

While Catathas has a diverse population, a majority of the populace is human, though Elven and Dwarven enclaves exitst as well. The Harbor District sees an increase in halfling density. Most other races are fairly rare within Catathas. Gnomish inventors from Prasodd visit regularly as well, and the city even has the rare honor of seeing a Prasoddi airship in the harbor


Catathas, much like the rest of Ayonore is largely governed by magically talented individuals. In Catathat, this group is called the Astral Council. The Sages of the Astral Council are selected based on their wisdom and knowledge, with a particular emphasis on astronomy. Leadership within the Astral Council rotates regularly, on a basis reflecting the passage of celestial events, like lunar cycles, or stars across the sky. The Sages often consult the stars for guidance as well, and while practical areas of governance are addressed through traditional methods, the Council often looks to the stars for omens and portents.

Guilds and Factions

Starlight Mariners
A prestigious guild of sailors, navigators, and shipwrights dedicated to exploring the seas and celestial navigation. The guild plays a crucial role in maintaining Catathas' maritime supremacy, ensuring safe and prosperous sea trade.
Astronomer's Consortium
Comprising scholars, astronomers, and mystics, this consortium operates in close association with the Celestial Observatory. They delve into the mysteries of the cosmos, share celestial knowledge, and organize events that celebrate the celestial wonders.
Artificer's Guild
This guild is a haven for artisans, enchanters, and magical craftsmen. They create exquisite magical artifacts, from trinkets to powerful enchanted items, contributing to the unique and magical atmosphere of the Mystical Tides Market.
Tidecallers' Circle
A group of skilled water mages and elementalists who revere the power of the sea. The Tidecallers' Circle plays a crucial role in maintaining the city's weather patterns, ensuring favorable conditions for both trade and celestial observation.
Cycle Keepers' Accord
A group of clerics and devotees who follow deities associated with the stars and the moon. They operate the Temple of the Three Sisters, conducting rituals, offering guidance, and fostering a sense of spiritual unity within the city.
Stellar Rangers
A guild of skilled scouts and rangers who patrol the outskirts of Catathas, ensuring the safety of travelers and investigating any celestial anomalies. They play a key role in expanding the city's influence beyond its borders.
Guardians of the Astral Roads
This faction is tasked with maintaining the Astral Roads, ensuring their magical integrity and protecting travelers who use them. They are skilled in both martial and magical arts, making them a versatile and essential force in Catathas.

Points of interest

Lighthouse District
The focal point of Catathas is the Lighthouse District, home to a lighthouse called the Astral Beacon, tasked with guiding ships into the harbor. Surrounding the beacon are inns, taverns, and establishments catering mostly to sailors and adventurers, including the world-famous Nameless Inn.
Celestial Observatory
Perched on a hill farthest from the coast, Catathas hosts a renowned observatory. Scholars and stargazers gather here to explore the mysteries of the night sky. The observatory's dome is adorned with constellations that come alive with soft luminescence after sunset.
Market of the Mystic Tide
A peculiar market, the Market of Mystic Tide adds a touch of magic to Catathas. Traders here offer enchanted goods, relics from the depths, and rare artifacts influenced by the city's supposed unique cosmic alignment.
Eclipse Arch
The natural arch spanning Catathas is a symbol of wonder. Locals believe that during solar eclipses, the arch channels mystical energies, attracting pilgrims and mystics seeking the transformative power of celestial alignment.
The Astral Roads
The Astral Roads serve as Catathas' local quick transport system. People within the city can use gates to The Astral Roads that dot the city which temporarily transport travellers onto a pocket within the Astral Plane. Once inside, signposts point the way to different districts within the city. Travelling throuhg the Astral Plane, it's possible to cross the city in mere moments.


Catathasan architecture blends traditional Froenian craftsmanship with more contemporary designs. Locally sourced stone dominates the cityscapes, but buildings are often accented with imported materials, creating a sense of blended architectual styles.
Catathas' skyline is dotted with towers, arches and tall domes, all adorned with intricate carvings, featuring ocean-themed art.


Catathas sits on Froenia's eastern coast, along the shors of the East Sea. The city itself rolls acroll the hills, which slope gently to the coastline.
Just off the coast, there's a natural stone arch that arcs gracefully across the bay, leaving an iconic shadow against the horizon as the sun rises. Locals refer to this as The Eclipse Arch

Large city


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