
The mighty Vemenorian city of Kul'darim, located in @blackwood. A large valley behind the mountains of Eredorn. The grand captital of the Vemenorian people, heart of the Church of Veman and the seat of Templars of Veman.


Within its high walls there are several disctrics, all with a difrent purpose. The closer you get to the citadel and temple of Veman the open areas become more spacious and grand, with big towering statues with intricate carvings filled with gold and silver.
The disctrics themself are seperated from one another with smaller walls and with defensive structeres running along those walls. The disctics are on diffrent levels aswell, with the outermost disctrics beeing on the lowest level and the citadel at the highest point, overlooking its innhabitants.

In the outer disctrics, just inside the city walls you have the open markets, teeming with life. Traders, from all over Elanir, shopkeepers, and people who are buying the goods or just browsing the wares.

The next districts is the housing disctrics where the majority of the cities innhabitants live. The living standards of the people living in these districs are very humble, in comparrision to the higher levels of Kul'darim. But they are still very well of, compared to the rest of Kuarilia's innhabitants. These people are still considered rich outside the city walls.

Templar Districs
The next level containing the majority of the cities military. This includes the Templar training grounds, barracks and most of the officers houses. Some smaller templar barrackses are spread out on the lower levels aswell, often close to the inner distric walls. The third level houses even most of the administrative buildings such as the tax collectors, the Templars Scribes, and the adminsitrative part of the Church of veman.

Temple District
The highest level of the city consits of the most grand buildings. There are no people living here, except the royal family and its servants. It consits of the temple of Veman, the the royal castle and a magnefic guarden housing the two buildings.

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