanks and Dell realized how close it was to bubbling to the surface especially since Xanks is already always in the back of my mind to be watched. Nobody hurts what's mine and Palmer is most definitely mine. I tell Palmer I'm going to head to the keep and meet up with my other adventurers and friend Boreas, then head out.   We get to the keep and are instantly told to head upstairs to meet the Marshall. She has something for our group. She lets us know that she is releasing Boreas and Kravlak a day early but we are to help her with a mission. She would like us to travel Southwest into the forest to find a gnome named Tatiana. Apparently she is a wonderful tinkerer and can help get the ballista protecting the city up and running smoothly. We accept the mission and are told to meet at the Southern Gate tomorrow morning for some horses and a carriage that will help us move faster. I take Boreas back to my shop since he hasn't seen it yet and start working on the backed up paperwork. Boreas goes to chat with Palmer, I'm not sure why everyone is so obsessed with Palmer but I listen closely for any signs of Palmer's distress. After what happened earlier I'm wondering how much trust I can put in the people I am traveling with. I get a decent amount of work done and their conversation seems to be at an end so we head back to the Inn to get ready for the day ahead of us. I head right into my room immediately so I can think about some things before bed.   Of couse the next morning rolls around and Sir Char has this absurd idea that he's waking everyone up or that he's in charge. The group heads out to the keep where we meet Vendri. Vendri takes us to the armory where she allows us to choose anything we would like there and gives Sir Char plate armor. The mountain man also takes some plate armor. There isn't anything of use to me in this room. We then head to the southern gate where there are four horses waiting for us with a horse drawn carriage. Xanks and Boreas take the carriage while the rest of us jump on the horses. I already know I'm good at this since I've driven a carriage before. Animals seem to like me. We make good time getting to the forest and instantly hear the sounds of metal. I get off my horse and trudge through the forest to find a half cottage/half metal keep being besiged by soldiers of the Red Dragon Army. We instantly leap to action most of the party going after the leader. Of course the fools instantly go for the kill while Sir Char is Galavanting around on his horse. I go in to knock him out and miss but my team quickly realize what I was trying to do and knock him out for me. There are so many crazy contraptions that I have never seen coming from this house that it blows the mind. "INCOMING", things keep being thrown from the windows of the house by this crazy little eccentric gnome that seems to love that word! The prisoner gets hit and we have to put out his flames and get him stablized.   We convince Tatiana to travel with us back to the keep where the Marshall witll have supplies and lots of projects for her to work on. Her energy is exhausting but I can totally understand wanting to always be doig things that you're good at. We get on our horses and she has a belt that turns into a horse. She's nuts! But amazing! Dell instantly starts questioning the prisoner about the woman with the red eyes. They call her fire eyes, and her name is Kansaldi. She rides the dragon that burned Vogler to the ground! Rides it. How amazing that must be. But to purposely cause so many lives to be lost, what a sad woman that follows these types of orders. We turn the prisoner in to Vendri and get Tatiana started on her mission with the ballista. Turns out she sold the way to make fire breathing metal dragons to Kansaldi. If we have real and metal dragons to fight it will be one hell of a fight! Where do we even start with something like that. She has built in a fail safe to the metal dragons. She gives us a transmitter that will stop them. Very smart of Dell to get that for us and for Vendri.   Vendri has the answer to where we start and gives us our first mission to work on. Let's start finding more things that I'm good at.

Vengeance and The Raging Phoenix

The river is rather calming as I just row our way to Kalaman, I'm very good at rowing. As we get closer to Kalaman, the refugees are setting up camp outside the city on the shore. I'm very sad many people that I have come to call my friends have lost loved ones and their homes from that terrible red dragon. We travel into the city to discuss what happened at Vogler with the people that rule. Bacaris Dickhole is already there saying he's in charge of the town. We of course quickly clear up parts of the story that were miraculously missing. Like the fact there was a FUCKING BIG RED DRAGON that decimated the city. I really don't like that guy or the dragon for that matter. They give us lodgings on the 4th floor of the castle to rest but we must be gone by morning. I quickly and quietly go into a room by myself and settle in for the night. This group seems to speak all the time. Sometimes I grow tired of all the talking, I feel so lost and just need a direction to head yet they talk in circles always bickering. We get a nights rest and quickly try to vacate the premises like we said we would when they instantly start talking again. Vengeance, a word that I understand. This time towards Father Williams at the Radiant Church. When we get downstairs Darrett has made it and is waiting there! He informs us that Becklin didn't make it. The battle for Vogler claimed her life. Stupid Fucking Dragon. I head to the market. It made me happy to help people in the market at Vogler so maybe I will see if I like this market as well. It feels like home. There's this huge warehouse type building called The Raging Phoenix. I head inside. It's a huge building that sells so many different things for adventuring. A heavyset middle aged man drops a bunch of stuff off to my left. We make eye contact. "Aylin, is that you?" I wonder who this Aylin is he speaks of. As we talk more, I am Aylin Stormlight and I am The Raging Phoenix. I own this shop and have been missing for 20 years. 20 YEARS! How do I look the same? Aging is also something I'm good at. I quickly work to try and get the 20 years of paperwork in order. After a couple hours I leave to look for my friends and help them with the Radiant Church. Guards are pouring in, they tell us civilians must leave because Father Williams has been murdered. Dell explains to me that it wasn't him or any of my friends. He had 3 scratch marks down the center of his chest, killing him. There appear to be many forms of vengeance. I hope I get to learn them all.

Fish Festival or Barbeque?

The Festival had many things for me to try. Turns out I'm good at dancing and juggling, maybe I'm an entertainer? It's time for the reenactment. Ironclad regiment is a sight to behold. Metal starts clanging and blood starts flying! This is a real attack! High hill is a real battle! 3 approach on horseback, I start to feel the tingle of the rage coming on. We continue the battle and finish it. Kravlak has calmed 4 of them and they dropped their weapons for some reason. So I killed one of them and made them all stop. I was handed a chain shirt to give to Sir Char. I grab it and head back towards town checking for survivors.   There are a handful of survivors on the battlefield. We find them and get them to Vogler. I see Cudgel come to Becklin and take her by the armor and drag her to the keep. She throws a head onto the ground and rages about how her people are basically traitors. I understand this rage, it has consumed me frequently as of late. Cudgel is going to send out scouts. I offer my services to help with the scouting, she accepts and I go to meet Mike and Belinda.   I walk by the group and hand Sir Char his chain shirt. Boreas is coming with us, he insists. We head west towards the woods, Mike and Belinda find tracks fairly quickly. The woods give way to a ledge overlooking a valley that's filled with red tents and about 1000 soldiers. I immediately tell Mike and Belinda to warn Cudgel and evacuate the town. The symbol that is on the banner is black but matches what we found in the carriage. Boreas tells me that the symbol is also on Xanks' arm. That makes me instantly not trust this Xanks. What am I supposed to do with him? We rush back to town behind Belinda and Mike to warn everyone to get out of the town. We come back to town and Cudgel has already decided that we are not leaving until first light because people need their rest. I think this is a terrible idea but instantly go to sleep so we can get into the evacuation as quickly as possible. I awoke with a tattoo of a large tree that is spread throughout my whole back, what is this? Why now? I don't have time to doddle so hopefully Boreas will know what's going on. Becklin is waiting for us downstairs. They are getting the boats ready and it could take a few hours to get everything going to cross the river. Mike and Belinda make it back to camp saying that the army is requesting a conversation. I of course go with Cudgel to speak with the red army. When we arrive there are 4 people there, a woman separates from the group and brings us a parchment asking us to quarter the army at nightfall or die.   I suggest we evacuate immediately. Cudgel is going to take her ironbound and try to hold them off as long as possible. We run back to town to discover there is only one group that's left and we have 3 more groups that need to go to fully evacuate. We work as quickly as we can. While we are trying to get everyone evacuated we are under attack by a dragon creature. It sticks its knife in Sir Char's back! We must escape! I try to tackle him to the ground but he is stronger and avoids me. This is like fishing for me, I'm not good at it. Murder I am good at, we take out the Dragon creature and start getting more people in the boat. As we are loading up a large red dragon flies through town and sets the whole thing on fire. We dive into the nearest small boat and start rowing as quick as we can. Only about 3/4 of the town was saved but better then none. Now we can figure out why Xanks has that symbol when so far all it has brought is death.  

The Funeral

The funeral is in 4 days. I keep myself busy in the market because it really is starting to feel very familiar, almost like home. I enjoy my time and everyone is very nice in this small village. I secretly try to use my magic to keep things clean but most of the time elbow grease worked the best since the villagers are so skittish around magic. The day before the funeral 2 others came to the market with Boreas. They asked me questions about how Ipsin died. I didn't even know the poor man but didn't see why they couldn't hear the story. Dell the halfelf seemed particularly interested in what happened to Ipsin. After the funeral they will be traveling to Kalaman, they invited me to go with them. I can only make new memories at this point in hopes to jog a real memory, so I agreed. Maybe I will find something else I'm good at. Luckily we have that carriage with a couple horse. They can't take us across the river until the day after the Fish festival and the Battle of Vogler reenactment. Looks like we're attending the festival. I wonder what even happens at a fish festival. I've never been to a funeral but it seems weird to me that they just put him on a small boat and set him sailing down the river but what do I know? Everyone seems pretty ok with it, they all break apart and tell stories of how they new Ipsin. Suddenly a beautiful voice, in a language that isn't what I've been speaking, yet I still understand, starts a lovely song about being happy about the memories we have of them and not sad that we lost someone. Seems like good advice. As soon as she stops speaking this Malfoy asshole(Bakaris) boos her as she walks away from the crowd. Little punk makes the rage start burning, luckily Kravlak takes care of him. Waking up the next morning everyone seems super excited. Everyone wants to go fishing. Maybe I'm good at this. All I caught was a small eel. Gross. I guess I'm not good at this. I just wander around town and eat some of the fish pies. They are delicious. The time seems to move quickly bringing us to the time of the reenactment. What the hell is a reenactment?

The Rage

I awake in a carriage, my head throbbing, my hands tied behind my back and a gag in my mouth. What the actual fuck is happening? There is a man in front of me, calls me Hiya, that must be my name. Asks me if I would like a drink of water. Of course I want some water, I have no idea what the hell happened but with this stupid gag in my mouth I'm parched. As the man is fiddling with things and grabbing my water, there is this warmth that continue to spread throughout my body. It gets hotter and hotter and finally the rage bursts forth as I head butt the man away from me and break through my restraints. He is dazed and I pick the axe up from the seat and chop his head off with it. Apparently killing is something I'm good at.   I fall from the carriage as another strange man opens the door. We stare at each other for a moment and then a voice yells "go after the little dragon ones", it snaps me from the staring contest and I attack. It's very easy work to get through these little creatures. As we head to the big one, he erupts with ice and freezes another man solid. Boreas and I decide to bring this man, Ispin Greenshield, back to his village of Vogler. We take the carriage and drive it back to the village with ease. Turns out that is something else I'm good at. We are welcomed into the village and we are loitering around until the funeral in 4 days time.   I find the market to be most pleasurable. It seems like home, something familiar that I can't quite grasp. I will spend most of my time helping here while we wait for Ipsin's funeral. Maybe it will be something else I'm good at.


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