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Talinor is a northern country on an unnamed continent. It’s borders stretch from The Blackspine Mountains in the north and east, The Coldpspine Mountains to the southwest, the Vass Sea to the west and The Serene Deep to the southeast. Mostly a forested country with large swaths of plains and two large mountain ranges, Talinor covers about 100,000 sq miles. a few large rivers run from the mountains, The Vatn in the northwest and The River Noc to the south. The capital, White Haven, lies on an island in the south that is created by the splitting of the Noc into the Lun and Sol tributaries.

Districts of Talinor



King and Queen Talinor

Small Council


The humans blamed Maran for The Sundering but that was only a small part of a greater event. And they got the timing wrong. It’s been closer to 1500 years since the world was broken and the dragons disappeared. The fact that your friend there looks like he was attacked by one is highly interesting. Chaos and war erupted throughout the land after the cataclysm. Anyone who was slightly different was persecuted. Elves and goliaths were just just different enough to receive some backlash hence why we moved into secluded regions. The dwarves were mighty enough to carve out their own country to the north but Heriot to the south still suffers from need for bloodshed and conflict. The Unbreakable Warlord has conquered the southern half of the country and is trying to bring the other half under control but it is proving a daunting task.   During the war that followed The Sundering the humans of Talinor had to make some unlikely allies. The gnomes of the eastern mountains proved to be worthy and gave much in the way of support to the newly forming kingdom. In exchange for this help the gnomes were given the southeastern mountains, The Timberspine Mountains as they came to be known, as their home and were told they would be allowed to live in peace should they wish it. They were also asked to aid The Watcher of the South, should they ever have need. The gnomes took it upon themselves to always be ready to aid those that gave them a home so have maintained an army in readiness for the time it will be needed. Over the centuries the gnomes have made great scientific discoveries most notably in mechanics. They are the master tinkerers of Talinor now and are continually developing new ideas. They remain very isolated in their mountains and rarely venture forth unless it is to the capital to meet with the King, whoever that may be currently.         Major Events in the History of Talinor   0 T.E. - Founding of Talinor by Gareth Talinor. 507 T.E. - Queen Elspeth the Heroic defeats the wild tribes of the south. 1010 T.E. - Torrin Talinor the Builder, creates most of the architecture that is seen today in White Haven. Greatly expands all projects and builds two great bridges instead of the smaller ones across the rivers. 1446 T.E.- Battle of the Northern Plains: A short series of battles with the dwarves of the Northern Realm. The Firebrand family was deemed mostly responsible for the attacks and so war was not decreed against The Northern Realm. Though many still call it a war.


All children are given a basic education, or at least the opportunity to have a basic education. There are small schools throughout the major cities and smaller towns of Talinor and those that live outside these areas must still show that they are at least teaching their children to read and write. This has led to the literacy of the majority of the population in Talinor. While other higher education opportunities are available, most workers and laborers take up a trade, apprenticing with a craftsman to learn the skills necessary or performing simple manual labor. Those that show potential with magic can find a number of schools throughout the realm that will help them harness their power and teach them the ethics of being a spell caster. Those with musical talent beyond the normal scope usually end up in White Haven and Cantarian Bard College.
Founding Date
0 T.E.
Geopolitical, Country
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
Economic System
Mixed economy
Judicial Body
Policing force and judges of the law
Official State Religion
Neighboring Nations

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