Barathos of the Deep

Handsome, impatient, chaotic (can be deep and intelligent, or unwieldy and crazy), loud.

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Investigating the Sewers

The group converses with different characters (captain Emberpyke, Lyn) and eventually gets the mission to go into the sewers to investigate for Kobold (with the Mirabar dwarf in their company). However, instead of heading towards the kobolds, the group tries to find Gary. After fighting a sewer alligator and a few rats, they find him and try to diplomatically get information from him in order to contact the Snow Fox. When Barathos realizes that Gary is not being forthcoming and trying to deceive them, he attempts to grapple the man in order to intimidate him, but Gary turns into a swarm of rats and summons a giant scorpion.   After Barathos nearly dying and the scorpion tearing the Mirabar dwarf in half, the group finally subdues Gary and kills the scorpion (and any rats that were present). They then question Gary and decide to bring the dwarf's corpse back to the church of Roke in order to see if a resurrection is possible.

Negotiations and Murder

As the team exits the sewers, they run into Haroath, the person that the Snow Fox wanted them to find. They go back to the church of Roke, clean up, report to Lyn (Winta's father). The team then has to choose how to deal with Mary Illyn. Barathos tries to influence the group to simply murder her, but the rest of the team wants to discuss. Barathos leaves and goes to the Golden Bed and rents a room to commune with the Kraken. The Kraken gives him a special drop and dagger, which allows him to murder Mary unbeknownst to his companions. The group meets with Mary Illyn (or an illusion of her???) and discusses a plan to create a sort of economic zone to somehow solve the situation diplomatically in the meantime. They get from her that they may accompany the soldiers of Zoltan out in the expedition northwards, in hopes to communicate with the Opopera and establish diplomatic links.   Once these negotiations are over, they head over to the Golden Bed where Barathos is wrestling with a soldier of Zaltan and wins. He then also wins a tug of war against Haroath, thanks to his advantage on his strength check.

Journey's beginning

At an inn, a strange dwarf approaches us, saying that he's looking for dragons. At first we think he's fooling around because no one has seen dragons in hundreds of years, but he shows us a kobold head and my partners seem to think he might be on to something. Autolycus creates a plan to get the guards thinking that the actual threat is individuals cursed by the Brey, so that they might start looking for the threats and acting on the dwarf's warnings. Barathos is not compelled by this quest but is in it for the fighting.   We leave the city through the eastern gate, looking for the Snow Fox. We go all the way up to a lighthouse, intimidate guards into telling us what's going on. Then head south, notice we are followed and confront the person... it's a detective of the city, he enlists our help to see what's going on in the warehouse to the south. We approach (very clumsily) the warehouse, fight starts, we kill 2 guards and incapacitate a third one. Session ends.


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