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Asteria Hammerfist

Brightest Flame Asteria Hammerfist

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Short but densely muscled.

Body Features

Tan skin with freckles

Apparel & Accessories

Wears lots of red, the color of her goddess. Her signature warhammer is never far.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Asteria grew up in a minor noble family in Knightstone, the youngest of 5 children. She always tagged along with her siblings and was usually quiet in the chaos of her family. She had a normal childhood without much of an incident and when she came of age, was married to man named Kaysen Fenrith. She didn’t know much about him other than he was the eldest son of another minor noble family that her family was trying to ally with.

Things with Kaysen were good for awhile. He treated her kindly and she saw her family regularly as she hadn’t moved out of the city. Then slowly things changed. Kaysen started drinking heavily and denying it. He forbade her from seeing her family or really ever leaving the house. He controlled every aspect of her life.

Then he started to accuse her of cheating with anyone that ever stopped by the house. He fired all of the male staff of the household and slowly the rest of the female staff as well, leaving her with only one other person, Madelynn. Kaysen expected Asteria to clean, cook and be at his beck and call through all hours of the day and night. When she didn’t measure up, he beat her.

The beatings eventually turned to more other more painful methods. Kaysen grew to love fire and burning Asteria with iron pokers and other bits of metal.

One particularly bad night Asteria lay on the floor in a puddle of her own blood, the smell of burned flesh filling her nostrils. He raged above her yelling about replacing her if she couldn’t take it. Maybe with Madelynn, her hand-maiden.

The thought of her dearest and only friend being subjected to the ministrations of her husband made something snap inside her. She called out to Ingsta, to whom she had been praying to recently, and a fire filled her. Despite her terrible wounds she stood up and faced her husband.

She reached out for the first weapon she could find, which just happened to be a fire poker her husband had been using on her not minutes before.

Kaysen didn’t expect any resistance and easily fell under Asteria’s divinely enhanced blows.

That day she left the house that had been her prison and she never looked back. She felt the call of Ingsta in her blood and traveled to White Haven to be trained. The once quite and demure child and wife had changed completely and changed her last name to reflect that change. She didn’t take shit from anyone, worked harder than anyone else and learned faster. The iron poker she brought with her was forged into the head of the warhammer that she still carries today, a constant reminder of her past.

She still bears the scars from her husband and no matter how much healing magic is used on her they don’t disappear. She rose quickly in Ingsta’s ranks and recently became Ingsta’s High Paladin, her Brightest Flame, and one of the generals of the army of Talinor.

Gender Identity





Temple of The Way, White Haven

Accomplishments & Achievements

Head Paladin of Ingsta known as The Brightest Flame

Mental Trauma

Abusive husband before becoming a Paladin.

Personality Characteristics


Serve her goddess to the best of her abilities and protect the people against tyrants.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Intimidating despite her stature, not great with being tactful.

Virtues & Personality perks

Faithful, loyal

Vices & Personality flaws

Temper, uses alcohol to get through tough nights


Good personal hygiene


Family Ties


Religious Views

Follower of Ingsta

Wealth & Financial state

The temple provides everything she could want or need. Any wealth she finds or is gifted goes into The Temple funds.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Brightest Flame
Year of Birth
1446 A.S. 30 Years old
Current Residence
Light Brown
Dark Brown and curly often pulled up in a mowhawl braid
140 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Dwarvish, Celestial

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