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Xanxian Drinksalot

Sir Drinksalot Xanks Xanxian Drinksalot (a.k.a. Xanks)

Xanks grew up in Hylo on Northern Ergoth. His parents Tynar and Shellin were free spirited, loving and happy parents. As with most Kender Xanks was very happy go lucky and living life to the fullest but maybe a little more than most kender. During a visit to Hylo, Xanks and Charity met Ispin Greenshield at the local tavern. Here Xanks discovered is love of stories and alcohol. As he grew older he found the joy of partaking in whiskeys, beers, wines, and many other joyous liquors. After the "Prudence event", He talked his friend Charity to leave Hylo with him so that he could find the best beverages of the land. They have been travelling town to town for a few years. In each town Xanks sends a letter to Ispin to share what new beverage he has found. Charity has kept Xanks safe and from being beaten in most of the towns they have come through. Xanks has a tendency to not be able to hold a job down since he spends most nights drinking. He's a happy drunk but a drunk none the less. Xanks is talented enough to pick up many skills during the course of their travels and is able to pick up new skills quickly. We will see where their travels take them next.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Xanks is a fit and healthy young man. He appears to be in peak of health.

Body Features

Xanks is thin and tall for a kender.

Facial Features

Xanks unlike most kender has dark hair and he keeps a small tuft of a beard on his chin.

Physical quirks

He does like to fidget with his crystal pendant or his earing.

Apparel & Accessories

Colorful clothes including a monocle with no lense. there is a random legionnaire insignia on his clothes. He wears a single silver tear drop earing in his right ear. He also has an odd shaped scabbard that he wears where he keeps one of his 4 flasks. Around his neck there is a leather cord upon which hangs a piece of crystal that faintly glows in the moonlight

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Xanks grew up in a happy home that was full of life and pleasure. He enjoys traveling the world like most kender but definitely seems to be on the go more so than most.

Gender Identity





Xanks went through the education system at Hylo and enjoys learning. His favorite place to learn things is at the local tavern. There many excellent stories to be shared there.


What hasn't Xanks done? He has worked on ships, on merchant caravans, in restaurants, taverns, and when needed in the stables. Work is just there to earn enough coin to get his next drink. However most of the jobs also give him a chance to engage with other people and learn from them.

Accomplishments & Achievements

His tally on towns that he has been through is his greatest achievement.

Failures & Embarrassments

The towns that won't let him back is sometimes an embarrassment. He also feels bad sometimes that Charity needs to be keeping an eye on him.

Mental Trauma

What's trauma?

Intellectual Characteristics

Smart enough to get himself into trouble but not wise enought to avoid it.

Morality & Philosophy

Live life to the fullest


What's a taboo :)?

Personality Characteristics


To try every alcholic beverage under the moon

Vices & Personality flaws



Travel clean


Contacts & Relations

Tynar - Father Shellin - Mother Charity - Best Friend and travel partner Ispin - Mentor on travel and drink and letter buddy

Family Ties

Mother and Father and no siblings

Religious Views

None but enjoys nights under the moon

Social Aptitude

Very Social

Wealth & Financial state

Enough to get buy

Xanks enjoys a full life and a full flask. He is wandering the lands to find the best beverages to imbibe. There's nothing better than a long night of drinking and spending it sleeping under the moons.

View Character Profile
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Sir Drinksalot - Self proclaimed professor of alcholic beverages
Current Residence
On the road
Dark Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
4 ft
Known Languages
Abansasian, Common, Elvish, Kenderspeak

What the Fuck just happened?

Why did the immortal time champion dragon lance wielding murder lord just leave the team to die? The only thing Kravlak talks about in his sleep is that "the city must not fly". Was Aylin afraid of dying again? I can't imagine what that's like but she comes back. None of the rest of us have that luxury except for Dell. Yet she flees the battle. Instead of working together as a team it then becomes all about the mission. I hate that. Charity has been protecting me and I have to leave. I was hoping by grabbing the crown that the dragon would follow me and leave the others alone. Dell get's the crown away from the dragon and I start to get out here as fast as possible. Some how the others have caused the giant to come to the ground. I avoid the giant and start making my way to the temple. Who knows where Aylin or my friends are? As I head towards the temple of paladine a flight of dragons and dragonelles are coming in fast. I divert to their location and see everyone there including Aylin. I think I understand how Aylin felt after Borreas died. I don't trust her. I hate the position that she put us and me into when she just left the battle. I chose the mission instead of my friends. I only feel slightly better about that since it was the objective of the team. I think Aylin made a selfish choice. What is going on? I am going to keep an eye on her. Fuck this isn't how we go to protect Kalaman. I thought we were past this shit.


Fucking gods and fucking dragons.   Tell me about the moons. Well it seems like the gods and dragons don't know shit or hold back everything. Probably both. It takes finding a trapped mage that has surprisingly not gone mad over the centuries of trying to extricate himself from being trapped in the city of lost names. He can't even find the peace of death as this trap keeps him alive as well. The reason that he is trapped is some good insight as well. People were trying to become gods and the dragon god said fuck you and threw a mountain at them. What idiot wants to be a god? The only good dragon I have met was Ness and it seems like she spent most of her life living as a normal person. That has got to mean something. Even Chase spends most of his time as a dog and that seems to give him more manners than the ones that are always dragons.   Back to the moons.   Before we head to bed I catch Demelin. He is quite helpful. I don't know why I feel a bond to him but I think it's because he is trapped. I hate being trapped. I respect that he is coherent after being trapped here. I would go insane. I would not be able to manage not exploring the world. I would go insane not meeting new people and seeing new places. I would have a massive headache from not drinking. However I think I believe in his perseverance. Yes I believe that there would be a few decades where I would mope around and kill myself a few times but then I am hopeful that I would have recovered like Demelin and worked to find a solution to my entrapment. I would try everything to get out. There would be no stone unturned. No exploration of abilities to find a way. Potentially I would even turn out like Dell for a while and try any deal with, wine forbid, any god or devil. Thanks to Demelin's fortitude I think he was finally able to give me some answers about the moons.   Dammit the moons are also gods. Uggh. Why couldn't they just be celestial bodies? Why couldn't they be better than that? I haven't quite figured out which I hate more gods or dragons. Maybe the moons don't hang out with the other gods. That would be a plus. One thing though, the moons never abandoned us like the other gods. The moons were always here. The moons didn't make me bow down to them. The moons never made me go on some quest to see their glory. The moons never made me feel small to take glory in their beauty. The moons were there when I wanted peace and solitude. They were there when I wanted time with Charity or my other friends. The moons were there when I wanted to celebrate. The moons were there when I wanted to be mournful. The moons have guided the waves. The moons have guided travelers. The moons have guided harvests. The moons have warned fools of dangers. The moons have hidden predators. The moons have given life. The moons have been eternal. All of those things I can respect. The good and the bad. The true balance of things. As much as Aylin and Zivilyn talk about balance, I don't think they really understand it. I think they have to work to bring balance. The moons are in balance. They have their cycles. They have there times of alignment and times of discord. Others don't have to meddle to maintain the balance. Here on Krynn, Paladine and Takhisis have to meddle. They have to bring in their pawns. They have to make their alliances. They have to find their champions and work towards that balance. Maybe they are trying to find those same cycles that the moons have. Maybe they are trying to achieve that same harmony. Maybe they are striving to be as celestial as the moons are. That I can get behind and I think that helps me understand some of Demelin's other answers.   Demelin shared that it is unusual for someone to have power tied to all 3 moons. (Yes he can see the black moon as well so I didn't have to explain that. I think that is a sign of connection. It's probably why Kravlak and I get along so well. ) Normally someone is only connected to 1 of the moons. I knew I was connected to all of the moons. However I would have never on my own wanted to use their power in the world or better yet would have never thought that I would need to use their power in the world. I thought that in the adventures that Charity and I were having that the joy and fun and shenanigans that we got ourselves into would have been enough. That my own power inside of me would be the same contribution as the power the moons share with me. I think Takhisis was jealous of that power. I think Takhisis was jealous of that bond. I think Takhisis wanted that for herself. Unfortunately she had to come to me to try to tempt me. She doesn't really understand what it means being a kender. She tried to make it feel like being me was not good enough. That being me was not only being small of stature but being small in strength. She thought that just because some dumbasses beat me up that day that it would make me feel like I needed power to protect myself. Hell I know I get myself into those messes but what is the fun in always toeing the line and always being a goody too shoes. I have had much fewer bullies in my life than I have had friends, joyful partners, fellow partiers, students of life, observers of the moons (even if they couldn't see all 3), and family. Even the 4th floor has come together in our own dysfunctional way to find dysfunctional ways to get the job done. How many times will Dell go charging into battle with no fear, how many times will Charity protect Aylin and myself, how many times will Kravlak give that judgmental look at all of us, how many times will Aylin save all of our asses, and how many times will Steve mentor Dell and Charity on the use of items and magic. I miss what Boreas would have brought as we continued. I feel that he is helping us and hopefully complaining to Paladine that he needs to be a little more helpful. Takhisis understand none of this. She thinks you need power to bring balance. She thinks that only through control that people can find peace. She thinks power and imprisonment is needed for the world to run smoothly. She made a mistake trying to convince me that was the way. I am glad the moons chose me. I think some may have agreed with Takhisis. I will say that there are times that a firm hand is needed. I have seen that firm hand many times (good and bad :)). However I choose life. I choose chaos. I choose joy. I choose friends. I choose to fight against Takhisis. I think that Demelin is right. I think Takhisis made a mistake in approaching me and awakening my realization of the full connection that I have with the moons. These powers are a blast and I truly enjoy them. I do thank Takhisis for making me aware through my drunken stupor of what I am really capable of in this world. However she will rue the night that she did make me aware of these powers. The Night of the Eye. Such a fitting name as my eyes were opened. Thank you Demelin for answering my questions. You truly don't know what this means to me. I hope as we adventure into the city that I am able to find a way to bring you the peace you deserve and the answer that you are looking for.

Vintage vs Spoiled

Finding balance can be tough when things have gone bad. I worry what the loss of Ness will mean for Hearts Hallow. Was she the source of their protection? It's interesting that she strayed from Paladine and yet was a protector to these humans. She didn't lose her abilities. She did her own thing and forged her own path. She found people she cared about and protected them. Maybe I am not as caged in as I was thinking. Not as forced down a path as I thought.   What causes an old bottle of wine to spoil versus become a vintage that everyone seeks?   In the life celebration for Ness I saw what she meant to these people. I felt their love and their joy for what she had given to them. I felt the sadness and the loss of her death. The bond created between these people. The love that created this community. It came from her. She was the loving ingredient. She was the care in the fermenting and bottling process. No matter what happens to the place of Hearts Hallow, the people and their love will flow into the world and be remembered.   Lieran decides to add to our team and help seek out the city of lost names even though we have a name for it now, Onyari. I like Lieran. I don't know why. I will continue to work with him to learn his language and hopefully be better at communicating in the future. Maybe Chase can help me with that as well? I think it is a situation of someone wanting to better themselves and sees the wrong in the world. I think that is part of it. I want people to have joy in their life and live it to their fullest in whatever area that it means for themselves and in a way that doesn't hurt other people. At least at minimum doesn't cause them to die or feel repressed. I am good with pranks and jabs. I definitely enjoy picking on Kravlak.   We travel north after talking with the rest of the Kalaman army. I need to work with Lord Charity some more and make sure I am helping him be successful. As usual I have been caught up in myself and forgetting to support him. I need to do better at that. We find the encampment and sneek our way in. We find some caverns and ruins. I find some nice fancy red clothes that look great on me. I find some Disterian Wine that unfortunately the first bottle I tasted had spoiled. I wonder if this will work as a vinegar replacement for cooking. I will check with Kravlak. We fight off a golem and frog like creature. Then we find Demlin. Poor Demlin. He has been stuck here for hundreds of years since the city crashed. There is something in the city that keeping him here. He cannot die. He cannot escape. He was so helpful. Here is an example of someone that could have let his situation sour him but he has remained resolute and will be remembered as a vintage. I hope we can help find a way for him to find peace.   So where does that put me and this path that we are on. I think early on with this group we were definitely down the path of spoiling. There has always been a bond between Charity and I. We have grown together and are forging new paths and finding new strengths. However I wasn't sure if that love and friendship would carry into this group of people. I have definitely grown to respect and adore Kravlak. He is a great center for this team. He truly lives by caring for people and feeding them. He has definitely gotten better at holding his liquor as I have gotten better at being a chef. He is so easy to poke and have fun with and I adore that relationship. Dell has changed and I must say for the better. That layer of isolationism is gone and he has become accountable for his errors. He still needs to be more careful about rushing into places otherwise he won't live long enough to resolve his mistakes. Aylin is different since she regained her memories and is more driven if that was even possible. Her legacy and mission are at the forefront and she is using that drive to help us find answers. And how did we get other thousandaires in our group? Steve brings another round of perspective from ages past that helps us on this journey along with Chase even though I think he enjoys toying with us and only sticks around for Kravlak's cooking. So will this team become vinegar or become a remembered vintage? I think that is yet to be determined.   Well with Demlin's information we know where to go to disrupt the city. We can't fail here like we did back at the dragon army encampment where we rescued Chase. We saw what happened when we left the black dragon live and that lead to the death of Ness. We can't let this city fly to Kalaman and cause similar death and destruction to friends and families.

Dragons are turds

Bow to me, run away from me, watch me be a needy bitch, oh we don't have that kind of power, oh the world doesn't deserve you. I am starting to not like dragons.   The kanaradog ("His name is Chase" [Kravlak voice impersonation]....... "Yes Chef" (┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐) ) is a gold dragon servant of Paladine. But was he strong enough to get out of a cage.? NO. Was he able to transform back into a dragon with out us? NO Was he straight forward with his answers to Kravlak? Who the fuck knows because they just kept barking at each other and howling. (bark bark..... bark bark bark....howl....howl. [snooty barking impersonations])   "Xanks what are you doing? I know it's you and that the answer doesn't matter but it is early in the morning and I need my Lord Charity sleep." Charity says in a groggy voice.   "Sorry Charity. I am just working through some feelings. I will be quiet. I believe in you Lord Char'ty. Have we run into any bards in our travels? I have a catchy tune in my head that I think we should spread in the realm? " says Xanks   "Not now Xanks, I need to sleep. Let's talk tomorrow." says Charity begrudgingly   "Sleep well Lord Charity." Xanks says and gives him a hug   Ok where was I .....fucking dragons.   So "CHASE" is dragon. At least he was able to get us into the cave with the sleeping brass dragons. I suspect he didn't do anything special and probably know he could do it but once again he and Kravlak were just barking with each other. Hmmmm now that the Karnadog curse is lifted he can talk on his own. I think this may be worse based upon him being the "hot headed" one. I figured that out from the rescue mission but oh well.   Keeper picked a name. Jacob. It was his son's name. So heart touching. However Jacob the keeper has been in this cave for 350 years. Luckily no one had to tell him that his family died many years ago. Hopefully he is at peace in the heavens with them now.   Jacob woke the brass dragons. Marsu looks at us and says "Why are you not bowing?" (┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐) He could swallow me in one gulp however maybe if I turned into a giant scorpion I could give him indigestion as he tried to digest me. Ooooh maybe I can find a spell to give a dragon the shits. Oh the fun in that. Hmmmmm....maybe there some poisons I could brew ....I may have to research this further ......mwhahahahahaha   "Xanks go to bed" Charity says sternly   "Sorry"   Well at least Marsu and the other dragons are going to help protect Kalaman. That is a plus. However we wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for the Queen Dragon herself, Tiamat? oh Takhisis and her chromatic dragons. I think Krynn would be better off without dragons. It seems all they do is fight each other and cause all of the creatures of Krynn trouble. They even corrupt their own offspring turning them into lesser versions of themselves to help fight each other. The dragonnel are just early hatched dragons that never reach their full potential because of their parents being assholes. Then there is the corruption of the egg to create the draconian. The only "dragon" related creature that I have liked so far is Leiran. That poor soul was tortured to go against his will and kill people when all he wants to do is enjoy life. Then Aylin won't let him drink any of my whiskey. (┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐) The poor guy has gone through so much a good drink would be helpful.   I was really hoping to get Leiran to Hearts Hallow and for him to find a peaceful and enjoyable life there. Yes some of their alcohol isn't the best but they do have the standards and there is nothing wrong with that. Plus their bar is fucking cool. I kind of want to retire there. However, as we approach Hearts Hallow we see the black dragon is flying towards us and the the town. Man....doesn't that asshole give up. It was great to get one over them when we escaped their encampment with Becklin, Kanardog Chase, and Leiran. As Kravlak was trying to talk with Kanardog Chase and Becklin and others after we rescued them; I decided we needed to be better hidden. I cast a spell to make the area where we were look, smell and sound like a mesa and it's natural setting. The stupid dragon flew over and didn't find us. (┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐) . That was great. Unfortunately that wasn't the end. As we were approaching the town, the mayor is running out and transforms into a Brass dragon. I wish she had seen us. They did their battle so far away that we couldn't help. Stupid dragons once again were probably thinking " ooh the smooth skins are so week that they can't harm us". We could have helped. I could have helped. Damn. I really liked the mayor. She was great. Unfortunately she wasn't strong enough to defeat that black dragon. Then the scared black dragon just flew away and we couldn't do anything.   I want to defeat these dragons. I want these dragons out of my life. They can't even remove this stupid mark from Takhisis. I wonder if the moons are devoid of dragons. Maybe I can retire there and get away from this insanity. However for now I will continue to get stronger and I will find a way to take these dragons down.   Probably time to get some sleep. I worry that without the mayor that the town won't be safe anymore but we will need to figure that out next time.

Magic is Awesome

Fuck the fermenting didn't work. It's a good thing I can use magic to deal with my shakes. Thank you moons for lesser restorations.   I think I found my new favorite spell. I can change into almost any creature I have seen or imagine. I was able to do a lot of cool things. I imagine it was something like this....... (readers please go to the stream to see how Xanks imagined his polymorph looked like )

Out of Alcohol...what next?

I gave that old dude (he doesn't have a name so I asked him to come up with one while we go find a key) my last flask of whiskey that I had saved from Vogler. I drank my vodka while with the sea elves and replaced that with the water from Habbakuk's chapel. I finished my large flask of beer during the travels through this dry mesa filled lands. Just looking around made me thirsty. Also with all of the trekking around and needing to get an early start, I finished my morning Red Moon drink ( a special drink I made of vodka, tequila, tomato juice, lemon juice, pickle juice and some spices to get me going in the morning). Uggh I thought if we found this City of Lost Names I might be able to pick up some more supplies. The Sea Elves didn't drink alcohol. I may have to use some of the plants that I took that they imbibed to create something new. I may work on that real quick before we leave this forge (this forge was a bust and we can't fix the dragonlance here). Yes we found brass dragons....ooh that reminds me of another drink called Brass Monkey.. that funky monkey. However I still need vodka, rum and orange juice for that. hmmmm... I wish I had magic that could make some alcohol. My ice magic is getting better and that will come in handy for some cocktails in the future if I can maybe reduce the scale of that spell. I was able to finish off 2 fire giants with that spell ( our group is getting fairly good at staying alive...there were some close calls for Charity and Kravlak but the team helped each other out which was amazing to see and Dell didn't go rushing into the front line so that helped) and slow down their rejuvenation from the lava. Hmmmm...maybe I should try the lava in a cocktail. What if I mixed the lava with some of the fermented sea elves plants and distill that? Oooh I haven't asked our two new friends the fire goliath twins Krathi and Kalane if they have alcohol or if they know any recipes that use lava for cocktails. As garnish I can add a goodberry that Dell keeps handing out. Hopefully finding these canaries or dogs won't take too long and we can get back here to wake up the dragons. I am sure they have some good recipes and if not could at least fly us somewhere to resupply. I hope this doesn't take too long.

Moons and Alcohol

I know it is bad to be marked by Takhisis. I realize that she is evil and I want to stop her. Why do none of these other "gods" know anything about the moons?   Why don't they know about my connection to the moons?   Am I just a mistake to them. An after thought.   Why is it only Takhisis that awakens my connection to the moons? Why is Takhisis the first to talk to me about the 3rd moon.   No one before Kravlak even believed me that there was a 3rd moon. Oh Xanks you must be drunk there isn't a 3rd moon. Yet there's evidence. The tides move in and out of these wastelands based upon the full moon of 3 moons. Not 1, not 2, but 3.   I ask this goddess of the seas if she knows the moons and I get a no. What the fuck? Your tides are controlled by the moons not by you. I can feel the pull of the moons. I can feel their power flowing through me. I can feel the balance between the 3 of them. I can't imagine the turmoil that would occur on Krynn without these moons. Magic, seas, time and life itself are impacted by the moons.   (side note: the good thing about this goddess is that she helped Dell. The weight on his shoulders has lifted. It's there but he now has a divine being that is willing to shoulder the load with him instead of just adding more to his load. It does seem like Kravlak is tied into the previous deals so that explains the tension that was occurring between those two friends. Do the gods just want to be cruel to us? Why would she take on the image of Dell's beloved? What is the meaning of that? oh well, none of this god stuff makes much sense as can be seen by the rest of this journal.)   Why doesn't anyone else and even the gods understand this? I do believe that the moons are gods or goddesses. I believe in them but can they intervene and help us with Takhisis. Or based upon their nature do they need things to play out to maintain the balance. I wonder if I will ever know.   Ok on to more important things. The sea elves don't have alcohol but they have some crazy plants that make them see strange things. I can somewhat see the benefit of that especially if you live under the water where it is dark and gloomy all of the time. (once again how do you see the moon or the stars or the sun if you are living under water but I digress) However it just isn't my thing. I like knowing my adventures and images are real. Unless I get some bad alcohol or drink tooooo much, I can usually depend on what I am seeing. My judgement during those times may be questionable but that's another story. Actually my judgement can be questionable all of the time but why live waiting and in fear. You have to go out and live and move forward.   We found or Kravlak found a cool cave. I really thought I was going to meet a dragon to talk to and see what they know about the moon and alcohol. Instead we met some more of those dragon men. Uggh that's frustrating. I think I am starting to get a sense for what each type of dragon man has abilities to limit the damage I can do. It is frustrating though because it is fun to just blow them up with fire and feel the magic flow but I have to keep my mind going and observe what is going in battle and especially to not hurt our team any more.   There was a lot of treasure in this cave and it sounds like it used to be the home of a blue dragon. Are these metallic dragons real or is the only metallic dragon that we are going to see are the ones that Tatania has made?   Dammit I keep forgetting to ask Kravlak to find me some whiskey. I emptied one of my flasks to carry some of that pure water that was actually quite good. I am starting to run low because for some reason there are no taverns in this wasteland. Those sea elves didn't have any to replenish my stock. Hmmm how much do I have left? I am going to have to ask Charity if he has any stashed.

Maybe Team?

Uggh we had to wait so long so I drank a lot. At least I was to refill my flasks and man was I tired. The city of Kalaman is mellow. There party scene is quiet. The people have confidence in Vendri and the military but Vendri is smart enough to know that you need more than the military to run a city. These citizens care for the city and are willing to stand with it. So how did we get here?   Well the evil spirits that took over the Knights of Solamnia butchered the council. We managed to "stop" one but he was pulled from the body. We learned about Soth and what complete piece of shit of existence he is. I know we are told to run away from him but he seems like a darkness on the world that needs to be removed. Soth somehow awakened a knight Lord Sarlamir and Dell recklessly charged up and got the litter life smacked out of him. I taunted Sarlamir to distract him.   I know you think you are high and mighty because you were the latrine master for Soth in charge of shit irrigation and composting but you can't face us, you can't stand up to us, you can't reach us, We are the 4th flour motherfucker and we are coming crashing down on you with the Hero of Ages and that would be enough on it's own but we also have The cursed scourge of the 3 seas bringing the power The rock djinn of forgotten forgers bringing the strength The Caregiving Chef of the Highlands bringing the heart A True Knight Solamnia that embodies his name and brings the fortitude and lowly me the drunkard of the moons that distills purity of Solinari, the bitterness of Nuitari, and the balance of Lunitari into the liquor of life: magic and as is with any cocktail sometimes it goes down as the sweet ambrosia of the gods or is refreshingly cold that it chills you to the bones or it burns all of the way through   I was able to cast some spells on him but I took care this time not to have any of the party in the mix. Especially since Dell went down. He looked like he was finished but there was a flash of a bird and he was back up again. We were able to finish Sarlamir and recover a rusted dragon lance. Soth called him to the City of lost names which is to the north. I was ready for us to go forward but Vendri and the others wanted to wait so I ended up on the taverns. The city is definitely subdued but there is a core of strength here. I want to make sure this city stays intact but instead of heading forward we wait. UGGGGGHHHHH.   We also debated on the route. Oh I miss the sea and being able to see the stars and moons clearly at night. It's so peaceful but the team decided that the boat voyage would be too dangerous and that we should head inland as soon as possible. That's what we ended up doing. We are starting to make decisions as a team. Something is definitely shift and it seems like for the better in how we work together. Maybe it was my speech.   We head north and we trek across the desolate lands. Somehow Kravlak can see Sea Elves in the middle of the dessert. I think his perception is soo good that he just manifests these things. Maybe if ask him to look for a good bottle of whiskey then it will just appear in front of us. I will have to try that soon. So we find a Sea Elf and they keep shushing me about asking him about beverages. He goes underwater they say but I think they are being shortsighted. I am sure that there is some culture under the sea and that they eat and drink as well. It may be different. Maybe there is some interesting plant life that they suck on that tastes like alcohol. Sometimes you just have to have some imagination.   However there seems to be some sort of temple down here. The Blue Phoenix Shrine. The bridge in Vogler had that symbol and we have the Raging Phoenix with us so it only seems right that we should tempt the gods and check out this shrine.


My dear friend Charity where would I be without you. We have partied and explored this world and you have had my back all along these journeys and in my way yours. I truly love your innocence and the pure joy it brings me in this world and especially in these dark times. Please never change. You are my light in this darkness and I hope to continue to be your guide in these difficult times as much as I can. I know your responsibility can be overwhelming but I will help and make it fun along the way. Overall we are with a good group of people.   Back to squirrels. I am so glad you ask the important questions. Yes Aylin is thousands of the years old and is the world trees protector of time like some time lord warrior. It must be amazing the types of alcohols she has tried over the ages. She will be the key to taking down Takhisis and her evil army. However I don't think that she can do that without the world tree. And I don't think that the world tree can do that without the squirrels. I really do think that there are red, black, and grey (white) squirrels there to take care of the tree. The moons always remind me of balance. I think about that balance and and I know I can be a lot to handle but even when I do cause pain I think I also protect as well. I think that the balance that Aylin is trying to bring to the world is just what the squirrels would want.   The magic is shifting. I feel something different when I over exert and push the limits. Instead of just being tired, I feel some of my life being pulled away. I am going to need to be more careful.   Aylin - well I offered her my head for forgiveness of Boreas. She didn't take it but after hearing her stories then I may still lose it. Well we can see where time brings it but I will continue going forward. I am never afraid and I will plunge forward like a squirrel. This may get me in trouble but I will charge forward. I will also do what I think what is right for the balance . Kalaman is in bad shape and this battle and catacombs are leaving me worried. I have pushed myself again. I appreciate the strength that Charity brings but I will do what I must to protect him and this group to the best of my abilities.   Never stop asking questions Charity

Get in Line Bitches

Her if.....I am pissed at her.... how dare least the dark lady shows her evil....She just hides behind her memory loss and her happy go lucky joy of killing people....oh I'm good at this.... fuck that.....I do not enjoy killing people. All I want is to be out there having fun with people and enjoy life and brew. Damn her. Yes I am mad that I hurt Borreas but I didn't kill him. She will just need to get in line with everyone else that is trying to kill me including myself. Let's see here in order of what might happen now.     Dark Lady ---- she might kill me... ok Dell checked her out and she's an illusion for now Dragons and Dragon Riders ------ fuck them I won't let them kill me....let's first try some thunder and then some fire...I don't think I can get them with my ice which i would love to freeze their asses Myself ---- Why am I important to Takhisis? Why is Aylin important to Takhisis? Why is using magic feel so good? It sometimes feels better than drinking which I never thought there would be something that would be as enjoyable. I push my limits with the thunder to shatter those dragons and their riders. Uggh that made me tired and I feel like my life drained a little but it also felt so good. Thanks to Kravlak showing up and some weird energy I feel recovered a little magically and he had some of good potions. That made me feel better too. It was also nice to connect to the moons again and bring down the energy of the 3 moons onto that rider and dragon. The 3 moons; balance and fullness - how do I learn more about the moons. so tired...need to get through this battle. Aylin - I get it that Borreas was her friend. I wouldn't say he and I were close and actually we barely knew each other but I didn't hold anything against him. She only believes in one justice and that's the justice of her axe. The Gay Axe bringing it's colorful judgement to all. Kravlak - he is pissed. I suspect it isn't due to the prank from before we left. I don't like disappointing him. He has a good heart so I really don't think he would kill me physically. He might just kill me with his disappointment Dell - I can't believe he is this low on the list. He has really changed. and now he has a dwarf friend....where did he come from?     Thank the moons for Charity. I suspect if he hadn't blocked Aylin that this list wouldn't have been made. He is really maturing. Still a little low on the brightness but that's why I am here. We are a good team. This will be fun to prompt him up as the Lord of the Keep. I should ask him what he wants to name his keep. It was nice of Vendri to put him charge. Aylin looks pissed at him probably because he blocked his blow at me. I am going to keep my distance from her for now and maybe just stay here when they go off to help Darrett.

Burning Cold

Fuck....Fuck....Fuck....I need a drink. Boreas is dead and it's my fault. My magic is either too strong or not strong enough. Zombies and Red Dragon army are everywhere and now these smallish dragons with riders. I am almost tapped out of magic. I can feel the surge to pull more but then I think about the dead magic user in the underground lair and how he exploded from the inside. Then that bitch saying that she can use me dead or alive and Ailyn attacking me. These may be my last thoughts....damn is my favorite flask empty.


Normally I don’t care what people think of me. I want to enjoy life and enjoy the various alcoholic beverages I try. Why is this different? Is it because Charity is pursuing his path? Is it because of the hurt that is occurring? Is it because of the gods and these tattoos? Why am I even asking these questions?   We went on multiple missions. I’m not worried about the details and the missions did seem to blur. In the end I put myself out there to prove not only that I am not blindly following Takhisis but I also want to protect these people and Charity. I recommend sending the extra rations to the refugees . I even donate a lot of money to Aylin’s business. I try to give Kravlak some money for the potion he gave me but he wouldn’t take it and it’s hard to sneak past him. I am also realizing that I have not gotten to know Borreas.   So I go out there and give it my all with the magic. It’s fun and tiring at the same time. I hope there will be more opportunities to use it. However even with the new powers, I don’t feel like I can protect them. We fight these lizard dragon folk and when they die they cause weird effects to occur. Charity started to turn to stone and these powers weren’t enough to bring him back. I need to talk with Boreas and Kravlak to see if their powers can protect us.   Dell is all chummy with me now and that is almost more worrisome than when he was prejudiced to me. I am learning more recipes from Kravlak. His blindness that anything could be better in the low lands keeps him from noticing that I actually know what I’m doing. I know so much and could be useful but all they see is a kender that enjoys a brew and is marked by the dark lady. Will I die proving myself to them and why do I care?    

Crazy Good and Fun

Wo, wo, wo, wo, wo. I must have drank more than I thought and this was the sanest part of the what has happened the past couple of days   I distinctly remember getting back to the inn and disappointedly only finding Dell there to talk to. I shared all of my feelings and felt really bad and such. I went to sleep and woke up surprisingly (expected to be dead) with Dell hovering over me and watching the window.   Then dodododododooddo (insert Wayne's World time warp sounds)   I get to the inn and Charity is there with Dell!!!! Charity is a knight. I knew he could do it. He is truly Sir Char or Sir Charity . I am so happy for him. He is supposed to be our liaison ( I really hope Charity knows what that word means but I can explain it to him sometime.) with Marshal Vendri. I think he is going to do splendidly . I will just need to keep an eye on him and see what I can do to help.   I share my story about Takhisis and my new tattoo. I share about how I feel stronger and that the alcohol isn't having as much affect. Why is Dell giving Charity so much to drink? Doesn't he know that Charity is a knight now. I let them know that the dark lady is the Mother of the Chromatic Dragons and a god. She told me to find her brother and I have no idea who that is and ask him about high priest Beldinas Pilofiro and Archmage Marwart Sinclair. Hmmmm I think I forgot to tell them about the mountain being thrown at a precious city by her brother. I will have to try to remember to mention that. I think that would be very upsetting to Kravlak so I may wait to share that for a time when it's just Charity and I since he is our liaison. This time I get to spoon with Charity and sleep well however Dell still looms over us. He could of joined us in the bed if he wanted to instead of watching us so longingly.   Oh and so the craziness continues. Kravlak and Boreas are under house arrest. Charity has to be at the keep at dawn. Hiya has a real name and a store. Wow! Where to start? Let's start with Hiya. I think Dell's eye condition is contagious. Hiya looks at me know the same way that Dell has been looking at me. I may need to ask Kravlak or Boreas if that is a condition that they can cure. However, Hiya is really an old lady named Alyn "Raging Phoenix" Stormlight. I will need to find out how she keeps her youthful appearance. She is roughly in her 40's or 50's but has the looks and physique of a 20 year old. Amazing. We go to her store the Raging Phoenix and meet Palmer. I get a lot of comments about watching my pockets or if I steal something that I will be killed. These amateurs. Don't they know I have been a kender all of my life and heard much worse prejudices. I have some fun with Dell and Alyn about it. I wonder if my taunting can be used in a battle. I will need to try that. However back to Palmer. He's over his head or is it an act so that he can embezzle funds from the store? Dell and I make sure he understand the dire position he is in with Alyn's return. It seems like her battle prowess has not diminished over the 20 plus years she has been gone from Kalaman. She still has now memory of her past but I am not going to pry and work my natural charm to see if she begins to open up to me. Hopefully that eye condition can be cured and that will help   Ha ha ha ha...Kravlak and Boreas were put under house arrest for trespassing. That's amazing. I am sure Boreas enjoyed spending the day with Kravlak. Good food and good conversation. That would have been enjoyable along with some good alcohol. I will need to explore what pairs well with his chili. I think something with lime or like a mojito or for those that can't handle the spice a cocktail of goats milk and vodka. Hmmm I will need to experiment. ok ok Boreas has information that Lemish was attacked by the green dragon army so Vendri has sent out scouts to verify. I thought I heard something about a 3rd dragon but I didn't ask about it so I that's something to learn more about. Vendri has a mission for us to find a gnome named Tatiana. Oh man I love meeting gnomes. They may be even more carefree than I am. Oh some of the contraptions that they invent are absolutely AMAZING!!!. Unfortunately we can't go until Charity completes his training for today. Well that means more time for drinking and exploring. Ouch why did Vendri just take out Dell. I am not staying in the middle of that tension. I head on out.   What a bust? I didn't learn anything about dragons, magic, moons or the dark lady. I do get to know more about fishing and military. I don't think that mountain fishing technique that Kravlak was showing Charity is correct. I think that must of been one of Kravlak's mountain pranks. I will need to plan my next prank on him. However he seemed a bit cranky. I don't think he liked being put under house arrest. Saying things about "lowlander laws bhah". Hmmmm maybe there's something there that I can pull a prank around. Ok so these Kalaman do enjoy drinking akvavit. I tried a few. Some were made from grains and some from potatoes. I did like how some of the places put in some spices like dill or coriander. It goes really well with fish. The thoughts of pranks did remind me to visit dirt bag rat face. I found his house and was able to pants him again. I should have spoke to him in his head again but I will save that for next time. I hope he is changing is ways. I will need to find out more.   I head back to the inn. Hmmm a quite night. I snuggle with Charity and go to bed. We have an adventure tomorrow.   Charity wakes at dawn to get me and the rest of the crew up. Much to Charity's chagrin everyone else is already up and eating. I am disappointed that Kravlak didn't cook the meal. He should really figure out a way to cook at the inn. I may need to talk with the proprietor about that. We head to the keep. The others get armor and weapons. I consider getting some armor but it feels like it would get in the way. I feel like the moons can do something to protect me. We then head to the south gate. The wagon is only loaded with food. Hmmm I had hoped for more. Nothing cool or exotic here. Kravlak gently supports Charity on his way for leading the group. I drive the wagon with Boreas on board. The others ride on war horses. The travel goes easy. Kravlak and Boreas perk up and then I hear things as we approach the forest. I reach out to the moons and ask for their protection. I can feel the glow come down on me and envelope me. Nuitari is dominant in the sky right now so I feel the shadow of that moon envelope me and darken my visage to protect me. We enter the woods.   Wow this place is AWESOME!!!! There are robotic chickens and spring traps and big old mouth traps and bashing and clanking and fucking amazing. This gnome is a true artist. I can't believe all of this stuff. Shit there are people attacking the place in the red dragon army garb. I shoot off some fire bolts at the leader and a cohort. Wow doing magic feels good. I need to do it more often. I take down the cohort and do some damage to the leader. The contraptions do the rest and take out the invaders. Alyn does a flying somersault tackle of the leader and I blind him. Boreas cures him to keep him alive. I really wanted to take out some of my anger out on him. I don't like what this dragon army is doing and I have some pent up rage to get out. Maybe next time.   Tatiana pops out and she asks if anyone wants to see more of her stuff. OF COURSE I DO!!! With announcements of "Incoming" I get pummeled with eggs that let of some aroma. Then she shows off her metallic dragon grass chopper. It is SWEET! Unfortunately she shared her plans for more metal dragons with the Red Army leader. Fuck that means we just need more metal dragons then them. Dell does his amazing talking to get some info from her to be able disable the red army metal dragons. We entice her to return to Kalaman with us to improve the ballistae there. She wanted to test the Ballistae on slaves. She is true to her art but we all thought it was a bad idea. Maybe cattle instead. However dragons are tougher than that so we ended up on metal plates. She has an awesome tent with a great hammock. I will need to ask for one. However I couldn't stay the night due to my egg pummeling. I find a nice tree so that I can air out and get a good night sleep under the moons. Thank you moons for protecting me and the powers to help protect Charity and my new "friends".   We make it back to Kalaman. I think these adventures are going to get more exciting.

What is this feeling?

Why am shaking? What is this feeling? I haven’t had the shakes this bad for a few years soon after Hylo when Charity and I had just left. Back then I was naive and didn’t understand how long it took to travel between cities. I only had one flask and that was a small one. We hadn’t taken enough alcohol from Charity’s vineyard so it was a little rough. I have 3 more flasks now and my special large one that fits in the scabbard so I haven’t been deprived for a while.   However these shakes are different. Ok breathe Xanks but my head is hurting so much from drinking last night to try to get rid of the shakes. I think this is what others feel as “fear”. What the fuck? How do people handle this feeling? I have never felt this before. I always knew Charity would be there for me.   However it wasn’t Charity waiting for me when I got back to the inn. It wasn’t even Kravlak. It wasn’t even the holy man. I am not sure if I would have been more or less “scared” if the axe lady Hiya was the one waiting for me. Probably less since she is always so cheerful even when raging and cutting up bad guys. At least the end would come cheerfully and quickly if it was her. Fuck am I a bad guy? I don’t think so. I enjoy life and living it to the fullest.   Instead it’s Dell waiting for me. The one that hates kenders and recently lost his beloved. I don’t think I can understand that loss. I have never gone through that. However I can understand Dell more now that I know that. I have met many people in pubs and taverns that are drinking that type of sorrow away. I have always bought those individuals another round or two and lent them an ear. However there has only been disdain for me from Dell and maybe some plans to kill me.   Ok so I spill my guts to Dell. All of this happened after arriving to Kalaman. We took a boat to the city. I always enjoyed being on the water because it was easier seeing the moons. However last night there was so much smoke in the air from Vogler burning and I was so worried about Charity , that I didn’t even look for the moons. Dell brought us into the harbor while the refugees camped a couple of miles away from the city. We went straight to the governor’s castle. Rat face dick head was there . Man these powers sure come in handy to pants him. The group did a good job sharing the severity of what happened in Vogler. Dell was actually charismatic and not brooding. I was shocked. The governor was appreciative and let us stay a night at the castle. Charity also met his new knight and began his squirehood as Sir Char.   I don’t know to feel about the next day. I learn about Mountain pranks. Kravlak and I will explore these options. I don’t think mine worked the night before. I learn that Dell’s beloved was murdered. How terrible. I pledge to help his vengeance. The murderer is this Father Williams at the Radiant Church. I use my powers to look like a little girl. I am able to distract a nun while leaving the others to infiltrate the church. Man this was a great performance. Then I spoke to her as “god” and created a light show. This definitely kept her and the guards distracted. I learn afterwards from Kravlak and Borreas that Father Williams was killed by large claw marks. They head to the castle to talk to the marshal. I decide they can handle that without me and I can go get a drink and take care of some other things.   My pub research crawl wasn’t useful. Most people were talking about the refugees so I didn’t learn anything about magic, the moons or the dark lady. I head then to a tattoo parlor. I wanted to get a different tatto on my right wrist. When I met the dark lady originally I thought she may be connected to the moons somehow. However after Vogler I began to worry she was connected to dragons. She had been nice when we talked and she had “given” me my powers. I felt even more connected to the moons after that night. My powers seemed synchronized with the moons. I thought then it would be appropriate to get another tattoo to represent the 3 moons, my connection to them, and my new magic.   I was chatting with Tabitha the tattoo artist and she changed into the dark lady or should I say Takhisis. She told me she is the mother of chromatic dragons. She is the sister of Paladine. Who the fuck is Paladine? She told me it is her turn to rule the world and to provide rules and structure for the mortals. She stated that she would need to kill those that don’t obey. Her army almost killed Charity and killed many hundreds of people at Vogler. How did I end up here? How am I supposed to defy a “god” let alone dragons? I don’t want to hurt anyone. Ideally I would just be able to keep on drinking and having fun with Charity. I will protect Charity.   Fuck her hand changed shape and she used a single claw to create my new tattoo that I designed. Why can't this be my own? She tells me that the next time I see Paladine and she says I will know who he is that I should ask him about high priest Beldinas Pilofiro and his archmage Mawort Sinclair and how he threw a mountain at his precious city. How did I get involved in gods and their siblings?   I spent the next few hours drinking myself into a stupor but I knew I had to get back the inn. Fuck I feel stronger for some reason and I am putting down a lot of alcohol. I get to the inn and see Dell. Oh fuckidy fuck fuck fuck.. However he gives me another drink and I pour my feelings out as I pour my alcohol down my gullet. I don't care what he does to me. He can kill me for what I tell him or leave me be. However I fall asleep to a wonderful image, Dell or someone that sounds like Dell saying "The kender is the smart one!?"   I do awake in the morning in the bed of the room. Kravlak isn't there. Where is he? Dell is awake but doesn't look like he has slept. I quickly write this and we will see what this new day will bring. Fuck the gods. I am Xanks and I will not be afraid.

So much more...and disappointment

Charity lied to me. Why? He is my best friend in the world and I love him dearly. Why would he tell me he was happy that I had magic when he wasn't. I think I may have scared him today. I really don't understand fear but that look on his face was something that I am not familiar with especially when he looks at me. Yes I frustrate him and I realize that. There aren't many people that keep up my energy and me constantly looking for that next buzz. What is even more disappointing is that the Giant Kravlak had to tell me that Charity wasn't happy. Actually it's easier to hear it from Kravlak then from Prudence. I am sure someday Charity will want to go back to Hylo and settle down with Prudence. I think the wanderlust may leave him sooner after what we say today and I will do whatever I can to make sure Char makes back to Prudence (or maybe he will find someone better along the way.)   I actually did help Charity today. He won a juggling show with the "dancing" balls of light that I used to enhance his performance. It was amazing. I helped the others as well but Charity is my best friend so I may have been holding back with them. Side note I did enjoy getting a dig in on that bastard Bakaris after he booed the elf women's song for Ispin. However with these magics that I was doing I could feel the pressure to do so much more with it. I was hoping to have some fun with it during the reenactment but that's when things went sideways. An actual battle began and we found ourselves in the middle of it. I used the colored dancing lights to do so much more. I could really feel the power of the 3 moons flowing through me and see it in the colors of the spells. The black , the red and the white intertwining with each other. It was beautiful, powerful, and it gave me so much joy. Then Charity got hurt and fell down. I couldn't feel any magic in me that would heal him and I yelled at the giant and the dark robed man to help him. They seemed to have different types of magic that they were using. Then another wave of combatants came. I was not going to let them get to Charity. I put more of myself into the next spell to blind the large ogre and his henchmen. The power that flowed through me was amazing but I felt so tired afterwards. I understand that there is good and evil but why do people have to go around and hurting others. We needed answers.   Money.....really....the Ogre was bribed to perform the attack. Unfuckingbelievable .....that Cudgel she had the right answer in beheading that asshole that was part of the betrayers. However Charity was letting his emotions get the best of him and was close to loosing his head to Cudgel as well. Once again I was actually able to keep Char from getting hurt. It's weird when I have the level head which isn't often but we aren't in a bar and we aren't at a party. I can afford to loose myself in those situations. However if I loose myself here then Charity and I will not be able to drink and party again.   Ok I know that Charity and I discussed not talking about my tattoo, but Kravlak is a good person and seemed to know that I had one. I found out he has one of a tree but I like my multicolored tattoo, black, white, red, green and blue. However Kravlak and Boreas got all huffy about it and about me meeting the lady they have named as the "DARK LADY". Kravlak was sharing how she picked him up with one hand. There seemed to be some confusion on whether her hand was human or a reptilian. They were saying how doom and destruction followed her every where she went. I didn't see any issues in Kentrel when she visited me the night before meeting Kravlak and Dell. We will have to see if she is possibly, maybe, potentially, leaning towards being an evil doer. Unfortunately an all black symbol of the same design is on the flag of the army of reptilians that are invading Vogler. Maybe that is an evil faction that symbol. who knows. All I care about is keeping Charity safe and enjoying myself and these times are definitely putting a damper on those things. Maybe there some magic that will help.

Challenge Accepted

The last few days have been a blast even though we are getting ready for a funeral. But what is a funeral other than a celebration of life!!! The Vogler's know how to party. We met some new friends. The tall one Kravlak is a character. He thought he could out drink me. I always accept that challenge. The dark broody prickly one Dell is a different challenge. I don't think he understands that we are friends so I will continue to work to remind him. It seems that Charity , oh I mean Sir Char has loosened up about the "magic" and is truly happy for me. I think he is a little worried about the work it will take to be a knight but he's got this. I will always be there to motivate him. I think he worries that this will affect our friendship but I will find a way to help him be successful. We left Hylo for these opportunities and we won't let them pass. We went to the funeral of Dear Sir Greenshield and heard many wonderful stories. I did talk to this strong beautiful women who shared the story of how Ispin died. The story seems crazy but the last few days have been crazy and may speak of things to come. There was an elf that sung a beautiful song. Then there was this asshole that booed the song. I wish I would have gotten more gold off of the punk. I may need to find more ways to cause him trouble. We have a festival and then onto Kalaman for Char to pursue his dreams and me to find more alcohol!    

Night of the Eye

Begin writing your story here... I swear I didn't take the scroll but I am glad it was with my stuff. Charity had to protect me from a bunch of ruffians again. They said "He took my scroll" in the voice of all bullies. Why did he need himself and 3 other guys to take little ol' me down. I am glad Charity had a bad fishing day (fishing isn't really his thing but bless his heart he stays with me and tries odd jobs). He got back from fishing to find me behind the tavern being beat up by these locals. I actually hit the one guy a couple of times. Charity quickly finished all of them off. We set the scene of the crime implicating the bullies like we always do and prepared to leave town. This not being our first town or first incident , Charity checked my stuff for the scroll. Low and behold is a scroll inviting Charity to join the Solamnia Knights. Well not Charity specifically but this is his calling and I will support him getting in to the best of my abilities. This is great fortune for us and we will be setting off to Volger.   Sad news strikes, dear Sir Ispin has passed. He was a mentor to me for his wandering and drinking. His funeral is in Volger in 4 days so we must find passage on a boat to Volger instead of nice trek via land. There is a boat that is leaving in the morning. We decide to camp outside of town to avoid any entanglements in town. Also tonight is special. It is the Night of the Eye when the "two" moons align. I have suspected there is a 3rd moon and heard rumors about it but in a moment of wisdom I haven't shared that with anyone.   Wow, what a beautiful night. It's clear and the beauty of the moons is amazing. Charity and I are enjoying the night and the moons are calming me and my wanderlust . I enjoy the wandering but sometimes peace is valued. Suddenly a dark beauty approaches us. She mentions the beauty of the moons and how mortals need to name things. Why would she call out mortals? Aren't we all mortal. However her presence still matches the peace I have from the moons. She is also aware of the 3rd black moon. She mentions that I have always had a connection to the moons and that I just needed a key to unlock it. She touches the inside of my left wrist and a surge of power goes through me. She and I create dancing lights in the air of the 3 moons spinning around us. The feeling is amazing and intoxicating. This has to be a dream. She mentions that these powers will help me explore, live and be strong. That now I will be able to defend myself from the bullies.   Weird I really thought this was a dream but I can do magic. I show Charity that I can talk to him from distance and I can grab things from a distance as well. Charity is super excited for me. He is so happy that I have powers. I can't wait to use them again. Interesting the place she touched me now has a tattoo. Charity accused me of stealing a tattoo. I wish I was that good but no this is something else. The tattoo is very colorful, red, blue, white, green and black. I think it looks awesome. However Charity thinks we should keep it covered and find out more in Volger. I wonder why I should keep it covered but Charity has a good sense about these things. I can't wait till we get on the boat to Volger. This next chapter of our adventures is going to be amazing!


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Mar 23, 2024 18:22

this guy drinks