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House rules, Magic

Sources of Magic

  The world of Krynn is covered in a weave of magical energy, even though most being in the world isn't aware of it. It is not clear exactly what is the source of the magical energy in the weave, but what is clear is that if the energy is correctly channeled it can be used for magnificient feats of wonder. The channeling of magical energy is separated into three distinct groups; channeled by the spellcaster (also classified as arcane magic), channeled through the spellcaster (also classified as divine magic) or channeled through a magical item (also classified as item magic).    

Arcane magic

Magic channeled by the spellcaster   When magic is channeled by the skilled or inert talent of being casting the magic, it is classified as arcane magic. An example of this includes the magic cast by wizards and sorcerer. The channeling of magic energy by an individual is difficult, strenous and not without risk if the caster looses control of the magical energies. Channeling magic is this way requires training, but it also requires mental energy and each attempted cast of a spell will cause a temporary drain of the beings mental energy (see the sidebar).   Arcane magic is the domain of the Mages of High Sorcery and users of the craft are collectively called mages. It is the organisation's belief that untrained uses of Arcane magic is not only dangerous to the individual, but can also pose a risk to their surrounding society or even the entire world. Therefore users of Arcance magic, mages, are tracked by the organisation and are encouraged to enter the test of high sorcery. If the mages completes the trials succesfully they can join the ranks of the Mages of High Sorcery and receive training in spellcasting. If the mage fails the trails, they usually die. If the mage refuses to take the trial or if they someone survive failing the trial, they are strongly encouraged to stay away from any use of magic and especially the higher forms of magic (2nd level spells and above). If a mage leaves or is thrown out of the Mages of High Sorcery, they are likewise forbidden to practice any of the higher forms of magic they have learned. Mages who practice magic in defiance of the organisation are deemed renegaes and members are duty bound to report and oppose such renegades.    

Divine magic

Magic channeled through the spellcaster   When magic is channeld through the spellcaster rather than by the spellcaster by the powers of some other entity, it is classified as divine magic. An example of this includes the magic cast by clerics and paladins. The channeling of magic energy in this way does not normally drain the energy of the caster, since the channeling of the magical energy is actually performed by the other entity through which the magical effects are achieved. However, the casting of divine magic is dependent on the good will of the entity being called upon to perform the magical effect as well as the strength of the connection. If the entity is distracted, indifferent or otherwise unavailable to answer the call of the divine caster, then the magical effect will not occur.   The common belief at the time of the setting is that the old gods abandoned the world of Krynn after the Cataclysm and have not answered calls of the use of divine magic for centuries. Therefore divine magic is almost completely absent in the world of Krynn in this point in time.    

Item magic

Magic channeled through a magic item   Some magical items allows magical energy to be channeled through them to release a magical effect embued in the item. The use of magic through such a magical item does not cause a drain of mental energy on the user of the item, but rather expends magical energy stored in the item itself. Some items only support a single release of their magical effect or are consumed through their use, while others allow multiple uses. Some items will even regain magical energy over time to allow repeated uses. Many magical items do not require any skill from the user of the item, while others require the user to become acquainted with the energies of the item (attuned to the item).

Mental Energy Drain Threshold

  A characters have a threshold for the level of mental energy drain (mental threshold for short) they can support without risk to their well-being. This threshold is calculated as follows:   mental threshold =
proficiency bonus * 2 + spellcasting modifier
    If a being's mental energy drain exceed that beings mental threshold, there is a risk of permanent consequences to both the mental and physical capacity.    

Mental Energy Drain of Spells

  Every cast of spells cast through Arcane magical channeling drains mental energy - where the amount of drained energy is dependent on the difficulty of the spell.  
  • Cantrips spells drain 1 point of mental energy
  • Leveled spells drain 1 + spell casting level points of mental energy

Effect of Rests on Mental Energy

  Mental energy can be regained through rests and thereby lowering the mental energy drain.  
  • After a short rest a being regains mental energy equal to its proficiency bonus
  • After a long rest a being regains mental energy equal to twice its proficiency bonus
  • After an extended rest a being regains all of its mental energy
  After any rest a being can additionally spend one or more Hit Die to regain further mental energy equal to its proficiency bonus.


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