With jaws that bite and claws that snatch the Zigelope is a predator every hunter fears to encounter. A relative of the Tigelope, this six-legged feline is known to patrol the craggy paths of mountainous regions. Usually slate blue in color, this variation is birthed when they drink water from the Crescent Cauldron and receive its blessing. This turns stripped fur a pristine white while long, angled antlers sprout just behind its ears.
Mokoto ascended the stairs of the shrine, broom in hand to preform the daily ritual of cleansing. Yet her steps were suddenly halted when she found her path blocked by the hulking form of a horned feline. Off-white stripes shimmered softly against its snowy pelt, barely visible in the sunlight. Its head, easily three times the size of her own, turned lazily so it could stare at the shrine maiden whose presence had disrupted its nap. It could surely devour her with just two snaps of its jaw. Yet instead the beast let out a massive yawn and stretched, rising its rump into air with a little wiggle before settling back down into the small patch of sun it had claimed for its own.
Gulping softly, Mokoto clutched the broom against her chest. It was the only way she could defend herself if the feline decided to attack but she held no illusions that would be nothing more than a toothpick to the beast.
Perhaps the shrine did not need to be cleaned today after all...
Basic Information
With a dense skeleton and boxy build, this feline is well suited for a life of mountain climbing. A third set of limbs and a tail spanning half the length of its body assists the Zigelope in its vertical lifestyle, allowing it to bound across the craggy fields with far more grace then the quadrupedal prey it hunts. Half sheathed claws the size of a sickle can extend from large, dexterous fore paws to catch whatever poor creature it has decided to feast upon.
Its fur appears to be pure white at first glance, but if caught in the right light one can see the faintest hint of stripes. From behind its triangular ears sprout massive elk-like horns and with a frame as large as a rowboat these new appendages create an even more intimidating yet oddly regal silhouette.
Genetics and Reproduction
No members of this species has ever been observed reproducing. Imperial Scholars and Zoologists theorize that the blessing of the Cauldron's waters causes them to become infertile.
Dietary Needs and Habits
Zipelope are naturally carnivorous and hunt the various hooved herbivorous that live on the caldera's rocky yet fertile fields. However many members of this species have been observed intimidating, stalking and generally creating uncomfortable situations for humans. Zoologist's theorize that these creatures also feed off strong emotion and a human's complex mentality makes for an easy meal.
Additional Information
Some attempts have been made at domestication but all have ultimately ended in failure. Though it can be said that Zigelope enjoy human company, if only to feed off intimidating them. They are known to try and bait unwitting human's to pet their stomachs, trapping their hands in their vice-like grip once they do.
Average Intelligence
Zigelopes are not known to maul people without reason. They demonstrate a keen, if child-like, intelligence that revels in causing mischief and inconvenience, often choosing to nap at locations with heavy in foot traffic at various shrines and villages around the Crescent Cauldron
Perception and Sensory Capabilities
While their hearing and sight are exceptional, these spectral creatures seem to have an uncanny ability to perceive any intentions cast in their direction.
Scientific Name
Panthera antilocapra tigris
Conservation Status
Zigelope are considered scared creatures, as they bear the blessing of the Cauldron's waters. Hunting or harming these animals is considered taboo and should a person be attacked by a Zigelope they are expected to lay down their life in lieu of attacking the beast.
Average Height
4.8ft standing on all four paws
Average Weight
Average Length
Geographic Distribution
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