
In the extreme northern reaches of Thiolor, Everwinter waits, surrounded by vast open tundra, frozen lakes, and snow-capped mountains. Perpetual, bitter cold blankets the region, and the landscape is often serenely silent, thick with snow.

Guilds and Factions

Polar Explorers' Society:   The daring members of the Polar Explorers' Society embark on expeditions into the farthest reaches of the northern wilderness. They seek to uncover ancient mysteries, document rare wildlife, and expand the city's knowledge of its frigid surroundings.

Points of interest

Everwinter Citadel:   The height of the city houses Everwinter Citadel, a magnificent fortress, seemingly carved from the ice itself. The Citadel serves both as the seat of government and houses the ruling council and military might of Everwinter. Towering spires and grand halls are all adorned with magically preserved ice sculptures depicting past rulers.   Market Square:   The Market Square is a strangely bustling hub of activity, even in the coldest months.The traders that dare venture this far north gather to exchange goods, and merchants offer unique items crafted from the rare resources found only in the northern wilderness.   Everwinter Observatory:   Everwinter is renowned for its unparalleled views of the northern lights. The Everwinter Observatory, situated on a hill overlooking the city, allows residents and visitors alike to witness the mesmerizing displays of colorful lights that dance across the polar sky.   Everwinter College:   The College is an institution dedicated to the mastery of ice magic. Students from across Thiolor and beyond come to Everwinter to study the art of manipulating frost and cold. The college also plays a crucial role in defending the city with its skilled ice sorcerers.
Ruling/Owning Rank


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