Tullia Hornblower

Written by Omegateddy

Tulia Sharplight(her maiden name) was born and raised till 8 years old in the Vemenorian city Kul'Darim. She grew up with her father Danell Sharplight. Her mother Bethany Starlight passed away soon after Tulia was born. some say it was an assassination attempt on an officer in Kul'Darim. As a child Tullia was rather shy and calm. She was well raised with a lot of discipline and responsibility. This was to be excpected, for she was born into one of the families with high standing in the Vemenorian empire. She even might even had become a representative of the Vemenorian Empire one day if not for the tragic incident later on.  


Danell Sharplight was a kind but firm man who loved his family. The only thing he loved more was his Empire and its traditions. The Vemenorian is a proud people, but Danell was probably one its proudest. some say he was the Embodiment of justice and order. He was not a man of violence as some might believe.
Bethany Starlight too was too a very proud Vemenorian. She worked as a priest for the Church of Veman. She was a firm believer and followed the church's tenants very strictly. And raised Tullia to follow its ways aswell. Before she became a priest, she worked as a templar as well. She loved the comradery within the Templar circle and loved to help the Empires citizens every way she could. She served as a templar for almost 7 years and she never lost one bit of the love she had for the templar life and held it decree to a high standard, always. Every evening she polished her armor and sword with the same passion as day she became a templar. One day her squadron's officer recieved the orders for the day, as routine. they had been tasked with the supply of Darlog Tower.     Her father was an officer for the Templars of Veman. He was not fielded as much as the other officers, he was in charge of assigning day to day activates for some of the squadrons in the City. This led him to be close to the higher standing officers on a daily basis.     Tullia Hornblower, maiden name Tullia Rubygem, raised by dwarves but are Vemanorian .


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