BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Zylah Burwitz

Zylah Burwitz

I grew up being stuck in the house with mom (Miriam) while big sis (Bo) got to work out in the fields with dad (Jack). I hated being stuck inside and constantly being ordered around. I would leave the farm to go to the surrounding woods every chance I had (especially at night).   During one of my escapades into the woods, I meet Tristan. I continue to sneak away to meet him in our secret spot. I have told no one where I am going including Bo.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Average height and average build. Overall... average

Identifying Characteristics

The red hair and heterochromia eyes run in the family. No escaping those Burwitz genes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

My whole world turned upside down by the dark lady. Tristan and Dad dead, village destroyed. Mom taken. I am to avenge the atrocities of this day.

Gender Identity





Farm girl, minimal formal education besides basic reading and writing.


see above, farm girl. Primarily helped with upkeep of the house.

Mental Trauma

Everyone's dead except Bo.

Personality Characteristics


I am always out to prove that I don't need "protection." I will avenge the death of everyone I know.

Likes & Dislikes

Like: woods Dislike: cooking

Vices & Personality flaws

Impulsive Driven by emotion Blames the destruction of her village on the return of the gods


Contacts & Relations

Sister: Bo Mom: Miriam (missing) Dad: Jack (dead) Lover: Tristan (dead)   Nickname: Gwathren (given by Tristan, means shadow in Elvish)

Wealth & Financial state

Working class farmer. Trade goods for what is needed to survive.

Younger sister to Bo. Grew up in a small village. I am stuck doing the "housework" with mom while big sis gets to work in the fields. I feel trapped and am always looking to get away.

View Character Profile
heterochromia, red/green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5ft 4in
Known Languages
Common Elvish Dwarfish Gnomish


We parked the airship by the place our groop began, that nicely shapped booty tree. Then I snuck into the outskirts of Lemish to Madlyn’s house. It was easy enough to get there as I only saw 1 guard and he was definitely not the top of his class. It appeared that someone was living in Madlyn’s house. I thought about entering but I heard Bo’s voice in my head telling me to come back and get the group.   I love watching Madlyn work. The way she interrogated Alec was just impressive. Even tho I think tying him to the bed made his day better not worse.   We all got to meet Arthur. I’m so happy Madlyn got to see him again and know he is still alive.   Arthur says that others will join him when he says it’s time to revolt and helps us get to the tower.   I feel for Manon and Kaylon as we return. I remeber how I felt when we returned to Heckle. Unfortunately we don’t have the time to mourn their losses. I find Grandpa Mary’s journal. It talks about a red haired woman named Fury who was after Grandpa Mary. Growing up Bo and I were the only red haired girls in Heckle and now I feel like us red heads are everywhere.   We enter the dragon layer. There is no keeper watching the dragons and all but one have died. Bo and others work furiously to take off the scales of the one dragon left while i search the layer for any clues. I find eggs but many are missing.   Kivone wakes up and anger flows through him as he looks around at the death surrounding him. I know his anger I still feel that anger.   He takes off to destroy the green dragon. We follow and are met by Damian and some of his minions. Damian, the one responsible for Thersha and Grandpa Mary’s death. I focus on him, running past all his minions. I hook my arrow and let it fly but then I see him open a portal and hear the grunts from Madlyn as my arrow strikes her in the back. How could that be? I hope she forgives me as I had no idea that would happen.   As we finish off Damian, we hear a crash and the gold dragons is flung into the room clearly hurt but so is the green dragon it was fighting when out of the sky a second dragon emerges.   We must help the gold dragon and these green dragons must perish! CotBT was able to help take both green dragons down. Thanks to Manon’s “wall” and Kaylon’s blessings that protected us from the poison.   As the last green dragon was almost down he took off in flight. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Bo leep onto the gold dragon!!! I know she is loving every minute of it but I am terrified for her life! I can’t lose her to! But as always she is victorious and can now bear the title of Bo-dragon rider. Much better than Bo-pig rider.   With the battle over, we all regain ourselves. Only alive because CotBT works as a team with Manon trapping the dragons, Kaylon protecting us, Bo, Laina, and Madlyn taking the brunt of the damage and dealing damage. While i know we have our differences, I do trust them with my life.   Kivone starts spewing fire all around the city so I take off on Bo’s back to stop him from killing the innocent. I understand his anger but there are better ways. He tells us to gather up all the traitors. There are so many of them. So many willing to betray those that had protected them for so long.   I will not stop Kivone from obtaining his revenge and assist the guards in rounding up the traitors. Others in my group try to dissuade him, I almost stop them knowing that Kivone needs this. That he needs them to pay for the death of his friends so he can start to live without them. Just as no one will dissuade me from kiling Takhisis or any of her followers. I will do what Kivone needs of me to extinguish the burning pain inside him. I don't understand how Bo can try to change his mind. She should understand. Does she not have that same pain inside her? Would she not do the same to avenge Heckle? Dad? Tristan? What if we find mom dead?   I am satisfied that Kivone was able to have the revenge he needed and hope he will be able to come to our aide when it is time to take our revenge.     After a much needed rest, we go to a place that Kaylon has not spoken of. A woman she referred to as mom and man come down the stairs. I can feel the evil radiating from him. The woman does not speak as a mom should to her daughter. My heart aches for Kaylon. The conversation becomes very intense and for a few moments i thought Kaylon was going to kill this man in cold blood. Instead she just made him pay for what he did to Thersha and everyone else he influenced. As we were leaveing I made sure to stomp extra hard to leave lots of dirt and mud trails on his nice marble floors.   I hope Kaylon got the ending she needed!   We head back to the airship. And now are on our way to Kalaman. I am hopeful we can find more out about mom there. Also Madlyn had a vision that they are in trouble.

Airship Thoughts

Raas seems to aprove of the stone slab. And after spending a few nights sleeping on it, it’s realy not bad. It’s been 3 months since my whole world changed. All my dreams of what my life would be are entirely different. Honestly, I haven’t even thought much about the future. My dreams are only of the past.   I never thout I would ever be able to even get close to any one again after Tristan died and haven’t even really thought about it. But I find myself drawn to Raas. Maybe it's his skills with the bow. Maybe it's how he towers over me and makes me feel safe. IDK but I didn't realize how much i missed these feelings. However I do not think he is fand of me. He seems so void of emotion so stone faced. I do not think he appreciated my tears soaking his fethers. I greatly apreciate his tolerance of me. I see why he was chosen as comander. I have definitely been sleeping better now that I have him by me each night. I feel so calm next to him.   I also learned that he has a daughter!!! I bet he was a great dad. I also can’t believe that they only “mate” once a year. He is missing out on so much by having no deep connection to those around him. He did say “gut feelings are just unchecked emotions.” Those gut feelings have saved Bo and I many times. That gut feeling could have prevented that whole shadow tower. I will show him that my gut feeling is not a liability.   We had a new years celebration. It was so nice to have fun with the crew! Almost like the parties we would have a home. I hope it was everything Kaylon dreamed of!   I am anxious to get to Kalaman and see if we can figure out more about mom. I thought we were so close. We spent every day together. Sure, we butted heads a lot and she hated my choice in boys. But how could she not tell me something this big. I can’t wait to see her again. I am going to give her the bigest hug and say sorry for all the stupid shit I said. And then I want to cook with her while she tells me all the stuff she hasn’t been telling me including how Dad knew how to shoot a bow what those clothes are about.   But now it’s time to find some dragons.

Two Steps Back but the hair still looks good

I'm sooooo glad we get to atend this counsill meeting as I was not a fan of Laina being without us. I find a seat that has a good view of Laina, her grandfather and this assistant as I want to make sure to watch him closely. I’m upset for not focusing on him sooner. For as Laina’s grandfather finishes his speech and presents the hammer and arm, I see green enter his chest and rip out his heart. Then transform into a dragon and fly away.   Before i can even register what has happenned, screems erupt and we are surrounded by lava and a wall of fire at the exit. My first instinct is to jump through the wall of fire since I know I can make it. But I stay to rescue as many as possible and save the councsill.   I shot an arrow with a rope attached down to assist the council members, but the wizard (transformed into a T-rex) snapped it before anyone had a chance to make it up. Since they couldn’t make it up, I slid down the banner to them. Kravana had protected Norduc so I focused on the T-Rex. Alas, the council members went up in flames before I could save them.   While I will never be able to fully trust her, Kravana saved me from some nasty blows from the T-rex and I was able to turn him back to his original form so she could squish him. I then learned that while I can jump through walls of fire. Balls of fire hurt!!!!!   I’m happy we could save some but sad as I see the bodys scattered around. And then I focus on Laina’s grandfather. Another casuality in this god foresaken war. Just when I feel like things are going in our favor, we get hit back even further than we were. Not only does Takhisis now have the arm and hammer. But Laina lost a family member she was just reunited with.   That night we celebrated his life and the next day we griefed his loss. I celebrated as the dwarves do. I was even able to hold my own in our group drinking contest. I vaguely remember everyone around me swaying as they succumbed. Bo would be proud as there were many a night she had to carry me home. However for some reason I swear I felt myself being lifted up and moved against my will multiple times. Hmmm.   We wake up in the morning and my thoughts were correct. I must have won the drinking contest as everyone else is looking a little rough by the looks of their hair. I don’t know how you even get your hair to look like that. Mine always just looks like this. A quick flip in the morning and I'm good to go.   I have realized that Laina is an amazing person. She would have been a great ruler, but I am glad to have her stay with us. Her speech was legendary as she passed on the title of chief(tess/tits) to Norduc. I think Norduc will do well re-uniting the dwarves to gather up our army.   Now we are back on the airship, I will have to ask Raas what he thinks of the bed I had sent to him? Also, some of the tips he gave me were very useful so I will definitely need to spend more time learning from him.   Off to Lemish to find more dragons then a stop at Kalaman to investigate the clothes our mom had hidden.

Hunter and Prey

Phew... I wasn’t sure I was going to mack it to rite this down. So here it goes....   We headded towards the locked door that leads to the hammer. The guards were less than uplifting as they opened the door. As we enter all light seems to be sucked away. I keep a head of the group in the shadows as I am the most adept to this environment.   My hunting skills are at their best in the dark when I don’t need to rely on my vision. I begrudgingly agree to having a rope tied around my waist as I lead the group along the perimeter of the room.   It is surpriseing empty except for a skelaton with a hamer layed on their chest. Manon is able to use her smarts/magic to tell us it is likely some sort of portal. Kaylon did something I did not ever imagine was possible. She was able to talk to the dead! Her eyes glowed and the skelaton sat up and talked back to her. It is aparent that he has been ded a long time and was going to deliver the hammer to the Klar Klan.   I am trying hard to be part of the group so resist every urge to just grab the hammer as every one debates what to do. Just as I’m about to reach my hand out it is agreed that we lock arms then touch the hammer. As soon as I see every one is touching, I grab the hammer before anyone can change their mind.   The room is the same but filled with shadows. I feel this heavyness that is pressing against me but I am able to shake it off keeping my thoughts on our goal. Get the hammer, make a dragon lance and kill Takhsis (easy enough, right).   I look around and some of CotBT seem to be having a harder time shaking off this feeling. A beast erupts from Kaylon. I step into the shadows in case more follow and give it everything I have. I hit it and disappears back into the shadows.   We leave the room and as we walk I look around for any hit of those who have come before and look up to see a giant tower. That is where I lead the group.   More beasts erupt from Kaylon. She is not doing well is the world void of color and happpiness. Hopefully we can find what we need quickly and return to our world.   We arrive at the tower. Bo politely knocks as I’m right behind pushing the door open. To find a man absorbing the shadows.   I lock my bow and prepare to fire…….   As I reach back to grab an arrow, I grasp air. I look to my side and see Bo glaring at me and shaking her head with my arrows in her hand. Furious I stand down so we can “talk” to this wizard in the shadows (Looking back she should have just let me end it there, if only she and everyone else would trust me more).   Aparently, the wizards name is Jordan. He appeers nice enough upon first talking, gives some snacks to those affectred by the dread. Provides Bo with a life supply of food and encourages us to explore. He is also oddly alone here and has been here for a long time.   After a rest to get everyone back in tip top shape, we decided to explore and see if we could find anything useful. The snacks appear to affect people’s perception of things as only some of us could see the floating letters on the page. I wonder what he has been up to. Especially with that magically locked desk.   We made it to the top and find Jordan and a bunch of glowing symbols that appear to make the house run. I don’t think I’ll ever be comfortable around this magic shit. Just let things be as they are. He offers to help us with information about the hammer if Manon assists him with his project.   While none of us felt it was a good idea to leave Manon, he all but threatened us. Hoping to keep things amicable we left. As soon as we closed the door it disappaered and the room filled with smoke. I made it up to Manon and was immediately trapped by some black tentacles.   Shaken by the sudden change, it took me a bit to gather myself. I feel the warmth of blood dripping down my legs from another hit from the tentacles which hones in my focus. Once free I gave chase to Jordan, this time I will get my shot off! I envisoned being home and navigating the woods hunting dinner as I charged down the different layers through smoke, webs and more tentacles. Easy game! I opened the front door and felt a blast of heat.   I hesitated as I was having trouble standing up due to my wounds never mind going through fire. I closed the door and looked at Kaylon asking if she had any magic or ideas to combate this fire wall. If she did not have a salution then I was ready to jump through knowing it might be the end of me but i would not stop in my pursuit. He had the means to the hammer and the hammer is crucial in our fight against Takhisis.   She tells me that she is unable to help with the fire, but I see her work her magic and most of my injuires heal and the blood stops dripping down my leg.   Feeling renewed, I take a running jump through the fire. I feel my skin start to singe and burn but make it through. I look square in Jordan’s dark evil eyes. As I lock onto my prey and prepare my acid arrow, I feel this force press against me. Attempting to send me back through the flames. I will not fail. I will not let CotBT down. I will not let Tristan down. I WILL NOT BE MOVED!   I let my arrows fly. He is quick but not quick enough for most of my arrows, blood and acid soaking his robes. He looks hurt but before I can grab more arrows, he vanishes. Jordan, you will regret the day you met CotBT!   The flames disappeer and I rush back into the house to find Bo. I find her beaming with pride at the dragon metal she found!   We find the orb of the souls Jordan has been useing to stay alive. Madlyn and Bo deside to stay behinde to attempt to free the souls. I admire Bo and her willingness to die for others she doesn’t even know. I here a loud explosion, run into the building and find Bo covered in dirt and blood. Barely able to move. I quickly use the little healing power I have to get her upright.   We head back to the portal. I am eager to leave this place and as I reach out to grab the hammer remember how last time we locked arms. I wait with hand just above the hammer as we all link then quickly grab the hammer.   We are transported back. The guards seem confused that we are back so soon and Norduc has barely made it away from the door when we catch up to him.   Now I am resting in his house about to sleep before heading to the council meeting tomorow.

Passing Time

I hope Raas likes the stone slab I had sent. Hope it brings him some comfort away from home.   I don’t like that Laina is going alone to the counsill meeting but at least Norduc will be there and he seems like a decent guy.   While Laina was busy at her meeting, Bo and I went to the forge. Who’d have thout a dwarf could be taller than me?! We asked some questions and showed him the dragon metal. He informed us that dragon metal is not for sale but he could be commissioned to make a weapon out of it. While Bo worked on her smithing skills, I staid and observed to see what I could hear. I mostly heared about there late night activities which were interesting to say the least.   We went back to Norduc’s house and relaxxed in the hot tubs again. Unfortunetley that is also where Kravana was. I still don’t understand why the rest of the group is investing so much time in her.   We briefly visited where the counsill meeting was being held and tryed to find a way in but to no aveil so back to house we went. Before turning in for the night, I made sure to have a few different outfits packed “just in case.”

Memorys and Missions

As we all board the ship to head back to the Dwarf capital. I show Raas his room and also show him the small training area I have set up to practice with my bow. He looks disppointed at the bed and woodden room as he mentions he sleeps on a stone slab. He shows me his bow which requires no arrows and uses wind. He tells me that it is earned with his rank.   I definitely have a lot to learn from him, but have a feeling that this training will be different than what I'm used to.   (Zy’s eyes start to tear up and she pulls her blanket tight around her for comfort)   Damn I miss those sessions. How he (Tristan) would wrap his arms around me helping me aim true at the target. Those hands so soft but finger tips calloused from the bow string. How I felt so safe.   I take a walk on the top of the ship to clear my head and see Kravana just sitting there. I quickly load my bow and land my arrow right in front of her. So she sees it as soon as she opens her eyes and knows I am always watching.   She may have most of CotBT fooled but how can they trust her? All it will take is Takhisis saying she still has her village and we are doomed.   Bo is learning how to use her new flying boots thanks to Raas and Thestral. Never thought I would see Bo flying on purpose. Thestral suggesting to skate like we used to do as kids on the lake made a huge difference.   We arrive at Tran and the group assigns Raas (I don’t think he liked being told what to do) to scout around the ship but allows Kravana to join???? I don’t remember how this happended, I must have been in the bathroom or some thing when the decision happended.   We approach and there is no way in unless they let us. The discussion is not going well. I notice how hunters are able to enter without question. I am about to sneek off and acquire a set of hunter clothes to disguise myself so I could enter then sneak the rest of the group in when Laina drops a bombshell. Apparently we have been traveling with Klar royalty this whole time. Holy shit! Which followed with Manon saying the word Princess at every moment possible. Sometimes i just love her excitement about life.   As we enter the city i keep my eyes open for any easy to acquire clothing in case my disguise is needed later as we do not tend to make quick friends.   We enter the Hall of ancestors and see Laina’s granpa’s stature in the center as he is the current leader. I notice the iner workings and they rotate based on the current leader. What a marvel. The guard is not convinced and we do not gain an audience with the council or anyone of importance.   With no ideas we head to the inn, and much to Bo’s delight 2 “goats” that are the size of mountain lions from home are placed on the table. We decide to just let bo and thestral have at it with one goat and the rest of the tavern tackeld the other one.   Prince Nordic aka Laina’s cousin finds us and brings us back to his place. He offers his hot spring. I got behind the curtain but quickly strip down lieaving my clohtes in a crumpled pile just like when we skiny diped in the lake. He was next to the throne but now that Laina is back she is next in line. He better not try anything sneaky or he will feel the wrath of CotBT. The thirst for power can make people do things they normally wouldn’t.   He offers us access to his “Castle”. He is kind enough to gift us a stone slab for Raas and send a cart to deliver it as Bo was agreeable but not fond of having to carry it.   Bo is able to make me 2 daggers at the home forge. I hope to never need them but will keep them sharp in case they need to meet a throat.   Before heading out, I stop and look in a wardrobe. Placing a set of formal attire in my pack. Never know if that will be needed. (I may grab a less formal set later).   I then head off to where some hunters are gathered. They give me some tips about the surrounding landscape then say the best way to kill a mountain lion is to shoot in the shoulder injuring it enough that it falls to the death. But it is preferred however more dangerous to go for the throat kill. Little do they know but that is my specialty. Maybe one day I can go on a hunt with them.   We all meet back up to talk about what we have accomplished and prepare for the upcoming council meeting.   I really hope the dwarves can realize that Takhisis will not leave them alone. If she cares about a small village like Heckle, no one is safe. We also learned they have THE arm! They know the location of THE hammer but cannot get past the fiends that guard it. Maybe that will give us some levrage to bargain for thier trust and fulfill our mission to create an army to defeat Takhisis   -all for you my Bear-

Bird? Human?

As I rest in my portal, I lisen as the group talks to Krazz. After he figures out we are the good guys, he presents us with some fabulus upgrades. My armor now looks like bark and protects me from the hardest hits exploding as it absorbs the damage. Makes me feel at home even tho I'm so far away.   In true Bo fashion, she feels thirsy so just dunks her head in the water. Thankfuly it was not poinsoned but so refreshing. Every one dunks their heads in, restoreing any energy I hadn’t regained in the portal.   He also wakes up the dragons for us. There leader, Nith, agrees to help our cause but states we need to increase our numbers. Also, apparently dragons can shape shift into humans. I’m not sure if they pick their forme or not and if they can change it. (hmm, will need to figure out how to spot a dragon) So back to the dwaf capital to get them on our side before Takhisis gets to them.   Laina tells us that Krazz has completed his job and has returnd to his family. I’m happy for him that he left this place fulfilled knowing he did well and was finally going to see his family again. I think that is an ending we all hope for. (grasping my necklace)   We leave the cave with renewed vigor. Dragons on our side and some sweet new shit to handle the war.   On our way back, I follow the path to the air ship. Familiar with the place we first saw the traitor, Kravana. We find her there in the same place we first met her, I fire an arrow which lands right next to her foot. Everything in me just wanted to go streight for her throat but the group had requested some mercy. She doens’t move. Bo walks right up to her. I keep my distance, bow drawn ready to fire at the slightest twitch. She somehow convinces the rest of the group that she had no choice and was just protecting her village. They decide to let her join after we take her weapons. I don’t know if I will ever fully trust her. I can’t believe she is coming with us!!!!!! My eyes fill with rage as she lifts Manon onto the air ship.   I give one last pat down to make sure she’s not hiding anything (damn this woman is all muscle).   As we head to the dwarven city, Myza yells out “roc”. I look around and get ready to dodge a big rock but just see a big bird flying our way. A bunch of bird people jump off and land on our air ship. I ready my bow again and am just about to fire when their leader, Raas, drops a bunch of diamonds and asks for our help.   Diamonds are always helpful (says Kaylon) when you are trying to defeat Takhisis so we follow him up to his city above the clouds. It is so cold up here but I will not leave Manon alone with Kravana even if i freeze to death.   Their leader, Ri, has been turned to stone. I hate that I am left on the ship while Bo and Manon go to investigate the situation. When they return, they tell the group that since Manon is not strong enough yet to cure Ri. They left collateral until either Manon or some other spell castor can cure him. I can see the pain in Manon’s words as she speaks about how she left her Grandpa Mary’s book behind. My heart aches for the sacrefice she has made.   Raas has decided to join us as we search for cure for Ri. I am sure he will be a good asset. And he must know his way around that bow if he has been promoted to high ranks.   I am mesmirzed by his features. His head and feet are like that of a bird but the rest is that of a human. Maybe he can train me in becoming a better archer with my bow.   My heart skips a beat as I remember my last “training” session and how it has now lead to this. An airship, with Bo and our new “family” with 2 new members. One that I will never fully accept and a second that I am thinking of asking for help with my bow.   -all for you my Bear-


As I rest in my pourtal which remindes me of my fav spot in the woods, I will update you jurnal of what just transpired. I frankly, am surprised I am alive to even rite this but here we go:   *blood smears across these pages. Thick at first and just light smudges by the end.*   We hed toward the mountanes to find this copper dragon, but after studying the map some more decide to head toward the south end to avoid some of the harsher weather.   Our plan works and Steve starts talking. Professing his love for Bo and Bo her love for him. Steve had the nerve to tell Bo that I wanted him to stay behind. Grossly mistaking my concern for him.   She did not take that well. I quickly find myself lifted off the ground with my legs just kicking the air. I know just where to hit her, finally hit that spot and squirm out of her grasp. I just hope that they are not blindded by how much they care for each other that they put each other at risk or worse, affect the mission.   The animals here are unlike any thing I have seen before. Some day I would love to learn how to hunt the beasts of this land.   I lost my train of thought for minute, thinking of what it would take to track and hunt these beasts. I returned my thoughts to our current mission of finding the dragon’s laire. I relay our plan of using Steve-dar to track the area that he can talk in to Myza. She interrupts me mid plan and points to the smoke rising from a fire in the distance. Scartch that plan, let’s go there. How i missed something so obvious infuriates me.   We descend from the airship and head towards the smoke. We find a woman who looks simalar in apeerance to Kravlon, cooking the meat from a massive beast over a fire. From the weapons nearby, she appears to be a hunter. Manon quickly fires multiple questions at her. I try my best to encourage her to maybe hang towards the back and let someone else talk. Most hunters chose this because they want to be alone and prefer the solitude. They do not want to be bothered especially with personal questions.   True to her way, Kaylon did get her name. Kravana. I tryd to get some information about the local beasts but she did not seem interested in shareing any of her knowledge.   She knows of what we are seeking and surpriseingly easyily offers to lead us there. We quickly find out that she did not have true intentions.   We entered an area with large rock mounds and one giant bolder blocking an entrance. On each side is a statue. I then hear Kravana whisper “sorry.” She could have at least warned us so we could have positioned better. She will regret the day she deceived CotBT.   4 giants emerge from the rock mounds. I don’t have the chance to distance myself as one arises next to me. As I ready my bow, I calculate which giant I should focus on. I look to Manon first, making sure she can be protected and see Madlyn at her side.   I turn to focus on the one next to me. I give it everything I have in my first shot so it knows we mean busyness. It hits but barely affects it. My second shot follows the same path but the giant just reaches out and breaks it like a twig. Not even noticing the acid burning into his hand.   I nervously looked to Bo. Nothing has ever caught my arrow like that. How are we going to get out of this one? Bo meets my gaze and hits it’s shin with all her might.   I see the other giants aiming for my comrades. The hits causeing blood to splatter. It seems Manon is taking the brunt of it. She is nothing but resilient as she takes multiple blows but does not fall.   Then the giant next to me lands a hit. Before I can recover and dodge, I feel my body being crushed in it’s grip and it flings me like a rag doll. The loss of control as my limbs flail about, wondering when I will finally land and how bad is this going to hurt. I soon get my answer.   A LOT   I felt the rock stab into my hip and the blood starts to run down my leg. I stumble to my feet to see a white blur hurtling towards me. Wait, that’s Manon. My mind races. I could catch her, possibly saving her life. Or stumble while standing, missing her and almost surely causing her demise. I thinnk back to our converstation on the boat. I promised that I would trust her until she gave me a reason not to. So I stand and brace for the impact. She hits me and I fall back, landing on the same hip as before. It hurts but we are both alive. I whisper in her ear “don’t make me regert that.”   I thought our distance would keep us safe, but a giant launches a bolder towards Manon. I drink the healing potion which stops the blood that was trickling down my leg, but know I would not survive another hit. I cast fog cloud around Manon and I. The thick green cloud envelopes us and keeps us hidden from the view of the giants. I step out to make my attacks bringing another giant down. I hear Laina yelling at the giants and then boulders clashing together. I hear Bo and Madlyn taking chunks out of the giants.   I see an image of mom appear to protect Bo. A tear travels down my cheek. I hope she is ok and we can get to her in time.   At last nothing remains but lumps of rock. We enter the cave and find not 1 but 20 sleeping copper dragons! There is also a one armed man fishing. Not knowing how these dragons will react once woken, I decide to recover for a bit as my leg is still throbbing. I take out my rope crafted from twigs and branches. It reaches up into what appears like the tops of trees. I invite anyone who needs a rest to join me as this space is safe.   -all for you my Bear-


We got what Myza nedded and loaded up onto the airship. I headded towards the controls so I could show Myza I new how to fly this ship. But I quickly realized that the book I read must have had an older model as I did not reckonize anything in front of me. Well I thought I reckonized one button, but Myza quickly slapped my hand. Fine, I didn’t want to steer anyway. I will just look out for storms, birds, dragons etc.   We all had a long discussion about the best thing for Steve. I know how much Bo loves him and I love him too which is y I fear for his safetee if he comes with us. We talked to Galnu who said she would feed him but could promise no more than that. Reluctantely I talked to Steve who of course just wants to be with Bo. So I guess Steve is coming with us.   Bo and Thestral would not leave the rations alone. I already had to make a pot of Mom’s secret recipe. The secret being it is just whatever shit you can find and putting it in a pot.   I have been in the woods on some long hunts and know how important it is to ration your food. Thad found out the hard way how desperate you can get when hungry. Off the cliff trying to catch that dumb bird. Stupid Boys.   I tryed to take control of the rations since some in our group cannot be trusted but Bo resorted to her strength as usual and got the rations back (eye roll) but she still can’t keep me pinned down tho. (sly smile)   I did find some time to talk to Manon. I still worry that given the right cirkumstances Manon may take Takhisis up on her offer of power. I will find a way to kill Takhisis and I really hope she does not get in my way of that. For now I will trust her and her magic.   Here's to hoping that with the info Manon gave us, we can find this copper dragon.   -all for you my Bear-


Now that we have restored Tarsis to it’s past beuty with grass and trees to come soon, no longer a barron dessert city. We are off to find this airship, find som dragons so we can kill Takhisis and hopfulli find Mom alive.   Myza seemed to know the way and seemed right. We left the safety of Tarsis wether and it becam very hot. I new this trip and our jurnee to come was not going to be ezee, so tryed to confence Bo to leave Steve in the care of the people of Tarsis. But she was not haveing it. I even tried to talk to Steve to see what he thought, and while he did not understand what he was agreeing to, said he wanted to stay with Bo. So I let them be. I wish Bo would have listened to me. I knew this journey would be ruff and no place for a horse. She always thinks she knows best. But I was right and Steve should have stayed behind. I hope he was able to make it back to Tarsis. I wish she would trust me.   I’m used to being outside but damn that sun was brutal. But sure as Myza said, the mountain became a canyun.   Side note written in the margins:   Steve has never seen a horse with a horn so no Unicorns around where he is from (sorry Kaylon, I will find you a unicorn). Also, Steve now wants his own horn.   As we headded towards the ship, Takhisis apears. As soon as I saw her, I loaded my bow and fired, drowning out any words from my comrades. The bitch didn’t even show up in the flesh, my arrow went right threw. What a coward!   (this paragraph blurry with tear stains with shaky handwriting) She tried to downplay what happened in Heckle saying it was an accident. That type of carnage does not happen on accident. She twists her words to justify her evil. After her dismissal of Heckle, i could not focus on anything else but seeing one of my arrows threw her neck.   Takhisis is very focused on Manon and keeps tring to get her to join her, I wonder why? I will not hesitate to kill anyone who gets in my way to kill Takhisis. Seems like Manon is resisting the temptation of power for now. I am just becoming more comfortable with her magic as she uses it for good, but what if she turns on us?   I much preferred life before all this magic and gods meddleing. Takhisis speaks of how Paladine messed things up. But I say, fuck them all. Fuck Paladine, fuck Takhisis. Seems they all just need to go!!!!!!   She brot some dragons and riders as she was too coward to appear herself, thinking they could defeat us. (well maybe I was a little scared). After watching Bo atempt to mount a dragon and realizeing it’s a bit hardder than mounting a horse, I focused on bringing them down so Bo can tak down the riders on the ground. Rage consumes me as I see Takhisis so close yet know I can’t hit her. I’m coating evry arrow with acid and hitting these dragons as hard as I can. Every time aiming for the neck.   They seem to be targetting one at a time. First Laina, then Manon and Kaylan then focus on me. They hit hard but I will not show Takhisis any weak ness. At one point, i am nocked down to a knee but quickly stand. Thankful I have friends with healing power that kept me standing.   Takhisis finalli realized her minions were no match for us and left before we wiped them out. Y else would any one retreat but in defeet. Bo shoves a very bitter drinke down my throat. I was fine but it did cover some of the pain. Kaylon also forced healed me as we walked to the air ship.   We find Myza working hard. She gives us a list of items to find. Many of the things I have never hered of but will try to help. Once on the ship I will have to talk to Manon about why she is so important to Takhisis and warn her to not get in my way.   -all for you my Bear-

Deth to Scorepions

I am eager to asist in transformming this place from a desert wasteland back into land flowing with greenery. Since our time at Heckle, every evening before I go to sleep, I have been practiceing with my Cobra bow and axes. I never realized how beneficial Tristan’s “training” with the blindfold would be. Even in the dark I can sense things around me. Bo woke up not feelling well. She had to stay back. I hope she will be ok. I don’t know what I’ll do if she can’t continue with us.   We met up with the leader of RTS, Galnu. She’s a beast. Tall with flowing fire hair that doesn’t burn. Madlyn and her did not get along. Sometimes I think it is difficult having two strong leaders in the same area. Thankfully a duel did not ensue.   Galnu wasn’t sure about a device but sent us on a mission to figure out the water stuff.   Finally, a place in the dark. I led the way through the water pipe making sure to stay out of the light. Good thing Laina thought better and we checked out the room with the hatch. We found one of Galnu’s people. Unfortunately stabbed by something or someone with poison coming from the wound. Also in the room was a very large device full of buttons. Thankful to have Myza to help with that. She’s lucky she’s useful or I don’t think she would last long in our group.   I faled the group and should have led into the next room. I didn’t relize it did not have light like the room we were in. More of those damn scorepions popped up. Apparently we stumbled upon their nest. I remember how hard they hit.   I sprung into action and gave the first scorepion everything I had. I hurt it pretty bad, but it was still able to get one attack on me. Even bloodied and battered that fucker still hurts. My companions made short order of the rest of him which freed me from his grasp. I then hid in the shadows and prepped my next acid arrow, that scorepion didn’t even see it coming until he felt it pierce his neck and the acid began to eat at it’s shell.   Myza then did her work on some cables while I recovered a bit. And boom, water and rain and sleet and sun and mud. All the weather all at once.   Galnu was not a fan of us talking about airships and then our attempt at hiding info on the airships. Hopefully, between Manon telling her everything else and Kaylan’s attempt to make peace. We can part with no hard feelings. Galnu is just looking out for her people.   I spent my time during the rain watching Galnu and Kravlon interact. I love watching those subtle moments when they pass close to eachother and just look into eachother’s eyes. I hope that I can have what they have again some day. They better cherish this time together as you never know what the next moment will bring.   Manon found another wizard friend. These magic people are everywhere.   The rain clears and all the sand has washed away to leave coblestone streets and the remnants of what once was. Maybe I’ll come back here someday and see what animals have moved into the area.   Look, here comes Bo (and Myza). I rush out to meet up with her. Her color looks much better. I’m so happy she is ok! Off to find an airship and dragons.   -all for you my Bear-

For you my Bear

I will be bettter, be stronger. Evry night wile some meditate, I will be shootting those arrows until my fingers bleed.   We make it to the spot Myza found. I guess I will take this desert over the walls of a city. As we are digging Manon alerts us to a disturbance. I will take down these scorpeeons with this amazing new Cobra bow that Madalyn and Laina got for me. That cuppled with my acid arrows crafted by Bo and Kaylan will help destroy these scorpions but damn to they hit hard. That hurts. So thankfull I have smart people in my new “family” that figured out the way out of this fight we were clearing not going to win. Down the sand vortex we go.   We land at the bottom of the vortex and first thing I do is look over to Bo as the last thing I remember is her getting hit by those scorpeeons. She looks hurt bad. So many thoughts racing through my head, I can’t loose Bo too. I rush over and heal some of Bo’s wounds. Guess this magic stuff’s not all bad. While I’m no healer like Kaylan, I think it will get Bo back on her feet. As we all shake off the sand, we are greeted by Gileon (more about him later). He informs us that the scorpeeons were one of the trials he has for us. The next involved learning something from this massage old library. Definitely does not sound like a fun time but here we are trying to “appease” a god again. *giant eye roll*   Bo oddly did not want me to come with her but I didn’t want to pri. Later she tells me all about mom’s clothes and how she is from a place called Kalaman and she was wellthy. Why would she be so far from home, and a lowly farmer barely able to make ends meet? Things just don’t make sense. I feel as tho Bo and I need to visit this city (UGH) to try to find out more.   I learned that back when this library was above ground there were gigantic animals that roamed the grasslands. Unfortunately no beneficial information regarding animals we may encounter or how to trap magical beasts. I also studied a map from before the cataclysm. My did the map change since the mountain was thrown. Gods sure do have some tempers.   Since I had never even heard of an airship prior to Myza, I decided I should learn a little bit about it. I read an instruction manual so that I am ready to help fly this airship Myza is going to find. Myza thinks I don’t know anything, but I read the book. At least she agreed I could help her navigate. Myza will have to sleep at some point then I can prove I can fly the ship. Just like I steered those horses.   After we pass this learning trial, Gileon gives us some more info. I really don’t understand these gods. They appeare to be sooooooooo powerful yet let aweful things happen even to those that serve them like their champeeons. Quite honestely, life was better before all these gods came back and began meddeling agin.   But here we are (audible sigh), going on a mission for the gods.   Thestral finally was able to reveal his true form!!!!!!!! He is a beautiful gold dragon. I definitely like this version of him better than his “gerbil” form. And apparently he is integral to us completing our next missions.   But first we will restore this land to the beuty that it once was. I can’t wait for this sand to turn to grass!   -all for you my Bear-

My Mission

Wile this mage/magic stuf still seems a little off to me, Zander the lady in charge did provide some info. Someone got pretend-killed and another almost pretend-died. Good thing it was all just a game, you know? But now I know, dragons are super tuff! I'm used to fighting boars and bears but dragons? They're a hole new level! They're smart and magical and realy hard to beat. But guess what? I found out how to beat them, with arrows Bo made me! I hit their weak spot twice!   Zander's sending this nome, Myza, with us. She wants to find an airship, which sounds cool. Maybe she'll let us borrow it! But man, she talks so much, my ears hurt.   Zander provided me with a map to Tarsis. I didn’t realize that our journey would take us through Heckle. I had not thought of ever going back there. I don’t know if I can handle going back. I still keep his necklace hidden as it immediately takes me back and I just want it all to end- the pain, the hurt, the memories.   But I guess I’ll have to face it all in a few days.   *New page/entry*   As we approached Heckle, the sounds of the birds and smell of the flowers, my senses immediately transported me back to the smell of burning flesh and freshly spilled blood, the sounds of the screams of everyone i have ever known.   *tear droplets begin to appear on the page*   I went over to Dad’s grave. Still mostly how we left it with some plants starting to sprout. I was never very close to Dad as he and Bo were out tending to the farm most of the day. Bo told me how Mom gave Dad a bow that day. I wish I had known. He could have taught me so much. Why didn’t Mom and Dad teach us and Heckle to fight? Then maybe things would be diffferent.   I then turned around and there it was. Tristan’s grave. As I bent over to kiss his grave, his necklace fell out from underneath my shirt, still stained with his blood. My heart just hurt and I felt like I was drowning. I can’t do this anymore. I ran to the only place that I had ever felt safe and where he took his last breath. I collapsed onto my knees, necklace now clutched between my hands.   “how could you leave me, your Gwathren. Everything was perfect when you were here. Nothing has gone right since you left. We were supposed to do this together. People keep dying and i have even lost my perfect shot. Even this place, our place was defiled by those creatures.”   I was overwhelmed and could muster no more words, but a scream filled with all the pain and anguish from this past month.   *page now completely soaked, ink blurred*   “I will not let your deth be in vain. I will be better and will not rest until the dark lady has taken her last breth as she took yours.”   I don’t know how long she had been there but I felt something fall into my hands as I kneeled there. Eyes so wet I could no longer see clearly, struggling to catch my breath between sobs. I looked down and it was one of Kaylan’s bracelets. I didn’t have the energy to respond but it brought me peace to not be alone. I hope she culd tell how much it ment for her to be there.   I left the woods with a new resolve to be the best that I can be. For Tristan, for Dad, for Heckle. I now where his necklace out to keep me going, keep training, keep getting better and stronger. To remind me of my mission- save Mom, end the Dark Horned Lady and anyone who aides her, avenge Tristan.   Bo said that she had some time to look in the house and came out with more questions than answers. Mom had a chest with stuff that she had never seen anyone wear before, stuff people with money wear, not farmers. Why would Mom keep things a secret? What was she hiding? All the time Mom and I spent together cooking and gathering, and she never shared any of that with me.   *Next page, new day/entry*   While weary from our time in Heckle, I was able to navigate our way to Tarsis without issue. The dwarven cities were fascinating. While I enjoyed the shadows of the caves, I prefer to have sky overhead and the fresh air. I wonder about Laina’s clan’s past. Someday I hope she is ready to share. But I will not pry and will wait for her to be redy. Tarsis is fascinating. Ruins from the past are all around yet the people seem happy and looking forward to the future.   Apparently after we wake up from our afternoon nap, we will be traveling to a rock and doing some digging. Let’s see if it was worth traveling with Myza.


I was trying to get beter with my bow cuz sometimes it feels like everyone thinks you gotta be super strong to be good at stuff. But I'm not the strongest. I tried to act stong and picked up the bag of swords. But my back was all like, "Why are you doing this to me?!" But i did it.   I saw the red bird holding the cat and couldn’t resist. I had to prove that I was useful even tho I might not be as strong as Bo. I saw a chance to show I could be useful, even if I'm not the strongest like Bo. I was able to put that cat out of it’s misery and prove the value of this bow.   Darma, she's okay, I gues. Not my favorite person in the world. She's kinda bossy. But she does nice things too, like letting Bo make stuff. And Bo made some really cool new arows for me, which is awesome. But Darma had to go and say something mean about how strong I am. I wish people would understand that being strong isn't the only thing that matters.   So, Bo and Kaylan went off to buy some stuff, like potions or ingredints. I'm not exakly sure what they were looking for. I desided to hang out with Bo because, well, I wanted to. The little twat owner stole my fuckin necklace. I could care les about those arows she stole and broke but the necklace...... How she even new it was there is one thing, I've kept it secret and safe because I don't wanna remember that sad day but it is all i have left of Tristan. Nobody, and I mean nobody, is supposed to touch that necklace unless they really understand how impotant it is. Kaylan seemed to think the twat was usful so I did not hurt her just maybe made a little mess for her to clean up. It pales in comparison to the disrespect she showed. But then, she thought she could trick me with one of her potions. Ha! As if. I showed her that wasn't going to work on me.   Anyway, I just wish people would understand that being strong isn't everything. There's so much more to being useful and important than just strenth.


I miss you! It feels like I'm no good at any thing without you. Stuff I used to do easee now feels super hard. I couldn’t even pik a rustee lock. How can I beat the horny lady and find mom if I can't even pik a lock? Nothing has gone rite since you left me.   Some of my frends are talking bout talking to "gods" now. I think things were better befor that happenned. Everything's different now.   But luckily, Bo's ben helping and covering for me. I don't know what I'd do without her.   “Tired of feeling lost Tired of letting go..... Tired of wasted breath Tired of nothing left..... Failure”


Thes past few days on the road traking the vile cretures of the Horny Lady have sharpend my eyesight but aparently I am a little road weary driving this cart. Good thing I had Bo to help with the driving. I saw some mean solders piking on a lady and her friend, so we decided to be heros and save them. And guess what? We did it! We even rescued a bunch of people who needed help. Bo is really good at talking me out of feeling sad and wanting to leave. Some times I worry that we're causeing all the bad stuff to happen, but Bo doesn’t think its us. I was so distracted thinking about all the deth that has seemed to follow Bo and I, that I couldnt do anything right. I couldn’t steer the wagon and when Bo atempted to jump I threw off her balance. Then I tryed to rescue her from one of the soldiers and nearly shot her with my arrow. Thank goodness for the rest of our group and that the lady, Laina, and her companion, Mott, are also very resourceful. It seems that they have also had their share of heartache and death along with an encounter with the horny Lady.   Laina mentioned that she may have seen mom. While I’m happy to hear she is still alive, but for what purpose? What horrors is the horny Lady putting her through? We must find and rescue her.   I was happy we didn’t stay long in Fangoth. The people there were nice enough, but I’m just not fan of all the walls and stone. The pie tasted yucky. My tummy still feels funny. I finally got to talk to Thestral, but he didn't really tell us much. I thought maybe he could help us find some important info, but nope, just a bunch of weird gestures and noises. I don’t know what Thestral is, but he is no gerbil. Kaylan thinks I just can’t do magic good enough, but I have seen enough magic that I could handle this simple thing. But what if I am really bad at magic too just like driving and shooting my bow. I will have to practice to see if Kaylan is right.   We are now headed to another big city. I am willing to go any where if it holds hope to find mom or finding the horny lady so she can pay for what she has done.


Am I cursed? It feels like bad things happen wen I'm arond.   Ever since that first arrow struck, all that has followed is deth and bad luck.   First, we got atacked in the woods, and our new friends family member was murdered. We were arested and stuck in the tightest most aweful place ever. (I have learned that I am not a fan of citys. There is no space to roam and it feels so cold and emotionless.) Luckly our companions have friends here that helped us escap as even I could not find a way out of that place.   In the prison, we saw more lizard folks. They always bring troble. When I saw Bo hurt, all the anger rose up within and I was able to get off 2 shots with my bow.   Every time we escape one problem, another one shows up. We outran a dragon who spit acid breth. Easy work really, runing on rooftops. I helpd Bo up after she was noked over, maybe one of these days she will realize I can handel things too. Then I drove those horses as fast as I could away from the city. I will be fine if we never go to a city again.   But, I couldn't drive fast enough, and this wierd green magic took the soul of one of our new frinds. It's so strange. I’m not sure what I think of this magic giberish. On one hand, I feel like our friends have been very helpful (and defintly helped keep us alive). However, it also caused this. Life was simpler (better?) before all this magic stuff was around.   Thersha was here, and then she was gone. How can we fight something that can kill us without us seeing it? I did not know Thersha well, but she seemed nice.   I can't help but think maybe I'm cursed, and if these people never met me, Thersha and grandpa Mary might still be alive. Maybe everyone would be better off if I continued this journey alone. Maybe they would be safer that way.


I feel both everything and no thing. It hurts a whole bunch, but sometimes I feel like nothing is there. I fear if I stop moveing, I will never be able to get back up. I don't want Bo to see me not being strong, so I keep walking. When I sleep all I see are flashes of that day the arrow in Tristan’s neck, Heckle in flames, Dad dead. At least I can focus on these tracks.   Then me and Bo heard some really loud talkers which interupted our silence. Maybe they can help us find the Dark Horned Bitch. We talked to them and it was a good idea. They might know where she is. They've seen her too, and one of their friends might have clues. But I’m not sure about them and some of the strange things they can do.   Aparently, danger now just follows me and Bo as more scary creatures came out of the forest. Me and Bo mostly held our own with some help from our new companions. I wish Bo would just trust that I can take care of myself. I was fine and didn't need her help. Instead, she killed one and it turned me to stone.   I don’t know what to think of our new companions. I don't trust them a lot because of tattoos, bananas, and magic stuff, but they helped us and I'm willing to do just about anything to avenge Heckle and Tristan. They don’t appear to be a threat to me and Bo and the one named Kaylan did heal that nasty gash on my back so for now I will continue on the road with them. All this talk of some secret liquid to help their friend just seems to be hogwash to me. Back in Heckle we would just give a good bottle of whiskey and that would settle about anyone down.   We're going to a city called Lemish. I don’t like cities; I want to be back in the woods. Bo made me stop and rest, but I was fine. Bo's eyes were just getting tired. If I stop then I feel. And that hurts.   Kaylan asked my favorite color. In the past I would have answered green like the forest but I answered black like the void of where my heart was.   We reached Lemish, but I don’t like it. I want to be back in the woods. I feel trapped in these walls. I was trying to find a way out when there was a big explosion. It seems like death followed us, and our link to the Dark Bitch is gone.   All seems lost and hopeless.


I will never forget the pane of this day. Everything has changed. Tristan, Dad, and the rest of our village is gone. Just like that. This day will haunt my dreams. I will never forget the pane the dark lady caused me.   The evening was just like any other day on the farm. Ma and I finished with our chores and were helping Dad and Bo cut wood. Until I notice Tristan bekoning me into the woods. I should have heard the danger comeing but I was so focused on the sound of his footsteps and his scent, everything else was far off in the bakground. That was until I heard the sound of his deth.   I let the fear/anger and energy flow through me. I piked up the bow next to me and quickly disposed of the creatures that had caused this atrocity. The anger and sadness making my arrows the most acurate and dedly they have ever been.   I am familar with every creature in these woods and have never seen anything like these hideous beings. One spills their acidic blood on me, but my body is numb to pane. Next this bitch with black horns appears, I fire the truest shot with my bow and the arrow just crumples as it hits her. She then grabs me with these talons, says I’m “to young” throws me into a tree then vanishes. Who or what is she?   I return home and find deth and destruction. Thankfully Bo is alive but she is different. She tells me the dark bitch with the horns took Ma and Dad is dead. She also speaks about Ma and Dad acting “different.” But my thoughts trail off, unable to focus as the adrenaline fades and reality begins to settle in.   I head back into the woods to find Tristan’s body, arrow threw his neck. I carefully remove the arrow and strain every muscle in my body to bring him back to the farm for a proper burial. Removeing his necklace to carry with me in his memory. I will avenge his and Dad’s deth if it is the last thing I do.   -Zylah


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! It can’t be. How can you be gone?! I am not prepared to continue on without you. My heart aches without you. You are what kept me going through these mundane days. You made life exciting. I will keep this piece of you with me until the day I am able to join you (referring to picture of necklace). I will avenge your deth my love.   Forever yours.   Your Gwathren


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Mar 23, 2024 18:20

vengeance is the best motivator, I approve

Apr 9, 2024 00:01

omg, just seeing this lol! And agree! I can't wait for Dell and Zy to join together to take her down!!! They are either to be best friends or in strict competition.