A Long Time Waiting

In the ruins of the old temple above Galtar, patiently stooped atop their respective perches, there was an array of animals unlike the world had ever seen.
  The first, one might mistake for a large, black and white mouse, if not for it's extra-long tail, and long, feathered wings no other mouse in recorded history bore.
  The second, a small, glowing yellow fox, with oversized ears, and a tail that appeared much like a swarm of fireflies in a transparent cocoon of leaves.
  Third a weasel the color of baked earth, which grew plants from its body the closer one looked to the tail.
  Finally, a salamander with flesh the color of obsidian and magma, glowing gently with an inner flame.
  The salamander was the first among them to break the silence, "You know, I kinda thought that, when this all started up, they would, uh, come and see what was left of their old temple, being all important-like."
  "Well, I never heard that they're the brightest bunch, ya know," the wasel rattled, "Always turning ground before they look."
  "Aw, give 'em a chance, guys! They were just kids when this all went down, after all. I'm sure they've grown, and maybe they'll come take a look, now that they're back in town." The fennec glowed with anticipation.
  The winged mouse, ruffled its feathers, "Don't hold your breath, folks. Those kid's'll fly the coop again as soon as there's a chance, you mark my words."
  They settled back into their respective crevices, heaving a collective sigh of impatience, before welcoming the silence back.


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