Akisuke Nishio

Nishio Akisuke

Quotes & Catchphrases
Live in each moment.
There is no past, no future,
only this instant.

Concoiusness is this,
looking through cloudy water
blind to our True Selves.

The sun, it rises,
The new morning beckons us
to find a new life.

The sun goes to set,
bringing darkness to this day,
proving we have lived.

Each place is sacred
When life's meaning is found there,
shared for one and all.

Injustice arrives,
giving purpose to the blade
that cuts the tyrant.

Beauty like flowers
lives only for a season.
Love is eternal.

This anger will pass.
It will fall like rain from your
Unbroken spirit.

In battle's fierce heat,
Steel sings its song of courage,
Victory's embrace.

Blossoms, fleeting bloom,
Life's fragile dance, whispers gone,
Ephemeral grace.

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